South Carolina Legislature

Rule 7


    7.1    If, upon a question by acclamation, the Speaker doubts, or a division be called for, the House shall proceed with a division vote by voting on the electronic roll call board. If the electronic roll call board malfunctions, the Speaker shall proceed to call the division vote by voice vote. When division votes are made by use of the electronic roll call equipment, no individual votes shall be recorded. The Speaker shall state: 'The pending question is........ (designating the matter to be voted upon)'. The Speaker shall then unlock the voting machine and announce that voting will proceed. He shall then sound the bell. Thirty seconds after the announcement of the commencement of the vote on the board, the Speaker shall then announce that voting is closed and shall lock the machine and instruct the Clerk to tabulate the vote on the electronic roll call board. The Speaker shall then announce the result of the vote.

    7.2    The House of Representatives shall take a roll call vote on second and on third reading when an amendment has been made on third reading for the following matters, whereupon the yeas and nays shall be ordered and shall be entered by name in the House Journal, the electronic roll call system shall be used, and the procedure provided for in Rule 7.3 shall be followed:

(1)   adoption of a Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of South Carolina;

(2)   adoption of legislation ratifying a proposed amendment to the Constitution of South Carolina;

(3)   adoption of a Bill or Joint Resolution establishing a fee or tax, raising an existing fee or tax, or reducing an existing fee or tax;

(4)   adoption of the Annual General Appropriations Bill and any individual section of it pursuant to Rule 5.3G;

(5)   adoption of a state or congressional reapportionment plan;

(6)   adoption of a Bill or Joint Resolution directly increasing or decreasing the salary, benefits, or retirement benefits of members of the General Assembly, elected officials of the Executive Branch, or members of the Judicial Branch;

(7)   adoption of a Bill or Joint Resolution amending the Ethics and Accountability Act or the Campaign Finance Act; and

(8)   adoption of a Conference or Free Conference Report pursuant to Rule 5.19c.

Provided, the House of Representatives shall take a roll call vote and shall enter the yeas and nays in the House Journal for the following questions:

(1)   a question for which the Constitution of South Carolina requires the yeas and nays to be recorded;

(2)   an election by the General Assembly or the House of Representatives except where the election is declared by unanimous consent to be by declaration;

(3)   adoption of an amendment to the Annual General Appropriations Bill where the amendment directly effects the raising or spending of revenue in the amount of ten thousand dollars or more;

(4)   a question of overriding or sustaining an Act returned by the Governor with objections;

(5)   a question for which ten members of the House request a roll call vote; and

(6)   a question of concurrence, nonconcurrence, or adoption of amendments to bills or joint resolutions returned to the House with amendments by the Senate.

    7.3    a.   When the House is ready to vote upon any question requiring the yeas and nays and the vote is to be taken by the electronic roll call system, the Speaker shall state: 'The pending question is...... (designating the matter to be voted upon)'. The Speaker shall then unlock the voting machine and announce: 'Roll call vote. Voting on the board'. He shall then sound the bell. Once the voting has begun, it shall not be interrupted, except for the purpose of questioning the validity of a member's vote before the result is announced.

b.   Two minutes after the bell has been sounded, the Speaker shall ask the question: 'Have all members present voted?' After a pause, the Speaker shall then lock the machine and instruct the Clerk to tabulate the vote on the electronic roll call board. The Speaker shall then announce the result of the vote.

c.   After the voting machine is locked, no member may change his vote and the votes of tardy members shall not be counted.

d.   Subject to the provisions of Rule 2.10, the vote as electronically recorded on the roll of members shall not in any manner be altered or changed by any person.

e.   No member shall vote for another member, nor shall any person not a member vote for a member. Any member who shall vote or attempt to vote for another member or a person not a member who shall vote or attempt to vote for a member may be punished in such manner as the House determines.

f.   Any member or other person who wilfully tampers with or attempts to disarrange, deface, impair, or destroy in any manner whatsoever the electronic voting equipment or who destroys or changes the record of votes thereon shall be punished in such manner as the House determines.

Provided, however, the minimum penalty for violation of Rule 7.3 shall be a public reprimand.

g.   The Speaker Pro Tempore or a member who has been appointed by the Speaker to preside may designate another member to cast his vote on any question while he is presiding in accordance with his instructions from the Chair.

h.   A member recorded as voting while absent from the Chamber shall present to the presiding officer an affidavit attesting to this fact. Any member may also report to the presiding officer his knowledge that another member was recorded as voting while absent from the Chamber. If the affidavit of the member whose vote is in question is presented within forty-eight hours of the vote, the presiding officer shall adjust the vote totals to reflect the affidavit and order action on the question in accordance with the adjusted vote total. If the member filing the affidavit or any other member has knowledge of the identity of the person who voted for him while absent, he shall present this information to the presiding officer who shall refer it to the Ethics Committee for consideration of any recommendation of punishment in accordance with this rule.

i.   Each member shall be issued one electronic card by the Sergeant at Arms to activate the voting console on his desk to operate the electronic voting system. That card may not be duplicated by the member nor may a duplicate be issued to a member. The card must not be left in the voting console at any time while the member is not within the outer doors of the Chamber. If a member loses his card, a replacement will be issued by the Sergeant at Arms at the member's expense. If a member is temporarily without his card while the House is in session, the Sergeant at Arms will provide a temporary card to that member at the member's request for that day only and that card may not be removed from the House Chamber.

    7.4   If the electronic roll call machine is declared by the Speaker of the House to be inoperative, the 'Yeas' and 'Nays' shall be taken by the Reading Clerk calling each member's name in alphabetical order and each member responding by answering simply: 'Yea' or 'Nay'. Each member who may be in the House when called may give his vote.

Provided, further, that when the electronic roll call system is being used to record votes, the doors shall not be closed and members shall be permitted to vote as provided in Rule 7.3.

    7.5   No member shall, under any circumstances, be permitted to vote after a decision shall have been announced by the Chair. After the decision of the question, a member absent may be permitted to record the vote he would have given if present, but such vote shall not affect the previous question.

    7.6   No member shall be permitted to explain his vote during a roll call, but may reduce his explanation to writing, in not more than 200 words, and upon filing said explanation with the Clerk, it shall be entered in the Journal.

    7.7   When the pending question is the passage of any bill or resolution on the contested Calendar on second reading, the yeas and nays shall be taken by roll call and the votes thereon shall be recorded in the Journal.

    7.8   A member of the House of Representatives may give his proxy to vote on matters before the full body to another member of the House of Representatives if that member is deployed by military order for federal military duty or state national guard duty to a combat zone for a period of more than twenty-one days during a legislative session. However, the member holding the proxy may not cast a vote for the deployed member unless the deployed member has specifically provided the voting member with written voting instructions, including, but not limited to, instruction transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail, with regard to the deployed member's position on the issue. The proxy on a particular question may be used upon unanimous consent of the members of the House present and voting provided the proxy vote does not change the outcome of the question.

Last Updated: 12/21/2022 12:00 PM

Legislative Services Agency
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