South Carolina Legislature


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
South Carolina General Assembly
120th Session, 2013-2014
Journal of the House of Representatives

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
(Statewide Session)

Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter

The House assembled at 1:00 p.m.
Deliberations were opened with prayer by Rev. Charles E. Seastrunk, Jr., as follows:

Our thought for today is from Genesis 41:40: "You shall be over my house."
Let us pray. Merciful God, we thank and praise You for the immeasurable care and protection You have given to these Representatives and staff during this session. Embolden their spirits to continue serving the people. Comfort them in times of trouble and despair. Thank You for giving these men and women companions for life's journey and loving and helping them in times of need. Look with mercy and compassion upon our Nation, President, State, Governor, Speaker, staff, these Representatives, and all who labor in these Halls of Government. Protect our defenders of freedom, at home and abroad, who risk their lives for us. Heal the wounds, those seen and those hidden, of our brave warriors. Until we meet again, hold us in the palm of Your hand. Amen.

Pursuant to Rule 6.3, the House of Representatives was led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America by the SPEAKER.

After corrections to the Journal of the proceedings of Wednesday, June 19, the SPEAKER ordered it confirmed.


Rep. FORRESTER moved that when the House adjourns, it adjourn in memory of Susan Hall Talley of Spartanburg, mother of former Representative Scott Talley, which was agreed to.


Rep. OTT made a statement relative to his service in the House.


The following was received:

June 26, 2013
The Honorable Robert W. Harrell, Jr.
South Carolina House of Representatives
P.O. Box 11867
Columbia, South Carolina 29211

Dear Bobby:

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from the South Carolina House of Representatives effective June 30, 2013.

I will be accepting an appointment as the Executive Director of the S.C. Farm Service Agency which is a division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

I have enjoyed serving in the South Carolina House of Representatives and especially my constituents in House District 93. I want to thank you for your friendship and support over the years and look forward to working with you in the future.

Harry L. Ott, Jr.

Received as information.


The following was received:

June 25, 2013
The Honorable Robert W. Harrell, Jr.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Statehouse, Second Floor
Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Dear Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives,

I am vetoing and returning without my approval certain line items in R. 120, H.3710, the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 General Appropriations Act.

This budget contains funding for a number of important initiatives, including more than $20 million to improve the state's information security practices and infrastructure, as well as to continue identity theft protection services for another year. This Bill also sets us on a path to invest more than $1 billion in our transportation infrastructure over the course of the next decade.

I'm just as pleased by what this budget does not include - Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, which we clearly can't afford. Today, I have vetoed Proviso 33.33, which would open the back-door to Obamacare. I hope you will sustain my veto so that we can continue to find homegrown, market-based solutions to the healthcare challenges we face.

The budget that has arrived on my desk contains countless earmarks, pass-throughs, and set-asides for various special interests. Although most of these are funded with non-recurring dollars, several items are slated for new appropriation lines in the General Fund. What is especially troubling is that, like a house of cards, this budget has been balanced by shifting more than $50 million of non-recurring revenues into Part IA of the budget. The commitments we make in the General Fund should never exceed the amount of recurring revenue we have to meet those obligations. This unsustainable practice sets us on an extremely perilous path, as we look ahead to the 2014-15 fiscal year.

Despite this concern, I feel we have made great progress in the past few years - to prioritize spending on the state's core services and critical needs, to curtail earmarking, and to use the Executive Budget as a jumping-off point for the annual budgeting process. I'm proud that we've been able to work together to achieve these ends, and I look forward to working with you and the other members of the General Assembly to move South Carolina forward in the coming year.
I. Part IA - Funding

Rejecting New Earmarks

Veto 1   Part IA, Page 32; Section 12, Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission; I. Administration - Special Items, Student Legislature: $25,000 Total Funds; $25,000 General Funds

This is not the first time that we have seen an attempt to insert a new earmark into the budget for the Student Legislature. For instance, the FY 2008-09 budget also contained a new $25,000 line for this program. Although I certainly wish to see South Carolina's students take an active interest in public service, I would rather see these dollars used in the classroom instead of subsidizing an exercise in mock government.

Earlier this month, more than 1,500 students from Palmetto Boys State and Girls State came to visit our State House, showing that you don't need an earmark to make your voice heard. The House of Representatives made the right decision in sustaining a veto of this line in 2008, and I hope they will see fit to do the same again.
Veto 2   Part IA, Page 97; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs & Services, E. Family Health, 2. Maternal/Infant Health - Special Items, Donated Dental: $50,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds

Many dentists and other healthcare providers selflessly share their time, expertise, and resources in order to improve the lives and well-being of the less-fortunate members of their communities. I value and appreciate the contributions that these practitioners make every day.

According to the website of the foundation that hosts the Donated Dental program, this effort only provided six South Carolinian patients with a total of $15,423 in services in FY 2011-12, the most recent year for which this data was made available.

The budget that I proposed in December provided more than $156 million in new, recurring support for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that our Medicaid program would be funded responsibly and sustainably. On the other hand, the budget that the General Assembly has sent me contains no new recurring, General Fund support for Medicaid, putting us on a dangerous and precarious path as we look ahead to FY 2014-15.

I have vetoed this item because I believe that we should fund the statewide programs we already have before we create new ones that would direct funds to specific non-profits for the benefit of relatively few.
Veto 3   Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

The Judicial Department did not request funds for this facility when it submitted its FY 2013-14 spending plan to the Office of State Budget. Although many courthouses require maintenance and repair, upkeep of these buildings is the responsibility of the counties. We should not support this earmark.

Denying New Programs a Foothold in the General Fund

Veto 4   Part IA, Page 95; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs & Services, B. Coastal Resource Improvement - Special Items, Waterway Cleanup / Caudle Foundation: $1 Total Funds; $1 General Funds
Veto 5   Part IA, Page 249; Section 94, Lieutenant Governor's Office; II. Office on Aging, B. Office on Aging Assistance - Special Items, Family Caregivers: $1 Total Funds; $1 General Funds

It is a common practice for one House of the General Assembly to appropriate $1 towards the other body's spending priorities so that conferees will be able to arrive at a compromise figure instead of being forced into an "all-or-nothing" position for these programs. Occasionally, these programs are left on the cutting room floor at the end of the negotiations, leaving a $1 appropriation in the final conference report. Leaving these lines in place opens the door for these programs to receive recurring funding next year.

Controlling the Growth of Government

Veto 6   Part IA, Page 150; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, F. Marine Resources, 2. Marine Research & Monitoring - Special Items, Waddell Mariculture Center: $353,202 Total Funds; $353,202 General Funds

I supported higher funding levels for several DNR initiatives in my Executive Budget, including the hiring of additional law enforcement officers and hydrologists. The enacted budget, however, provides the Department of Natural Resources with an excessive 18.5% increase in General Fund support, including another $300,000 for hatchery operations.

When DNR filed its budget request for FY 2013-14, the agency requested $903,000 in one-time money to address certain capital and maintenance needs for its marine research programs.   Instead, this budget creates a new recurring special item that would provide DNR with over $350,000 per year for this facility on an indefinite basis. I am prepared to reconsider a request for one-time funding for this facility next year, subject to the availability of funds, but in the meantime, responsible stewardship of taxpayer resources requires that we be disciplined enough to set priorities and only fund the most critical needs.
Veto 7   Part IA, Page 150; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, G. Land, Water & Conservation, 2. Conservation - New Positions, "Program Coordinator II": $37,945 Total Funds; $37,945 General Funds

If this veto is sustained, then DNR's Conservation Program will still receive General Fund increases of $40,500 for personnel and $65,200 for other operating expenses. This translates into a 13.9% increase instead of the 18.9% that the conference report provides. I believe that 13.9% is sufficient.
Veto 8   Part IA, Page 144; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, A. Conservation Education, 1. Outreach Programs - Other Operating Expenses: $608,128 Total Funds; $500,000 General Funds

When it filed its spending plan for FY 2013-14, the Department of Natural Resources gave the following explanation for the role and audience of the Outreach Program:
External agency communications with the public and the media through the following activities: news releases, publications, public speaking, responses to requests for information, informational videos agency staff participating in non-governmental organization events.

