South Carolina Legislature

Vote History: S 0062 - Session 126 (2025-2026)
Education Scholarship Trust Fund
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Searching: All Votes - found 22
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Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
02/27/2025 11:26 amPassage of Bill[H]-12380326400122Passed
02/26/2025 03:00 pmPassage of Bill[H]-11479382300122Passed
02/26/2025 02:52 pmTable Motion to Invoke Rule 3.9[H]-11390920300122Passed
02/26/2025 01:23 pmAdopt Amendment 15  Amendment number 15[H]-112109011200122Passed
02/26/2025 01:19 pmTable Amendment 14  Amendment number 14[H]-11177376200122Passed
02/26/2025 01:12 pmTable Amendment 13  Amendment number 13[H]-110574419200122Passed
02/26/2025 01:10 pmTable Amendment 12  Amendment number 12[H]-10976368200122Passed
02/26/2025 01:07 pmTable Amendment 11  Amendment number 11[H]-10875378200122Passed
02/26/2025 12:54 pmTable Amendment 8  Amendment number 8[H]-10777358200122Passed
02/26/2025 12:50 pmTable Amendment 7  Amendment number 7[H]-106763410200122Passed
02/26/2025 12:31 pmTable Amendment 6  Amendment number 6[H]-10578375200122Passed
02/26/2025 11:46 amAdopt Amendment 1  Amendment number 1[H]-10482326200122Passed
02/04/2025 01:26 pm3rd Reading[S]-17319240046Passed
01/30/2025 04:50 pm2nd Reading[S]-153212020046Passed
01/30/2025 04:46 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 42[S]-142618020046Passed
01/30/2025 04:19 pm2nd Reading[S]-13430030046Passed
01/30/2025 03:31 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 41[S]-123210130046Passed
01/30/2025 01:58 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 39[S]-113113020046Passed
01/29/2025 05:07 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 27[S]-93011230046Passed
01/29/2025 03:10 pmto adopt   Amendment number 14[S]-83011140046Passed
01/28/2025 03:14 pmto lay on the table  Amendment number 10[S]-62615050046Passed
01/16/2025 01:07 pmto adopt   Amendment number 1[S]-4372160046Passed

Legislative Services Agency
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