House Standing Committees
Chairmen, Telephone Numbers & Room Assignments
(*All room numbers refer to the Blatt Building)
Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environmental Affairs
(Fish, Game, Forestry, State Parks, Rural Development & Environmental Affairs)
| Subcommittee AssignmentsHayes, Ellie, Research Analyst
Stimson, Dustin R, Chief Legal Counsel
Education and Public Works
(Education, Highways, State House & Grounds, Railroad, Aviation)
| Subcommittee AssignmentsMcNair, Pierce, Dir. of Res.
Hall, Emma, Counsel
Webb, Macey, Counsel
Sheorn, Lauren N., Exec. Asst.
ContactTrask, Lauren, Chief Counsel
Chappell, Maggie, Asst. Legal Counsel
Ross, Grace, Exec. Asst.
Government Efficiency and Legislative Oversight
(Oversight and Review of Government Operations and Accountability)
| Subcommittee AssignmentsCarter, M. Lewis, II, Director
LaRosa, Charlie, Research Analyst
McCullough, Riley, Research Analyst
Franklin, Roland, Legal Counsel
Greer, Cathy, Admin. Coord.
Interstate Cooperation
ContactAnderson, Adam M., Admin. Coord.
Invitations and Memorial Resolutions
ContactThordahl, Kami, Exec. Asst.
Barrett, Candy, Receptionist
(Privileges & Elections)
| Subcommittee Assignments1 Vacancy
Crater, Kate, Chief Counsel
Hinson, James "Jimmy", Deputy Chief Counsel
Dobson, Jennifer, Chief Legal Counsel
Umsted, Truxtun, Asst. Legal Counsel
McQueen, Teague, Exec. Asst.
Labor, Commerce and Industry
(Labor, Commerce & Manufacturing, Banking & Insurance, Merchants & Mercantile Affairs)
| Subcommittee AssignmentsTriplett, Bryan, Chief Counsel
Starnes, Erica, Staff Counsel
Williams, Beth, Exec. Asst.
Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs
(Medical Affairs, Social Security, Penitentiary, State Hospital Police Regulations, Military Affairs, Veterans' Affairs)
| Subcommittee Assignments1 Vacancy
Brumfield, Ava M., Research Analyst
Walpole, Trey, Legal Counsel
Fears, Sherri G., Exec. Asst.
Operations and Management
(Personnel, Administration & Management of Facilities, Including Management of the Blatt Building)
Ex Officio Members:
Anderson, Adam M., Admin. Coord.
Regulations, Admin. Procedures, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
(State Agency Rule Making)
| Subcommittee AssignmentsPowell, Allyn H., Dir. of Res.
Neal, Donna, Exec. Asst.
Contact1 Vacancy
Chappell, Maggie, Asst. Legal Counsel
Ross, Grace, Exec. Asst.
Ways and Means
Contact | Budget Subcommittee Assignments | Legislative Subcommittee AssignmentsRoss, Meredith, Chief of Staff/Gen. Counsel
Foster, Julia Jones, Leg. Dir. and Comm. Counsel
Truesdale, Marc, Budget Director
Carlton, Foster Mills, Research/Budget Analyst
Forster, Abby Berquist, Research/Budget Analyst
Leneave, Jane, Research/Budget Analyst
Meetze, Stephanie L., Research/Budget Analyst
Staggers, Terikah, Research/Budget Analyst
Tooley, Ryan, Research/Budget Analyst
Trapp, Teesha, Research/Budget Analyst
Jackson, Kimberly G., Exec. Asst.