Although there is some value to these services, this is hardly the most important aspect of DNR's mission. Furthermore, I am struck by the fact that even though DNR only requested an increase of $68,905 for this program, this budget inexplicably increases spending in this area by a full $500,000.
Veto 9   Part IA, Page 86; Section 29, State Museum Commission; II. Programs, E. Public Info & Marketing - Classified Positions: $89,153 Total Funds; $89,153 General Funds

This budget adds $150,000 in funding - including the associated benefits costs - for positions in three different areas of the State Museum Commission. I am vetoing the $40,000 increase for the Public Information and Marketing program because the needs of the Collections and Education programs are greater.
Veto 10   Part IA, Page 198; Section 70, Human Affairs Commission; III. Compliance Programs - New Positions, "Attorney II": $54,074 Total Funds; $54,074 General Funds

If this veto is sustained, then the Human Affairs Commission will still receive a 15.4% General Fund increase instead of the 19.5% hike that the Appropriation Bill provides. This represents more than $200,000 in new funding to help the commission achieve its mission of preventing and eliminating discrimination in employment and housing.
Veto 11   Part IA, Page 155; Section 49, Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism; II. Programs & Services, H. Product Services & Development - Other Operating Expenses: $500,000 Total Funds; $500,000 General Funds

Director Parrish has placed a great emphasis on moving our state parks towards self-sufficiency and sees effective marketing as an important part of that effort. I am vetoing this line, not to undermine his work, but because other changes to PRT's budget this year have made it possible for him to achieve these goals through other means.

This year's changes to Proviso 49.9 allow for unexpended funds from a variety of PRT's programs to be used for marketing, advertising, or deferred maintenance and capital projects at state parks.

This budget adds $7.3 million to PRT's General Fund appropriations, on a base of about $30 million. This includes an additional $4 million for the Destination Specific program and another $3.5 million for Tourism Sales and Marketing. I recommended this $500,000 increase in my Executive Budget, but not the millions of additional growth. This veto will bring PRT's growth rate back towards the earth; I remain confident that PRT will have sufficient funds and legal authority in FY 2013-14 to effectively promote our state parks.
Veto 12   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education; XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Center for Educational Partnerships: $715,933 Total Funds

This budget combines several of the University of South Carolina's teacher training programs - each of which currently receives a distinct appropriation through the EIA - into a new umbrella "Center for Educational Partnerships." I am not conceptually opposed to the University's management of these programs in this way and have therefore permitted Proviso 1A.52 to become law.

Two items, however, trouble me. First, the S.C. Geographic Alliance and the Writing Improvement Network are two of the programs that will be incorporated into the new center. I vetoed both of these programs last year because they had only received a score of 1.8 out of a possible 5.0 from the Education Oversight Committee; only two programs received lower scores. Second, the $715,933 that this line appropriates to the Center for Educational Partnerships is precisely $250,000 more than the total amount that its various components received in FY 2012-13. Therefore, this line not only continues support for programs with questionable value, but also includes an extra quarter-million dollar bonus.
Veto 13   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education; XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Public-Private Literacy Partnerships: $50,000 Total Funds

This budget contains funding for a variety of literacy initiatives, including the highly-rated Reading program in the EIA and a new $1.5 million Summer Reading Camps program. Instead of constantly creating new programs with overlapping mandates, we should be making an effort to continuously review the effectiveness of the programs we already have. If we have additional resources available, then they should be targeted for the initiatives that have already proven successful. I am also wary of approving these funds and the associated proviso because this new program has not yet been submitted to the Education Oversight Committee (EOC) for evaluation.

In the final analysis, this budget provides well over $100 million in new funding for K-12 education in South Carolina. This is a significant step in its own right; let's revisit the partnerships proposal next year, once the EOC has had an opportunity to weigh-in.
Veto 14 Part IA, Page 136; Section 44, Department of Agriculture; III. Consumer Service - New Positions, "Field Specialist I": $145,000 Total Funds; $145,000 General Funds

The $795,000 in new recurring funds that this budget would provide for the Department of Agriculture represents a 15.9% increase. Sustaining this veto would leave the department with 13.0% General Fund growth and would provide the Consumer Services program with the same amount of new funding that the department originally requested when it filed its FY 2013-14 spending plan with the Office of State Budget.
Veto 15 Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Agricultural Engineer": $150,000 Total Funds; $150,000 General Funds
Veto 16 Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Plant Breeder": $150,000 Total Funds; $150,000 General Funds
Veto 17   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Research Associate": $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

In my Executive Budget, I recommended an additional $300,000 for the food safety and inspection services offered by Clemson PSA's Livestock and Poultry Health program. This budget contains a total of $1.8 million in new General Funds, plus a $3 million allocation from the Capital Reserve Fund for the Advanced Plant Technology Lab.

This is in addition to $3 million of recurring money for Clemson's Center for Energy Systems, which NextI did support, plus another $1 million for the Student Career Opportunity Program, which I did not recommend in December.

Today, I am vetoing funds for the Advanced Plant Technology Lab in H.3711 (Veto #10); here I am vetoing the three associated positions for that project.

Delivering Cost-Effective Public Services

Veto 18   Part IA, Page 84; Section 28, Arts Commission; II. Statewide Arts Services - Other Operating Expenses: $417,750 Total Funds; $102,142 General Funds

This year's budget adds $1 million to the amount of grant funding that the Arts Commission will distribute, nearly doubling these allocations. As I stated last year, supporting the arts and supporting the Arts Commission are not the same thing. The administrative costs of this program continue to be concerning, especially since many of them are avoidable. For instance, although the Arts Commission has taken steps to reduce the costs of its space, there is still cheaper, but entirely adequate space available within the State Museum.

I am vetoing the "Other Operating Expenses" line for the Arts Commission because this would leave the grants and the staffing in place and would motivate the Arts Commission to take steps to reduce its back-office and administrative costs by partnering with other state agencies.

The General Assembly clearly shares my concerns. This year's budget contains a new Proviso 101.33, which directs the Budget and Control Board to study the feasibility of consolidating administrative functions among agencies that receive less than $5 million in total appropriations. Even with the additional funding for grants, the Arts Commission still falls below this threshold.

It is also important to note that this budget does not modify Proviso 28.4, which states that the Arts Commission must expend 70% of its appropriated state funds on "grants to support the statewide improvement of learning and enrichment opportunities for children and communities through educational and cultural programs with proven research based strategies." By funding an additional $1 million in grants without adjusting this proviso, the General Assembly has made it possible for the Arts Commission to use up to $300,000 of this new funding for other purposes.

Sustaining this veto will ensure that the greatest possible amount of funding for the Arts Commission will actually find its way to the arts.
Veto 19 Part IA, Page 152; Section 48, Sea Grant Consortium; I. Administration - Personal Service, Director: $89,247 Total Funds; $89,247 General Funds

A primary function of the Sea Grant Consortium is to help South Carolina's colleges and universities pursue research funds - especially federal grants. Instead of supporting a separate infrastructure and a dedicated state agency for this purpose, participating institutions could develop an agreement among themselves, through which they could negotiate their respective financial contributions without the state's direct involvement. Since the current model funds the Sea Grant Consortium independently from its member institutions, those institutions have no incentive to control the cost of operating the Consortium.

I am not attempting to eliminate the services provided by the Sea Grant Consortium, but to drive down the costs of maintaining a separate agency for these purposes. For that reason, I have allowed the classified position, other personal service, employer contribution, operating expense, and grant-making lines to become law. I have vetoed the director's line because it is the smallest of the Consortium's personnel appropriations, and therefore, leaves the Consortium with the ability to perform its work.

Since last year, the Sea Grant Consortium has lost responsibility for administering its largest grant, which is now managed by DHEC's Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. With such a significant reduction in workload, the Consortium should be able to manage with fewer administrative resources.
Closing Programs That Don't Work
Veto 20   Part IA, Page 100; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs and Services, F. Health Care Standards, 2. Facility / Service Development - Total Facility & Service Development: $1,759,915 Total Funds; $1,442,571 General Funds
The Certificate of Need program is an intensely political one through which bureaucratic policymakers deny new healthcare providers from offering treatment. We should allow the market to work rather than politics.
II. Part IB - Temporary Funding
Rejecting Irresponsible Budget Practices
Veto 21   Part IB, Page 498; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 1 - Part IA - General Fund: $50,739,599

It is impossible to argue that the budget that has arrived on my desk is truly balanced. The legislative appetite for new spending was so great this year that the General Appropriations Act has resorted to inserting this almost unprecedented line-item into the primary non-recurring revenue proviso. This passage effectively launders $50.7 million of non-recurring funds into Part IA of the budget, where they have been spent in the General Fund as if those resources were truly sustainable. The reality is that they are not.

