- Appropriations Bill, General (GAB), (H.3720 , R128)
- (See additional GAB actions following History: votes;
- Read the first time, Referred to SFC
- Printed Page 1490, Mar. 15
- Comm. Report Adopted, Am., Deb. Inter.
- Printed Page 1933, Apr. 4
- Reports of Subcommittee Chairmen
- Printed Page 1934-1935, Apr. 4
- Am., Read the 2nd Time
- Printed Page 2018, Apr. 5
- Read the Third Time, Ret. to House
- Printed Page 2081, Apr. 6
- Bill Ret'd. to Sen. w/ Ams.
- Printed Page 2675, Apr. 26
- Nonconcurrence in House Ams.
- Printed Page 2675, Apr. 26
- Conf. Comm. appointed
- Printed Page 2815, May 3
- Report of Committee of Conference Adopted
- Printed Page 3518, Jun. 6
- Conf. Report adopted, Enrolled for Ratification
- Printed Page 3521, Jun. 6
- Ratification of Acts (R128)
- Printed Page 3549, Jun. 6
- Vetoes (See VETOES, (See pages )
Votes (See VOTING, Roll Call Votes)
- Motions:
- Staff on Floor
- Printed Page 1934, Apr. 4
- Senator LEATHERMAN asked unanimous consent to make a motion that the Report of the Committee on Finance be adopted, with all members reserving the right to raise any Points of Order and to offer amendment without regard to questions of degree.
- There was no objection and the motion was adopted
- Printed Page 1934, Apr. 4
- On motion of Senator LEATHERMAN, with unanimous consent, staff members from the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office were authorized as necessary to be in that area behind the rail and, further, that Finance Committee staff and other staff designated by the President Pro Tempore were admitted to the floor of the Senate Chamber while debate was in progress on H. 3720, the General Appropriations Bill.
- There was no objection and the motion was adopted
- Printed Page 1934, Apr. 4
- On motion of Senator MASSEY, with unanimous consent, the Senate agreed that the staff of the Senate Finance Committee be allowed to prepare the necessary technical correcting and balancing amendment to be delivered to, and certified by the Clerk, and for the amendment to be adopted upon his certification for inclusion in H. 3720
- Printed Page 2081, Apr. 6
- Points of Order (See POINTS OF ORDER, Appropriations Bill)
Remarks (See REMARKS)
Statements (See STATEMENTS)
Vetoes (See VETOES)
Votes, Recorded (See VOTE, Recorded)
Votes, Roll Call (See VOTING, Roll Call Votes;- (See also SENATE/HOUSE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS INDEX)
- Capital Reserve Fund, (H. 3721, R 129)
- Read the first time, Referred to SFC
- Printed Page 1490, Mar. 15
- Committee Am. Adopted, Amen., Read the 2nd Time
- Printed Page 1984, Apr. 5
- Read the 3rd time, Returned to the House
- Printed Page 2194, Apr. 6
- Senate Nonconcurred
- Printed Page 2675, Apr. 26
- Conf. Comm. appointed
- Printed Page 2815, May 3
- Report of Committee of Conference Adopted
- Printed Page 3521, Jun. 6
- Conf. Report Adopted, Enrolled for Ratification
- Printed Page 3526, Jun. 6
- Ratification of Acts (R 129)
- Printed Page 3549, Jun. 6
Last Updated: Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 1:36 p.m.