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H. 3935
House Resolution
Sponsors: Reps. G.A. Brown, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bamberg, Bannister, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowers, Bradley, Brannon, R.L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clary, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, Collins, Corley, H.A. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Duckworth, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Henegan, Herbkersman, Hicks, Hill, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Johnson, Kennedy, King, Kirby, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, McKnight, M.S. McLeod, W.J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D.C. Moss, V.S. Moss, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Norrell, Ott, Parks, Pitts, Pope, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sandifer, Simrill, G.M. Smith, G.R. Smith, J.E. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Tinkler, Toole, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Yow
Document Path: l:\council\bills\rm\1212dg15.docx
Introduced in the House on April 14, 2015
Adopted by the House on April 14, 2015
Summary: Bishopville's Ashwood-Central High School Class of 1962
Date Body Action Description with journal page number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4/14/2015 House Introduced and adopted (House Journal-page 15)
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Whereas, the South Carolina House of Representatives is pleased to recognize the members of the Class of 1962 from Bishopville's Ashwood-Central High School in Lee County as they reunite to celebrate their fifty-third graduation anniversary; and
Whereas, nurtured by the kind and wise tutelage of Ashwood-Central's revered faculty and staff, the members of the Class of 1962 developed into mature adults and trustworthy citizens. Under the able leadership of Principal J.R. Grantham and Assistant Principal Garvice Hancock, and with the expert administrative assistance of Mrs. Faye Brown as school secretary, the Class of 1962 advanced toward the goal of high school graduation. Mrs. Phyllis Blackman, Mrs. Corolla Stuckey, Mrs. Betty Truesdale, Mrs. Rebecca Scott, Mrs. Fair Smith, and Mr. R.B. Gentry taught them well, Mr. Ted Lee directed the school band, Mr. Garvice Hancock and Mrs. Ann Hancock coached basketball, and Mr. Hancock also coached baseball, all giving their best to their students; and
Whereas, graduates of the Ashwood-Central High School Class of 1962 include Mary Altman Campbell, Annette Barnes Childers, Betty Beasley Peelman (Ron), Danny Berry (Wilma), Patsy Caughman Jennings, Janice Davis Wolverton (William), Vernell Blankenship Corbett, John Boykin (Carlene), Willie Ruth Bramlett Edwards, Grady Brown (Laura), Thomas Catoe, Barbara Caughman Mitchell (Aubrey), Jean Davis Hodge (Harry), Don Hancock, Thomas Hancock (Brenda), Bernice Holloman (Norman), Ernest Jones (Gwen), Alice Lee LeBleu, Eddie Mae Logan Reynolds, Charles McCaskill, Eldridge McLeod (Judy), Carlene Moore Boykin (John), Malcolm Nesbitt, Linda Privett Truett (Harold), Vivian Rabon Atkinson (Lewis), Wayne Ray, Jack Segars, Ann Thames Watkins (Michael), Ed Turner, W.L. Watts, and Sue Woodie Gladden; and
Whereas, in the intervening years since their graduation on May 31, 1962, many joys, life accomplishments, and sorrows have come to this group of friends and classmates. Chief among the sorrows has been the passing of nine of their cherished high school friends, Mary Altman Campbell, Patsy Caughman Jennings, Alice Lee LeBleu, Jack Segars, W.L. Watts, Malcolm Nesbitt, Sue Woodie Gladden, Jean Davis Hodge, and Wayne Ray; and
Whereas, after graduation, class members went their separate ways to make a living and a life for themselves all becoming accomplished in their fields, as well as caring moms and dads; and
Whereas, in recognition of more than half a century of achievement on the part of Ashwood-Central High School's Class of 1962, the House of Representatives takes great pleasure in saluting the class and in welcoming them as they visit the State House today. Go, Rams! Hats off to the gold and blue! Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:
That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, by this resolution, recognize and honor the members of the Class of 1962 from Bishopville's Ashwood-Central High School and celebrate their reunion in Columbia.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to each member of the Ashwood-Central High School Class of 1962.
This web page was last updated on April 17, 2015 at 11:25 AM