The Office of State Budget has produced an analysis that conservatively projects that the impact of this budget's annualizations will be $192 million in FY 2014-15. That's $192 million worth of additional promises that this budget is already making against next year's money - even before we know whether or not those revenues will actually materialize.

It's dangerous, it's irresponsible, and it's wrong.
Veto 22   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 5(a) - Department of Health and Human Services, Nursing Homes - Rate Increase: $5,000,000

Inserting a $5 million non-recurring line in the budget to increase payments to nursing homes would completely undermine the progress we've made for two reasons. First, it gets the General Assembly back into the business of setting provider rates. This can only increase the state's healthcare costs and add to the risk that political influence will drive our healthcare spending, instead of clinical decision-making.

Second, these funds are non-recurring, even though the increase in nursing home provider rates presumably would not be. This budget already failed to provide any new recurring, General Fund support for our Medicaid program. Tacking on a $5 million nursing home rate increase as we look ahead to a massive annualization in FY 2014-15 only adds insult to injury.
Good Government
Veto 23   Part IB, Page 430; Section 91, Legislative Department; Proviso 91.27 - LEG: Committee Member Purchases

This proviso would permit members of the House Ways and Means Committee to purchase new chairs for the committee room, using personal funds. This is an internal matter for the House of Representatives to resolve; it doesn't belong in the budget.
Veto 24   Part IB, Page 472; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.34 - GP: Innovative Transportation

This proviso was inserted on the Senate floor in 1998, at the request of a Delaware corporation that has since been dissolved. No grant has ever been issued by the Transportation Infrastructure Bank or the Railroad Commission pursuant to the authority given by this proviso. It's time to take it off the books.
Veto 25   Part IB, Page 491-492; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.134 - GP: DOT Transfer to SIB

This proviso duplicates language that was inserted into Section 4 of H.3360, the transportation funding package that I signed into law on June 24, 2013. This proviso is no longer necessary.
Veto 26 Part IB, Page 492; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.135 - GP: Joint Transportation Corridor Study Committee

Yesterday, I signed a Bill that will invest more than $1 billion in our transportation infrastructure over the course of the next decade, without raising fees or taxes.

This proviso would create a new panel of 12 legislators and 2 gubernatorial appointees, tasked to tread well-worn ground and further investigate the state's transportation needs. I am vetoing this proviso because I don't believe we need yet another study on this subject.
Veto 27 Part IB, Page 425; Section 87, Division of Aeronautics; Proviso 87.9 - AERO: Capital Improvement Projects

This budget contains a variety of provisions that both tighten restrictions on the allowable use of state aircraft and also call for a study as to whether the state should even continue to retain ownership over them. This hardly seems like the right time to allow the Division of Aeronautics to divert resources away from the State Aviation Fund in order to improve its own facilities at Columbia Metropolitan Airport.
Veto 28   Part IB, Page 359-360; Section 29, State Museum Commission; Proviso 29.10 - MUSM: Admissions Tax Exemption

The State Museum currently charges its visitors the 5% admissions tax, unlike many county, municipal, and non-profit museums, which have been exempted under Section 12-21-2420(4). Advocates for the State Museum have asked to receive the same treatment as these other facilities. I agree, and if S.474 - which would exempt State Museum visitors from the admissions tax - reached my desk, I would sign it.

Unfortunately, this proviso would have a different effect. Under Proviso 29.10, visitors to the State Museum would still pay the admissions tax, but the State Museum would keep the proceeds instead of remitting them to the state. This is not the "equal treatment" that the State Museum indicates it is requesting.

Last year, the General Assembly sustained my veto of this proviso. I ask that you do so again and please send S.474 to my desk instead.

Impairing Effective Service Delivery - Micromanagement

Veto 29   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.41 - DHEC: Vital Records

This proviso is an unfunded mandate that requires that DHEC provide vital records services in each county that received them as of the beginning of 2012. The Department is needlessly forced to cannibalize other more critical programs in order to comply with this directive, even though vital records remain available online and in dozens of offices across the State.
Veto 30   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.43 - DHEC: Laurens County

This proviso would force DHEC to reimburse Laurens County $39,425 for replacing the roof on a building that the agency has partially vacated. This would create a troubling precedent.

Current law compels counties to provide DHEC with space such as this; there is no explicit or implicit passage suggesting that DHEC should offer any reimbursement. Furthermore, DHEC was not the sole tenant in this building; other agencies also use this space. Finally, DHEC's past tenancy in this building had no bearing on the condition of the roof or the apparent need to replace it.

For each of these reasons, I ask you to sustain this veto.
Veto 31   Part IB, Page 310; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.71 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop

This proviso, first inserted in FY 2012-13, would force the Department of Education to fund two specific bus maintenance facilities in Lee and Kershaw Counties at precisely the same level of support they received in the prior year. This inappropriately interferes with the Department's provision of student transportation services, which can only serve to increase overall costs and reduce system efficiency.

I appreciate that the House of Representatives deleted this proviso this year and was disappointed to see it reappear in the conference report. Superintendent Zais opposes this proviso and has pledged in writing that if this veto is sustained, then no employee will lose his or her job as a result.
Veto 32   Part IB, Page 422; Section 83, Department of Employment and Workforce; Proviso 83.8 - DEW: Local Offices

This proviso attempts to lock in place an archaic brick-and-mortar approach to delivering Unemployment Insurance (UI) services that suits neither the current needs of program beneficiaries nor the levels of state and federal resources that are available to perform this work.

Since this proviso was introduced in February, DEW has transitioned to a new service delivery model for UI. Beneficiaries may now file online or by phone and may speak to agency representatives toll-free during normal business hours. Meanwhile, DEW's Employment Services continue to be available at SC Works sites in all 46 counties. It is also important to remember that the locations of these facilities are not at DEW's discretion but are instead selected by the local workforce investment boards.
Veto 33   Part IB, Page 491; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.124 - GP: IT Certifications

Together, we have already taken some very important steps to improve information security and develop a common approach to protecting sensitive data. For instance, and thanks to your support, this General Appropriations Act and the accompanying Capital Reserve Fund Bill provide essential funding and legal authority that will enable us to further improve the state's defenses, including:
* $10 million from the Capital Reserve Fund, for IT security improvements and an additional year of identity theft protection and identity theft resolution services
* $5.8 million in recurring funds for the new Division of Information Security, augmented by $4.8 million from the Capital Reserve Fund for enterprise technology and remediation
* $230,000 to establish an Identity Theft Unit within the Department of Consumer Affairs *

Also, as recommended by Deloitte, we are establishing a new security organization under the leadership of a Chief Information Security Officer. We are also creating a Privacy Office that will help us classify the records we hold, to ensure that sensitive records are safeguarded properly.

Deloitte has already completed risk assessments of three agencies and will undertake 15 more over the course of the next year. Thanks to the funding contained in this budget and the authority granted under the "Technology and Remediation" proviso, we have the ability to rapidly respond to any security vulnerabilities that are uncovered. In many cases, this response will involve the procurement of IT services or equipment.

This proviso clearly has its roots in Deloitte's initial report on how South Carolina should organize its efforts to establish a true statewide approach to information technology and security. One of Deloitte's key findings - with which I am in complete agreement - was that we need to transition from the decentralized model we have today to a federated model in which more decisions about technology policies and standards are made centrally.

To that end, the proviso I am vetoing would suspend - starting less than a week from now - all information technology procurement delegations for all state agencies, with exemptions for the legislature, the judiciary, and our technical colleges and other public institutions of higher education. Unfortunately, the closing sentence of this proviso is the primary reason for my veto: "All information security and information technology purchases must be approved by the Budget and Control Board, Division of State Information Technology in a manner prescribed by the Division."

I believe this proviso was drafted with the reasonable intention of ensuring that security-related purchases of IT hardware and services are made according to a common set of standards. I support this and will direct cabinet agencies to work with DSIT to procure and implement IT security improvements, effective immediately.

Unfortunately, I am vetoing this proviso because its overly-broad wording encompasses "[a]ll information security and information technology purchases" within its scope, and therefore captures essentially any software, hardware, or IT service purchase that will be made by a state agency in the coming year, even if entirely unrelated to security. I do not believe this was the original author's intent; furthermore, I suspect that DSIT is not prepared to review the full range of agencies' IT requests beginning in just six days.

