South Carolina General Assembly
126th Session, 2025-2026

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S. 475


Senate Resolution
Sponsors: Senator Cromer
Document Path: SR-0282KM-VC25.docx

Introduced in the Senate on March 20, 2025
Adopted by the Senate on March 20, 2025

Summary: River Bluff Mock Trial


Date Body Action Description with journal page number
3/20/2025 Senate Introduced and adopted (Senate Journal-page 3)

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TO CONGRATULATE River Bluff High School for winning the 2025 We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution high school competition.


Whereas, the South Carolina Senate is proud to recognize River Bluff High School of Lexington for winning the 2025 We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution high school competition on January 30, 2025; and


Whereas, the We the People competition is sponsored nationally by the Center for Civic Education and locally by the South Carolina Bar's Law Related Education program; and


Whereas, We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution is an in-depth study of America with an emphasis on understanding the formation of the Constitution and its interpretation throughout history. Students compete in a mock congressional hearing and discuss critical issues regarding American government, the Founding Fathers, and current events, all based on a constitutional perspective; and


Whereas, the River Bluff team has flourished under the leadership and guidance of their teacher, Linsy Dooley; and


Whereas, the members of the winning team are Celeste Corley, Matthew Roldan, Emma Baez, Riley Brown, Corynn Cox, Adam McCown, Elle Boyd, Yasir Cromer, Krisha Patel, Ellie Truong, Luke Johnson, Devi Patel, Sean Fouste-Alvarez, Michelle Le, Kristen Weaver, Jacob DeMasters, John Gardner, Isabelle Childress, Maddie Spires, Andrew Hancock, Sierra Jansen, Eunwoo Choi, Eileen Zheng, Lauren Yarborough, Arianna Ganjehsani, Sam Wham, Bridie Castell, Denny Sasek, Sienna Woodley, Cael Edwards, Samantha Wilson, Rachel Schultz, Mary Taylor Campbell, and Lucy Near; and


Whereas, River Bluff High School will advance to compete in the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution National Finals at the National Conference Center in Leesburg, Virginia in early April 2025; and


Whereas, the members of the South Carolina Senate appreciate the pride and recognition that the River Bluff High School team has brought to its school and community and look forward to a future filled with further accomplishments by the team.  Now, therefore,


Be it resolved by the Senate:


That the members of the South Carolina Senate, by this resolution, congratulate River Bluff High School for winning the 2025 We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution high school competition.


Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to the River Bluff High School team; their teacher, Linsy Dooley; and the River Bluff High School principal, Jacob Smith.


This web page was last updated on March 20, 2025 at 11:14 AM