South Carolina Legislature

Will Lou Gray Opportunity School

LOC Subcommittee: Education and Cultural Subcommittee

LOC Subcommittee Chair: Hon. Joseph H. Jefferson Jr.

LOC Subcommittee Members: Hon. Tommy M. Stringer; Hon. Patricia Moore "Pat" Henegan; Hon. Neal A. Collins

Agency Website: Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School Official Site, Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School

Agency Head: Pat G. Smith

Study Contact: Pat G. Smith
Contact Email: [email protected]

Responses to online surveys posted on this Committee's webpage are provided verbatim as they were received by the Committee. They are not the comments or expression of the House Legislative Oversight Committee, any of its Subcommittees, or the House of Representatives.

The study of this agency was completed on October 4, 2019.
To view the study report, please click here.

  • Thursday, May 3, 2018, immediately upon adjournment
  • Full Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Discussion of agency begins at 2:12 in the archived video.
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Monday, January 14, 2019 - Public Input Meeting
  • Full Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Thursday, January 31, 2019, 30 minutes after adjournment
  • Education and Cultural Subcommittee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
  • Education and Cultural Subcommittee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Testimony of Stewart Cooner, Board Vice-Chair
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Thursday, February 28, 2019, 30 minutes after adjournment
  • Education and Cultural Subcommittee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Thursday, March 21, 2019, 30 minutes after adjournment
  • Education and Cultural Subcommittee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 10:00 a.m.
  • Education and Cultural Subcommittee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Friday, September 27, 2019
  • Full Legislative Oversight Committee
  • Meeting Packet
  • Discussion of agency begins at 49:00 in the archived video
    • Full and Subcommittee Study Reports
    • Subcommittee Study
    • Full Committee Study

    • Public Survey and Public Input
    • Public Survey
    • Public Input Meeting
    • Public Input received via House Legislative Oversight Committee webpage
    • Information will be added during the study

    • Correspondence
    • Committee Letter to Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School (May 9, 2018)
    • The Oversight Committee notifies the agency it has been selected for study.
    • Letter from Subcommittee to Agency (February 5, 2019)
    • Following the Education and Cultural Subcommittee meeting on January 31, 2019, the Subcommittee sent a letter to the agency asking for responses to questions about student characteristics and demographics, admissions policies, marketing, academics, board training, and SC Youth ChalleNGe.
    • Letter from Agency to Subcommittee (February 11, 2019)
    • This letter contains the agency�s response to the Subcommittee�s February 5, 2019 letter.
    • Letter from Subcommittee to Agency (March 6, 2019)
    • Following the Education and Cultural Subcommittee meeting on February 28, 2019, the Subcommittee sent a letter to the agency asking for responses to questions about testing, mental health providers, DSS reports, and drug testing policies.
    • Letter from Agency to Subcommittee (March 18, 2019)
    • This letter contains the agency�s response to the Subcommittee�s March 6, 2019 letter
    • Letter from Subcommittee to Agency (May 10, 2019)
    • In preparation for the meeting on June 11, 2019, the Subcommittee sent a letter to the agency requesting information on student opportunities, student activities, student discipline, staff, fundraising, board training, collaboration, marketing, and cyber security.
    • Letter from Agency to Subcommittee (June 3, 2019)
    • This letter contains the agency�s response to the Subcommittee�s May 10, 2019, letter.

    • History and Organization of Agency
    • History will be added during the study
    • Governing Body will be added during the study
    • Organization Charts
    • Information will be added during the study
    • State Human Resources Data
    • The documents below are provided by the Division of State Human Resources based on information the agency inputs into the South Carolina Enterprise Information System (SCEIS). The aggregated data about agency employees includes, but is not limited to, (1) Number of authorized, filled and vacant positions; (2) Education level; (3) Race by Generation; (4) Gender by Generation; (5) Number of full time equivalent employees by funding source; (6) Number of Service and TERI employees at the agency; (7) Number of employees eligible to retire in five years; (8) Number of Trial and Probationary employees by generation; (9) Average salary by payband; (10) Number of certified public manager graduates at the agency; etc.
    • Information will be added during the study
    • Annual Requests for Information (RFI)

    • Products and Services of Agency
    • Information will be added during the study

    • Goals, Spending, and Performance of Agency
    • Goals
    • Information will be added during the study
    • Spending
    • Information will be added during the study
    • Additional Spending Details
    • Performance
    • Information will be added during the study

    • Partners of Agency
    • Information will be added during the study

    • Other Reports, Reviews, and Audits
    • Overview
    • Information will be added during the study
    • External reviews performed by agency
    • Oversight Reports
    • Restructuring and Seven-Year Plan Report
    • 2016 Annual Restructuring Report
    • 2015-16 Agency Accountability Report
    • In 2016 the Oversight Committee worked with the Executive Budget Office to combine the information sought in the Annual Restructuring Report and Annual Accountability Report, into one report.
    • 2016-17 Agency Accountability Report
    • In 2016 the Oversight Committee worked with the Executive Budget Office to combine the information sought in the Annual Restructuring Report and Annual Accountability Report, into one report. Since that time the Agency Accountability Report also satisfies the agency�s requirement for an Annual Restructuring Report.
    • 2017-18 Agency Accountability Report
    • 2018-19 Agency Accountability Report
    • 2019-20 Agency Accountability Report
    • 2020-21 Agency Accountability Report
    • 2021-22 Agency Accountability Report
    • 2022-23 Agency Accountability Report
    • Program Evaluation Report Guidelines and Templates (July 17, 2018)
    • Program Evaluation Report Extension Request (Granted August 22, 2018)
    • Program Evaluation Report (November 19, 2018)
    • Other External Reports, Reviews, Audits, and Studies
    • Information will be added during the study
    • Internal Audits
    • Internal Audit Process
    • Information will be added during the study
    • Other Internal Reports and Information
    • Information will be added during the study

    • Laws and Regulations related to the Agency
    • Information will be added during the study

    Legislative Services Agency
    h t t p : / / w w w . s c s t a t e h o u s e . g o v