We have made great strides in improving the state's information security practices in the past year, through a variety of means including two Executive Orders and this budget. That work will continue and will be easier to accomplish without this proviso's unintended consequences. I look forward to partnering with you to that end in the coming year.
Earmarks for Local Museums
Veto 34   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(a) - State Museum Commission, Laurens County Museum: $150,000
Veto 35   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(b) - State Museum Commission, SC Railroad Museum: $200,000
Veto 36   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(c) - State Museum Commission, Greenville Children's Museum: $100,000

The budget contains three earmarks for local museums. It is important that we reject these types of earmarks, as we have in the past. The State Museum Commission did not request funding for any of these projects.
Earmarks for Health and Social Service Providers
Veto 37   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(c) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Women in Unity: $100,000

Last year, I vetoed - and the Senate sustained - a proviso that would have carved $100,000 out of another agency's existing programs, to be transferred to Women in Unity instead. This year, the earmarkers want to take $100,000 from DHEC for this purpose. Please join me in rejecting this way of doing business.
Veto 38   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 39 - Department of Social Services, Phyllis Wheatley - Donaldson Center Revitalization: $150,000

Community centers all across South Carolina rely upon private, charitable contributions in order to sustain their capital needs; this facility should not receive special treatment. The Department of Social Services did not request funds for this facility and is not involved in this earmark.
Veto 39   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 37 - Prosecution Coordination Commission, Centers for Fathers and Families: $400,000

The Center for Fathers and Families was established in 2002 and has been a contracted service provider for the Department of Social Services ever since. In recent years, the center has received an average of $1.8 million from DSS annually as compensation for this work. Service providers should be selected by the agencies that manage these programs - competitively, whenever possible - instead of receiving earmarks to support their operations.
Veto 40   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 118.17B, Item 20 - Department of Mental Health, Seahaven: $200,000
Veto 41   Part IB, Page 377; Section 35, Department of Mental Health; Proviso 35.15 - DMH: Psychiatric Day Program

The FY 2013-14 budget increases General Fund support for the Department of Mental Health by more than $20 million, much of which I recommended in my Executive Budget. These new dollars are scattered all across the agency, in programs ranging from community mental health centers and inpatient behavioral health to DMH's nursing homes and veterans' services. Those who need mental health treatment should - and will - receive it, but the providers of treatment services should be selected by medical professionals for clinical reasons instead of by legislators through earmarks.
Veto 42   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(a) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assistance Programs: $100,000
Veto 43   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(d) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, HIV Prevention - Project Faith: $350,000
Veto 44   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(e) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Nurse Family Partnership: $100,000
Veto 45   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(f) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Best Chance Network and Colon Cancer Prevention Network - Proviso 34.44: $1,500,000
Veto 46   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.44 - DHEC: Cancer Early Detection/Screenings

This language controls the use of the funding in Veto #45.
Veto 47   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(h) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Donate Life SC - Organ Donor Registry: $100,000
Veto 48   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(i) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, James R. Clark Sickle Cell Foundation: $100,000

Each of the organizations above serves a laudable purpose; the stories of those affected by these diseases tug at our heartstrings. At the same time, how do we decide to distribute funds to fight colon cancer, but not breast cancer? How do we choose these ailments and these non-profits over all others? Many of us support Habitat for Humanity, Harvest Hope, or the American Red Cross, and yet none of those worthy organizations receives an earmark in this year's budget.

We all have charities that we support for personal or family reasons; I believe that I have made my personal willingness to support charitable interests quite clear. But just as the decision to contribute to some charities and not others is personal, so should be the funds that are being donated.
Rejecting Obamacare
Veto 49 Part IB, Page 364; Section 33, Department of Health and Human Services; Proviso 33.33 - DHHS: Non-Disabled, Childless Adults Waiver

The General Assembly has wisely chosen not to implement Medicaid expansion. This proviso would undermine that decision, since its only purpose is to give Director Keck and the Department of Health and Human Services the authority to request a waiver from the federal government to massively expand our Medicaid program. If you oppose Obamacare, then you oppose this proviso too.
Excessive Spending
Veto 50 Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 21 - Vocational Rehabilitation, Basic Services - Case Services: $500,000

This budget provides the Vocational Rehabilitation Department with an additional $1 million in recurring operating funds; I have supported this increase. I am vetoing this additional $500,000 non-recurring line because VRD's programs operate with strict federal maintenance-of-effort rules, which means that if we don't annualize this $500,000 next year, then we will face federal penalties thereafter. If we don't have enough recurring money to provide this money in this year's recurring budget, then we shouldn't be binding ourselves to funding this line on a recurring basis beginning next year.
Veto 51 Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 28 - Commission on Minority Affairs, PC Replacement: $23,286

In the FY 2013-14 spending plan that it filed with the Office of State Budget, the Commission on Minority Affairs requested $10,334 for PC Replacement, which I gladly recommended in my Executive Budget.

Unfortunately, I am compelled to veto this line for two reasons. First, this budget contains more than twice as much money for this equipment as the agency asked for in the first place. Second, this budget also grants more than $150,000 in new recurring funds for the Commission's operating expenses, which means that even with this veto, the Commission has more than enough new money to replace a few computers.
Veto 52 Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 40 - Department of Agriculture, Certified South Carolina Grown Program: $500,000

This budget provides the Department of Agriculture with $795,000 in operating increases and nearly $10 million in non-recurring funds, of which $2.5 million is targeted for marketing programs.

I have vetoed this line because I believe that this level of funding for the Department's marketing programs is more than is truly required. In this budget, Proviso 118.16(C) directs $2 million of the proceeds of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) to the Department of Agriculture to support its marketing efforts and references Section 11-49-55 as the basis for this transfer. That passage states that, "the State Treasurer shall direct one million dollars annually for five fiscal years beginning with the first fiscal year in which funds are available, to the Department of Agriculture to cause the marketing and branding of South Carolina agricultural crops or produce as being grown in South Carolina when offered for sale in retail establishments and to assist in relief from natural disasters affecting state-grown crops."

It is plainly evident that permanent law only requires that the Department of Agriculture receive $1 million this year from the MSA. I have allowed Proviso 118.16 to become law so as not to violate the promise made by Section 11-49-55, but I am vetoing this line because even without this money, the Department of Agriculture has received $1 million more for its marketing programs than is actually necessary.
Higher Education Earmarks
Veto 53 Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 6 - Commission on Higher Education, University Center of Greenville Infrastructure Development: $200,000

The University Center of Greenville is governed by a consortium of public and private colleges and universities that are working together to expand access to higher education for students in the Upstate. I respect this goal but note that these institutions already receive state support through direct appropriations, the Education Lottery, the Higher Education Tuition Grants program, or various other sources. Furthermore, the University Center is already collecting nearly $1.1 million worth of direct subsidies through this budget.

I am vetoing this additional $200,000 because it is unreasonable to expect taxpayers across the rest of the state to shoulder an additional burden on behalf of the relatively small number of students who attend courses through this Center. If this facility truly needs another $200,000 to improve its facilities, then the participating institutions should make the required contributions.
Veto 54   Part IB, Page 449; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 11 - University of Charleston, Avery Center: $300,000

The PreviousCollege of CharlestonNext's FY 2013-14 budget plan included a request for support for its Science Center; I am supporting the $2 million allocation made for this purpose from the Capital Reserve Fund in H.3711. This earmark for the Avery Center, however, was not requested by the university and should therefore be rejected.
Earmarks for New Programs
Veto 55   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 32 - Office of Lieutenant Governor, Caregivers: $2,999,999

In December, I recommended a $1 million increase for the existing Home and Community Based Services program; ultimately, the budget adds a total of $3 million to this line. This means that altogether, General Fund support for the Office of Lieutenant Governor will increase by more than 45% under the budget that has arrived on my desk.

