South Carolina General Assembly
126th Session, 2025-2026

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H. 4122


Joint Resolution
Sponsors: Rep. Clyburn
Document Path: LC-0263SA25.docx

Introduced in the House on March 4, 2025
Education and Public Works

Summary: High Speed Rail System


Date Body Action Description with journal page number
3/4/2025 House Introduced and read first time (House Journal-page 10)
3/4/2025 House Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works (House Journal-page 10)

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A joint Resolution


to establish a high-speed rail system study committee to examine and develop a plan of action for a high-speed rail system in this state, to provide for the duties of the study committee, and to require the study committee to report its findings to the general assembly.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:


SECTION 1.  (A) There is established a High-Speed Rail System study committee to examine the needs and opportunities, together with corresponding economic development opportunities within this State, presented by high-speed rail and in conjunction with the Southeast High-Speed Rail Corridor (SEHSR), and to develop a plan of action for development of a high-speed rail system to tie into the SEHSR Corridor and, if feasible, to connect regions and cities of South Carolina with each other and with neighboring states.

    (B) The study committee is composed of the following nine members:

       (1) three members of the House appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;

       (2) three members of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate;

       (3) two members appointed by the Governor; and

       (4) one member from the South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Bank Board as appointed by the chairman of the board.

    (C) The Secretary of Commerce and the Director of the Department of Transportation, or their designees, also shall serve as members of the study committee.

    (D) The specific duties of the study committee in developing its plan and recommendations include the following:

       (1) study, assess, and develop effective and competitive plans for the design, construction, financing, and operation of high-speed rail service and intercity passenger rail service through and between points in this State and to other states;

       (2) study, assess, advise, and assist this State's efforts to coordinate federal, state, and regional planning that best establishes high-speed rail service in and through South Carolina; and

       (3) coordinate with counterparts in other states on the SEHSR Corridor and, in turn, study, assess and advise on matters which insure compatible long-term criteria are adopted and that optimum train scheduling is obtained to best provide high-speed rail service to all applicable regions in South Carolina, including through service passenger train options; and

       (4) study, assess, advise, and assist this State's efforts to maximize federal funding in support of the establishment of high-speed interstate rail service for certain parts of South Carolina as elements of the SEHSR Corridor.

    (E) The expenses of the study committee must be paid from the approved accounts of both houses. Staff of the Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce, and the General Assembly shall assist the study committee in the performance of its duties.

    (F) A member of the study committee shall serve without pay, but shall receive mileage, subsistence, and per diem as provided by law for members of state boards, commissions, and committees.

    (G) The study committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by January 1, 2026.


SECTION 2.  This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.


This web page was last updated on March 4, 2025 at 12:54 PM