South Carolina Legislature

Vote History: H 3815 - Session 126 (2025-2026)
House Rules revisions
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Searching: All Votes - found 12
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Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
01/29/2025 08:28 pmAdopt House Resolution[H]-316338111000122Passed
01/29/2025 05:38 pmTable Amendment 12  Amendment number 12[H]-30643418600122Passed
01/29/2025 05:17 pmTable Amendment 8  Amendment number 8[H]-29693017600122Passed
01/29/2025 04:46 pmTable Motion to resolve into the Committee of the Whole[H]-2870389500122Passed
01/29/2025 04:43 pmTable Amendment 6  Amendment number 6[H]-27644310500122Passed
01/29/2025 04:20 pmAdjourn For The Day[H]-2643687400122Failed
01/29/2025 04:09 pmTable Motion to Recommit[H]-2564468400122Passed
01/29/2025 04:05 pmTable Amendment 2  Amendment number 2[H]-24654211400122Passed
01/29/2025 03:48 pmRecede[H]-2342688400122Failed
01/29/2025 03:44 pmAdjourn For The Day[H]-2244695400122Failed
01/29/2025 03:41 pmTable Motion to Adjourn Debate[H]-2164504400122Passed
01/29/2025 03:37 pmTable Amendment 1  Amendment number 1[H]-2064504400122Passed

Legislative Services Agency
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