I am not unsympathetic to the burdens and the strain that family caregivers face each day, all without financial compensation. Unfortunately, I must veto this line because the goal is clearly to position this program for a new General Fund appropriation in FY 2014-15. Since this year's budget provides no new recurring, General Fund money for Medicaid, I have very little confidence that there will be sufficient funds next year to launch another health-related program. It would be irresponsible to begin a caregivers initiative now with temporary funding, knowing that the State would likely be forced to abandon participants a year from now.
Veto 56   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 36 - Arts Commission, Cultural Districts Designation Program: $25,000

The Arts Commission did not request funding for this new initiative when it submitted its FY 2013-14 spending plan to the Office of State Budget, but instead, added it to the wish list when appearing before the House Ways and Means Committee. The Arts Commission has stated that it would use this money to create a task force "to plan such a program for South Carolina and to develop proposed legislation to enact it."

Put simply, the Arts Commission would like to receive this one-time allocation so they can get help deciding how to ask for more recurring money next year. Since this budget already adds another $1 million for arts-related grants, it hardly seems appropriate to tack on an additional $25,000 for this purpose.
Veto 57   Part IB, Page 429; Section 91, Legislative Department; Proviso 91.26 - LEG: EOC Efficiency Review

This proviso would control the use of "[f]unds appropriated to the Education Oversight Committee for the School District Efficiency Review Pilot Program," but there are no relevant funds in this budget. I agree with Superintendent Zais that this proviso should be deleted.
Veto 58 Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(g) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Stroke System of Care Act of 2011: $50,000

The Stroke System of Care Act established an unnecessary new program within DHEC - along with a bureaucratic Advisory Council and Registry Task Force - that would designate certain treatment facilities in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina as "primary stroke centers." I ask that you sustain this veto instead of continuing to grow government.
Veto 59   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 22(e) - Department of Commerce, Community Development Corporation Initiative: $400,000

Proviso 50.11, which allowed the Department of Commerce to carry forward balances from previous rounds of funding for this initiative, was deleted during this year's budget negotiations because the relevant funds have all been spent. I am vetoing this proviso to keep yet another program from coming back to life; the Department of Commerce did not request these funds.
Old-Fashioned Pork
Veto 60   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 26(a) - Department of Natural Resources, Outreach Programs: $200,000

On May 14, 2013, Senator Massey offered a floor amendment to the budget that would have eliminated the $200,000 earmark for the Southeastern Wildlife Expo. After an attempt to table this amendment failed, and after serious and entirely reasonable questions were raised as to the propriety of using taxpayer resources to support such an event, the amendment was narrowly defeated by a 22-21 vote.

It is therefore unsurprising that this line appears in the final budget bearing the same euphemistic name that it carried as it traveled through the House of Representatives: "Outreach Programs." There is no question, though, that this line is merely the transfer to SEWE, masquerading in disguise. Please respect South Carolina's taxpayers - and their intelligence - by sustaining this veto.
Veto 61   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 41 - Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Rural Tourism Development - Cultural Visitor's Center, Orangeburg County: $1,000,000

The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism did not request this project and is in no way involved with this earmark.
Veto 62   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 16(b) - Department of Archives and History, GLEAMNS - Benjamin Mays Historical Preservation Site, Capital Equipment: $200,000

The Department of Archives and History did not request this project and is in no way involved with this earmark.
Veto 63   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 43(f) - Department of Transportation, Sandy Island Boat Ramp: $150,000

The Department of Transportation did not request this project and is in no way involved with this earmark.
Veto 64   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 45 - Budget and Control Board, Security Lighting Upgrade: $453,000

The Budget and Control Board did not request this project and is in no way involved with this earmark for a sports facility.

Education Earmarks

Veto 65   Part IB, Page 311; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.80 - SDE: Early Warning Referral and Monitoring System

The Department of Education did not request this proviso, which it referred to as "essentially an earmark for a Florida-based company called Beanstalk Innovation." Superintendent Zais opposes this proviso and indicates that his agency already has a data system that has the desired capabilities.
Veto 66   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 44 - Education Oversight Committee, Partnerships for Innovation: $100,000
Veto 67   Part IB, Page 342-343; Section 1A, Department of Education-EIA; Proviso 1A.55 - SDE-EIA: EOC Partnerships for Innovation

In Part IA of the budget, I vetoed a new $50,000 appropriation for "Public-Private Literacy Partnerships" within the Education Improvement Act (EIA). Here, I am vetoing $100,000 in non-recurring funds, along with a new proviso that would control the distribution of these resources.

This budget contains funding for a variety of literacy initiatives, including the highly-rated reading program in the EIA and a new $1.5 million Summer Reading Camps program. Instead of constantly creating new programs with overlapping mandates, we should be making an effort to continuously review the effectiveness of the programs we already have. If we have additional resources available, then they should be targeted for the initiatives that have already proven successful. I am also wary of approving these funds and the associated proviso because this new program has not yet been submitted to the Education Oversight Committee (EOC) for evaluation.

In the final analysis, this budget provides well over $100 million in new funding for K-12 education in South Carolina. This is a significant step in its own right; let's revisit the partnerships proposal next year, once the EOC has had an opportunity to weigh-in.
Veto 68   Part IB, Page 338; Section IA, Department of Education-EIA; Proviso 1A.36 - SDE-EIA: Carry Forward

Each year's budget contains a variety of wish lists that distribute a broad array of funds, whether those dollars have already been collected, are reasonably expected to materialize in the upcoming year, or in some cases, are significantly in excess of any current forecast. Over time, the EIA's carry-forward proviso has devolved into yet another example of this practice.

This year's variant of the EIA Carry Forward proviso now contains a $1,000,000 earmark for Clemson University for another summer reading pilot program, of which the University may retain as much as $150,000. The Department of Education just awarded the University of South Carolina $70,000 to conduct the same analysis of a 12-school summer reading pilot. All of this is in addition to the new $1.5 million "Summer Reading Camps" program established by this budget, which I have allowed to become law.

The EIA is for educational programs, not earmarks for redundant studies. I ask that you support my veto of this proviso this year, so that we can reestablish a clean carry-forward proviso in FY 2014-15. If you sustain this veto, I commit to you that any funds that would lapse as a result will be returned and distributed for the EIA's purposes next year.
Veto 69   Part IB, Page 345; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 14 - Commission on Higher Education, Public Four-Year Universities, Two-Year Branch Campuses, and State Technical Colleges - Academic Facility Building, Repair and Maintenance, and Training: $10,509,883

The overwhelming majority of funds distributed by this line would go towards the construction of higher education facilities. Section 59-150-350(D) identifies the allowable uses of Education Lottery proceeds. Other than empowering the Commission on Higher Education "to administer a construction and renovation fund for the historically black colleges and universities," no authority is granted by that section for these types of construction projects to be lottery-funded.

Aside from this clear conflict with permanent law, I would also note that allowing lottery proceeds to be used this way would be precedent-setting. This action would not just threaten the support that K-12 education would otherwise receive from the lottery in the future, but also deviate from the understanding that the voters had when they authorized the lottery in the first place.
Veto 70   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 17 - State Library, Union County Carnegie Library Renovations: $1,250,000

Section 59-150-350(D) clearly states that lottery proceeds appropriated "to the South Carolina State Library for public library state aid" may only "be distributed to county public libraries on a per capita be used for educational technology delivery, upgrade, and maintenance." An earmark for a specific library is not consistent with that law.
Veto 71   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 18 - Department of Education, New Carolina Transformation in Education: $100,000

I welcome New Carolina's contributions to educational reform, but do not believe that the taxpayers should fund an earmark to support these activities. When the voters approved the lottery, this wasn't what they intended.

For these reasons, I am vetoing the aforementioned line items and sections in R. 120, H.3710.

My very best,
Nikki R. Haley

Received as information.


The following was received:

June 25, 2013
The Honorable Robert W. Harrell, Jr.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Statehouse, Second Floor
Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Dear Mr. Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives,

I am vetoing and returning to you several line items in R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version), a Joint Resolution to appropriate monies from the Capital Reserve Fund.

Six months ago, I transmitted to you and the people of South Carolina an Executive Budget for the 2013-14 Fiscal Year. This was a balanced spending plan that made responsible and sustainable investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and other critical programs for which you and I share responsibility. While the sources and amounts of funding vary from my original proposal in some respects, I wish to express my appreciation that the General Assembly has used this bill in order to address many of the priorities that I highlighted last December.

Through our common efforts, H.3711 will allow us to establish a statewide approach to securing and safeguarding the information held by state agencies. This bill also provides more than $10 million to replace our oldest school buses, along with $2 million that will support the Forestry Commission's goal of replacing its most hazardous open-cab firefighting equipment on an accelerated timetable.

It is also noteworthy that half of the items contained in this bill are associated with either K-12 or higher education. In December, I proposed to use nearly $45 million from the Capital Reserve Fund to replace buses, upgrade our technical colleges' equipment and laboratories, meet the deferred maintenance needs of our public colleges and universities, and address other educational priorities. I recommended that the funds allocated for these deferred maintenance needs be distributed based upon each institution's share of in-state undergraduate enrollees; instead, this bill targets funds for specific projects on individual campuses.

My Executive Budget provided our four-year colleges and universities with a total of $24 million for deferred maintenance. There are several items for institutions of higher education that I have permitted to become law because their cost was below or comparable to the amount that I recommended in December. On the other hand, I am vetoing items for The Citadel and the PreviousCollege of CharlestonNext because the cost substantially exceeds the amounts I suggested earlier.
Veto 1   Section 1, Item 4, Budget and Control Board - Statehouse Dehumidification and Heating: $60,000

I ask that you sustain this veto because as Executive Director Marcia Adams notes in her letter, the Budget and Control Board will be able to fund this project using existing resources.
Veto 2   Section 1, Item 40, Department of Agriculture - Pee Dee Farmers Market, Replace Refrigeration Capacity: $75,000

This bill appropriates more than $7 million to the Department of Agriculture for the State Farmers Market. The General Appropriations Act also contains a $300,000 increase in recurring support for Market Operations, along with millions of dollars in non-recurring funds for various marketing programs. I believe we have made sufficient investments in our agricultural programs this year.
Veto 3   Section 1, Item 14, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Keystone Alcohol and Drug Abuse Capital Improvement, Rock Hill: $750,000
Veto 4   Section 1, Item 16, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Circle Park, Florence County, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $150,000
Veto 5   Section 1, Item 15, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - McCord Center Fire Safety, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $250,000

I have been a strong advocate for mental health and substance abuse treatment throughout my tenure as Governor. This commitment has been more than mere lip service - I have backed it by recommending substantial increases in General Fund and capital support for our behavioral health agencies.

Keystone and Circle Park play important roles in their communities, but ultimately, they are private organizations, and South Carolina's taxpayers should not be providing direct capital or operating support to these entities, their counterparts, or their competitors. Similarly, I am wary of providing earmarked support for one multi-county center (McCord), when we do not offer similar assistance in other corners of the state.

Furthermore, the Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services did not request funding for any of these projects when it filed its FY 2013-14 submission with the Office of State Budget.
Veto 6   Section 1, Item 12, State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Initiative: $2,500,000

The Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Initiative is a workforce credentialing project through which the MSSC intends to assess, train, and certify the Nation's current and prospective front-line manufacturing workers.

South Carolina is already the nation's leader in holders of ACT's comparable National Career Readiness Certificate. In fact, the Technical College System has played a major role not only in offering the WorkKeys assessment tests, but also the subsequent training that helps candidates fill the specific gaps in their skills that will help them find rewarding, family-sustaining jobs.

I have vetoed this item because elsewhere in the budget, I have approved $1,275,000 from the Lottery Expenditure Account for this initiative. I believe that those resources will be sufficient in FY 2013-14 to expand adoption of this new workforce assessment and certification program.
Veto 7   Section 1, Item 39, Vocational Rehabilitation - Palmetto Center, Rebuild Facility, Fire and Life Safety Issues: $3,000,000

This earmark for a facility in Florence County did not appear in the Vocational Rehabilitation Department's budget request for FY 2013-14.

Instead, the agency requested (and has been granted) a $3 million increase in Other Funds authority so that "accumulated cash balances of work training center funds" could be applied towards deferred maintenance needs at its 37 facilities. The Department already has the required resources to complete these smaller maintenance projects and therefore does not need a Capital Reserve Fund allocation this year.
Veto 8   Section 1, Item 5, The Citadel - Cadet Accountability System: $1,500,000

My Executive Budget recommended that the Capital Reserve Fund be used to distribute $24 million to our public colleges and universities for their deferred maintenance needs, based upon each institution's number of in-state undergraduate students. Under this proposal, The Citadel would have received $380,376. I have vetoed these funds for an IT system to track progress made by The Citadel's students because the project is disproportionately expensive, given the number of in-state undergraduates who attend this institution.
Veto 9   Section 1, Item 6, University of Charleston - Computer Science Program: $100,000

My Executive Budget recommended that the Capital Reserve Fund be used to distribute $24 million to our public colleges and universities for their deferred maintenance needs, based upon each institution's number of in-state undergraduate students. Under this proposal, the PreviousCollege of Charleston would have received $1,886,021. I have allowed the $2,000,000 line for the Science Center to become law, but have vetoed this item because it would further exceed the amount I recommended in December.
Veto 10 Section 1, Item 19, Clemson University PSA - Advanced Plant Technology Lab: $3,000,000

In December, I recommended a $300,000 increase in operating support for Clemson PSA's food safety and inspection programs, along with additional funds in the Department of Agriculture's Consumer Services program, for similar purposes.

The budget that has reached my desk provides Clemson PSA with $1.8 million in new operating funds, plus this $3 million allocation from the Capital Reserve Fund. This is in addition to another $795,000 in General Funds and nearly $10 million in non-recurring money for the Department of Agriculture.

I have been supportive of our agricultural programs and our institutions of higher education, but basic tenets of fiscal responsibility require that we take a more measured and restrained approach to distributing taxpayer resources.

My very best,
Nikki R. Haley

Received as information.


The following was introduced:

H. 4325 (Word version) -- Reps. Harrell, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO HONOR AND CONGRATULATE CAPTAIN JAY A. NORWOOD OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ON RECEIVING THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL FOR HIS EXCEPTIONALLY MERITORIOUS SERVICE WHILE SERVING A TOUR OF MILITARY DUTY IN AFGHANISTAN AND TO EXPRESS THE DEEPEST APPRECIATION OF A GRATEFUL STATE AND NATION FOR HIS COMMITTED SERVICE AS AN AMERICAN PATRIOT.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4326 (Word version) -- Reps. Cobb-Hunter, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE AND CONGRATULATE WILLIAM P. "BILL" HAMILTON, SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SPORTS INFORMATION DIRECTOR, UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT, TO HONOR HIM FOR HIS FORTY YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE, AND TO WISH HIM MUCH SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN THE YEARS TO COME.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4328 (Word version) -- Reps. Clemmons, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE CONGRATULATIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO PTR INDUSTRIES AND MR. JOSH FIORINI, PTR'S CEO AND CO-OWNER, FOR RELOCATING THE FIRM'S MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS TO AYNOR, IN HORRY COUNTY.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4329 (Word version) -- Reps. G. M. Smith, G. A. Brown, Neal, Weeks, Ridgeway, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE HAL TURNER ON BEING NAMED SUMTER BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR AND TO WISH HIM CONTINUED SUCCESS IN HIS FUTURE ENDEAVORS.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4330 (Word version) -- Reps. G. M. Smith, G. A. Brown, Neal, Ridgeway, Weeks, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE THE HONORABLE PHIL LEVENTIS OF SUMTER ON RECEIVING THE 2013 GREATER SUMTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD AND TO THANK HIM FOR HIS MANY YEARS OF SERVICE TO SUMTER COUNTY AND THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AS A SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SENATOR AND MANY OTHER LEADERSHIP POSITIONS.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4331 (Word version) -- Reps. G. M. Smith, G. A. Brown, Neal, Weeks, Ridgeway, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE TREVOR T. IVEY ON BEING NAMED SUMTER SCHOOL DISTRICT TEACHER OF THE YEAR AND TO THANK HIM FOR HIS YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE AS AN EDUCATOR.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4335 (Word version) -- Reps. Parks, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE MAMIE JONES BANKS OF MCCORMICK COUNTY UPON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT, TO COMMEND HER FOR HER FORTY-NINE YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE AS AN EDUCATOR, AND TO WISH HER MUCH HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT IN ALL HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4336 (Word version) -- Reps. Parks, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO HONOR SUFFIE L. JENNINGS OF MCCORMICK COUNTY FOR HER SIXTEEN YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TO CONGRATULATE HER ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT AS DIRECTOR OF ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION FOR MCCORMICK COUNTY, AND TO WISH HER MUCH SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT IN ALL HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:

H. 4338 (Word version) -- Reps. Sabb, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Burns, Chumley, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cole, H. A. Crawford, K. R. Crawford, Crosby, Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Felder, Finlay, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gambrell, George, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Govan, Hamilton, Hardee, Hardwick, Harrell, Hart, Hayes, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, W. J. McLeod, Merrill, Mitchell, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Neal, Newton, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Pope, Powers Norrell, Putnam, Quinn, Ridgeway, Riley, Rivers, Robinson-Simpson, Rutherford, Ryhal, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G. M. Smith, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Southard, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Vick, Weeks, Wells, Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Wood: A HOUSE RESOLUTION TO CONGRATULATE LONGSTREET CHEVROLET IN KINGSTREE UPON BEING AWARDED THE GM MARK OF EXCELLENCE AWARD, THE HIGHEST AWARD PROVIDED BY GENERAL MOTORS.

The Resolution was adopted.


The following was introduced:


The Resolution was adopted.


The roll call of the House of Representatives was taken resulting as follows:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
McEachern              W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


I came in after the roll call and was present for the Session on Wednesday, June 26.

Beth Bernstein                    Joe Daning
Wayne George                      William E. "Bill" Sandifer
M.S. McLeod                       Wendy Nanney
V. Stephen Moss                   Richard "Rick" Quinn
David Mack                        Wendell Gilliard
Tracy Edge

Total Present--123


The SPEAKER granted Rep. SKELTON a leave of absence for the day due to a prior commitment.


The Vetoes on the following Act were taken up:



Veto 1 Part IA, Page 32; Section 12, Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission; I. Administration - Special Items, Student Legislature: $25,000 Total Funds; $25,000 General Funds

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 50; Nays 70

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bernstein              Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford         Dillard
Douglas                Funderburk             Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Hart
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Neal                   Ott                    Parks
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Burns
Chumley                Cole                   K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Goldfinch              Hamilton
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Horne                  Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 Newton
Norman                 Owens                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Putnam
Riley                  Rivers                 Ryhal
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  White                  Whitmire


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 1 was sustained:

Veto 1 Part IA, Page 32; Section 12, Higher Education Tuition Grants Commission; I. Administration - Special Items, Student Legislature: $25,000 Total Funds; $25,000 General Funds

Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


I inadvertently voted to override Veto No. 1, however, I had meant to vote to sustain the Veto.

Rep. Donna Wood


Veto 2   Part IA, Page 97; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs & Services, E. Family Health, 2. Maternal/Infant Health - Special Items, Donated Dental: $50,000 Total Funds; $50,000 General Funds

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 12; Nays 107

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Bowers                 Branham
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            King
W. J. McLeod           Munnerlyn              Robinson-Simpson
Sellers                Weeks                  Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Brannon                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 Neal
Newton                 Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Wells                  White                  Williams
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 3   Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 81; Nays 41

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Neal                   Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Pitts                  Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Chumley
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Hamilton
Henderson              Horne                  Huggins
Kennedy                Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  Murphy                 Nanney
Newton                 Norman                 Patrick
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Rivers                 G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 4   Part IA, Page 95; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs & Services, B. Coastal Resource Improvement - Special Items, Waterway Cleanup / Caudle Foundation: $1 Total Funds; $1 General Funds

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 7; Nays 112

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Gilliard               King


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brannon                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 Neal                   Newton
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 5   Part IA, Page 249; Section 94, Lieutenant Governor's Office; II. Office on Aging, B. Office on Aging Assistance - Special Items, Family Caregivers: $1 Total Funds; $1 General Funds
Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 17; Nays 98

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Douglas
George                 Gilliard               Hosey
Jefferson              King                   Mack
McEachern              W. J. McLeod           Robinson-Simpson
Sellers                Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brannon                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               Goldfinch              Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Huggins                Kennedy
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  M. S. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Nanney
Neal                   Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 6   Part IA, Page 150; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, F. Marine Resources, 2. Marine Research & Monitoring - Special Items, Waddell Mariculture Center: $353,202 Total Funds; $353,202 General Funds

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 114; Nays 2

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Erickson
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Nanney                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Bedingfield            Norman


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. HERBKERSMAN moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 6 was sustained:

Veto 6     Part IA, Page 150; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, F. Marine Resources, 2. Marine Research & Monitoring - Special Items, Waddell Mariculture Center: $353,202 Total Funds; $353,202 General Funds

Rep. HERBKERSMAN moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. HIOTT moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 3 was sustained:

Veto 3     Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. HIOTT demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows:

Yeas 28; Nays 82

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Barfield               Bedingfield            G. A. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Cole
Erickson               Funderburk             Goldfinch
Hamilton               Henderson              Huggins
Loftis                 Long                   Nanney
Newton                 Norman                 Patrick
Pope                   G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Thayer


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
H. A. Crawford         Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Felder
Finlay                 Gagnon                 Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                D. C. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Taylor                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


So, the House refused to table the motion to reconsider.

The question then recurred to the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 89; Nays 31

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Chumley
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Erickson               Felder
Hamilton               Henderson              Huggins
Loftis                 Long                   McCoy
Nanney                 Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Putnam                 Rivers
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 3 was overridden:

Veto 3     Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 7   Part IA, Page 150; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, G. Land, Water & Conservation, 2. Conservation - New Positions, "Program Coordinator II": $37,945 Total Funds; $37,945 General Funds

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 20; Nays 97

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Branham                R. L. Brown
Douglas                Funderburk             George
Gilliard               Hardee                 Hart
King                   Knight                 McEachern
W. J. McLeod           Munnerlyn              Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Robinson-Simpson       Sabb
Weeks                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Gagnon                 Gambrell               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Howard
Huggins                Kennedy                Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
M. S. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Nanney                 Neal                   Newton
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Riley
Rivers                 Rutherford             Ryhal
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Wells
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 8   Part IA, Page 144; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, A. Conservation Education, 1. Outreach Programs - Other Operating Expenses: $608,128 Total Funds; $500,000 General Funds

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 97; Nays 21

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Simrill                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                Cole
Felder                 Forrester              Hamilton
Henderson              Long                   Nanney
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
G. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Taylor                 Thayer                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 8 to H. 3710, the General Appropriation Bill. If I had been present, I would have voted to sustain the Veto.

Rep. Eddie Tallon


Rep. PITTS moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 8 was overridden:
Veto 8   Part IA, Page 144; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, A. Conservation Education, 1. Outreach Programs - Other Operating Expenses: $608,128 Total Funds; $500,000 General Funds

Rep. PITTS moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 9     Part IA, Page 86; Section 29, State Museum Commission; II. Programs, E. Public Info & Marketing - Classified Positions: $89,153 Total Funds; $89,153 General Funds

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 85; Nays 36

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               J. E. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Chumley
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Erickson
Felder                 Forrester              Hamilton
Henderson              Hixon                  Kennedy
Long                   Lowe                   McCoy
D. C. Moss             Nanney                 Norman
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Putnam                 Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 10   Part IA, Page 198; Section 70, Human Affairs Commission; III. Compliance Programs - New Positions, "Attorney II": $54,074 Total Funds; $54,074 General Funds

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 30; Nays 91

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Bales                  Branham
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Douglas                Funderburk
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Hart                   Horne                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Neal                   Parks                  J. E. Smith
Stavrinakis            Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brannon                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Gagnon                 Gambrell
Goldfinch              Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Nanney                 Newton
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 11   Part IA, Page 155; Section 49, Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism; II. Programs & Services, H. Product Services & Development - Other Operating Expenses: $500,000 Total Funds; $500,000 General Funds

Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 38; Nays 83

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Funderburk
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Hart                   Hayes                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Mack
McEachern              W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Neal                   Parks                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Robinson-Simpson       Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Gagnon                 Gambrell               Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Huggins                Kennedy
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  M. S. McLeod           Merrill
Murphy                 Nanney                 Newton
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 12   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education; XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Center for Educational Partnerships: $715,933 Total Funds

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 110; Nays 12

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Bedingfield            Chumley                Daning
Felder                 Hamilton               Henderson
Long                   Nanney                 Norman
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 13   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education; XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Public-Private Literacy Partnerships: $50,000 Total Funds

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 54; Nays 63

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Cobb-Hunter            Dillard
Douglas                Funderburk             George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Jefferson              King
Knight                 Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Barfield
Bedingfield            Bowen                  Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Gagnon                 Gambrell
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Huggins
Kennedy                Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Nanney                 Newton
Norman                 Owens                  Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rivers
Sandifer               Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Wells
Whitmire               Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 14   Part IA, Page 136; Section 44, Department of Agriculture; III. Consumer Service - New Positions, "Field Specialist I": $145,000 Total Funds; $145,000 General Funds

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 102; Nays 18

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Erickson               Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Ridgeway               Riley
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Daning
Felder                 Hamilton               Henderson
Huggins                Long                   McCoy
Nanney                 Norman                 Quinn
Rivers                 Stringer               Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 15   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Agricultural Engineer": $150,000 Total Funds; $150,000 General Funds

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 99; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Erickson               Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  H. A. Crawford
Daning                 Felder                 Hamilton
Henderson              Huggins                Loftis
Long                   McCoy                  Merrill
Nanney                 Norman                 Quinn
Rivers                 Southard               Stringer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 16   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Plant Breeder": $150,000 Total Funds; $150,000 General Funds

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 94; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Erickson               Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                J. E. Smith
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  Daning
Felder                 Hamilton               Henderson
Huggins                Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  Nanney                 Norman
Quinn                  Rivers                 G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Stringer               Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 17   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Research Associate": $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 98; Nays 24

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  Daning
Felder                 Hamilton               Henderson
Loftis                 Long                   McCoy
Merrill                Nanney                 Norman
Quinn                  Rivers                 G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Stringer               Taylor                 Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 18   Part IA, Page 84; Section 28, Arts Commission; II. Statewide Arts Services - Other Operating Expenses: $417,750 Total Funds; $102,142 General Funds

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 94; Nays 21

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                J. E. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Tallon                 Thayer
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Chumley                H. A. Crawford         Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hixon                  Kennedy
Loftis                 Long                   Nanney
Norman                 Quinn                  G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Stringer
Taylor                 Toole                  Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 19   Part IA, Page 152; Section 48, Sea Grant Consortium; I. Administration - Personal Service, Director: $89,247 Total Funds; $89,247 General Funds

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 98; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Owens
Parks                  Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                Cole
Gagnon                 Henderson              Long
Nanney                 Norman                 Quinn
Rivers                 G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 20   Part IA, Page 100; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs and Services, F. Health Care Standards, 2. Facility / Service Development - Total Facility & Service Development: $1,759,915 Total Funds; $1,442,571 General Funds

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD spoke upon the Veto.
Rep. W. J. MCLEOD spoke against the Veto.
Rep. WILLIAMS spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 56; Nays 65

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bernstein              Bowers
Branham                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Funderburk             George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardee                 Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               Munnerlyn              Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Pitts
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bingham
Bowen                  Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Gagnon
Gambrell               Goldfinch              Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Horne                  Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Nanney                 Newton                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Pope
Putnam                 Riley                  Rivers
Simrill                G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  White
Whitmire               Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 20 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Mark Willis


Due to prior family obligations, I had to leave the House's Session early on Wednesday, June 26. However, after reading through the Governor's veto messages, had I been present I would have voted to sustain the Governor's vetoes.

Rep. Wendy Nanney


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 20, for professional reasons. I support the Governor in eliminating the CON process. Her veto is the only method available to her to address this anti-competitive program. However, it is a program in place and people and businesses have applications in process and to pull the funding, I feel, is not how we should approach the elimination of this program.

Rep. Todd Atwater


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 20 was sustained:

Veto 20   Part IA, Page 100; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; II. Programs and Services, F. Health Care Standards, 2. Facility / Service Development - Total Facility & Service Development: $1,759,915 Total Funds; $1,442,571 General Funds

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. J. E. SMITH demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows:

Yeas 63; Nays 55

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison                Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Gagnon
Gambrell               Goldfinch              Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hiott
Hixon                  Horne                  Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Putnam                 Riley                  Rivers
Rutherford             Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Bernstein              Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Funderburk             George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardee                 Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Hodges
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
Munnerlyn              Neal                   Ott
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal                  Sabb
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


So, the motion to reconsider was tabled.


The SPEAKER granted Rep. NANNEY a leave of absence for the remainder of the day.


Veto 21   Part IB, Page 498; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 1 - Part IA - General Fund: $50,739,599

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 112; Nays 5

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Long                   Norman
Taylor                 Toole


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 21 was overridden:

Veto 21   Part IB, Page 498; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 1 - Part IA - General Fund: $50,739,599

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 22   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 5(a) - Department of Health and Human Services, Nursing Homes - Rate Increase: $5,000,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 114; Nays 5

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Bedingfield            Chumley                Norman
Putnam                 Southard


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 22 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Mark Willis


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 22 was overridden:

Veto 22   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 5(a) - Department of Health and Human Services, Nursing Homes - Rate Increase: $5,000,000

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 23   Part IB, Page 430; Section 91, Legislative Department; Proviso 91.27 - LEG: Committee Member Purchases

Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 29; Nays 83

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anthony                Bales
Bowen                  G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clyburn                Gilliard               Henderson
Hosey                  Jefferson              King
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
Mitchell               Munnerlyn              Parks
Ridgeway               Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Sabb                   Sellers                J. E. Smith
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowers                 Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Howard                 Huggins
Kennedy                Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  W. J. McLeod           Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Newton                 Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Riley                  Rivers
Ryhal                  Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Toole
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 24   Part IB, Page 472; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.34 - GP: Innovative Transportation

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 1; Nays 113

Those who voted in the affirmative are:



Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lucas                  McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 25   Part IB, Page 491-492; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.134 - GP: DOT Transfer to SIB

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 2; Nays 115

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  King


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Norman
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Putnam                 Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 26   Part IB, Page 492; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.135 - GP: Joint Transportation Corridor Study Committee

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 9; Nays 111

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Bales                  Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Gilliard               King
Knight                 W. J. McLeod           Neal


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Erickson               Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Newton                 Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 27   Part IB, Page 425; Section 87, Division of Aeronautics; Proviso 87.9 - AERO: Capital Improvement Projects

Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 90; Nays 27

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Tallon
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Chumley                H. A. Crawford         Forrester
Hardee                 Henderson              Huggins
Kennedy                Lucas                  McCoy
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 28   Part IB, Page 359-360; Section 29, State Museum Commission; Proviso 29.10 - MUSM: Admissions Tax Exemption

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 57; Nays 61

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bannister              Bernstein
Bowers                 Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Douglas                Erickson
Finlay                 Funderburk             George
Gilliard               Govan                  Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Owens                  Parks                  Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Rutherford             Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Brannon                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Edge                   Felder
Forrester              Gagnon                 Gambrell
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Henderson              Hiott
Hixon                  Huggins                Kennedy
Long                   Lowe                   McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Newton
Norman                 Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Riley                  Rivers                 Ryhal
Sandifer               Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 28 was sustained:

Veto 28   Part IB, Page 359-360; Section 29, State Museum Commission; Proviso 29.10 - MUSM: Admissions Tax Exemption

Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 29   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.41 - DHEC: Vital Records

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

Rep. OTT spoke against the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 105; Nays 16

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Bernstein
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardwick
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Norman
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Bedingfield            Bingham
Chumley                Clemmons               Hamilton
Harrell                Huggins                Kennedy
Lucas                  McCoy                  Putnam
Quinn                  Southard               Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. KING moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No 29 was overridden:

Veto 29   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.41 - DHEC: Vital Records

Rep. KING moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 30   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.43 - DHEC: Laurens County

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 95; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Lowe                   Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Parks                  Pitts                  Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Chumley
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Erickson               Felder                 Long
Lucas                  D. C. Moss             Newton
Norman                 Patrick                Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rivers
Simrill                Southard               Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 31   Part IB, Page 310; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.71 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 84; Nays 33

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Finlay
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Chumley                H. A. Crawford         Daning
Erickson               Felder                 Hamilton
Henderson              Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Pope                   Putnam
Quinn                  Rivers                 G. R. Smith
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Wells                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 32   Part IB, Page 422; Section 83, Department of Employment and Workforce; Proviso 83.8 - DEW: Local Offices

Rep. VICK explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 67; Nays 51

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Barfield               Bernstein
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
J. E. Smith            Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bingham                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
Crosby                 Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Harrell
Henderson              Hiott                  Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Putnam                 Quinn
Rivers                 Ryhal                  Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. G. A. BROWN moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 31 was overridden:

Veto 31   Part IB, Page 310; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.71 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop

Rep. G. A. BROWN moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 33   Part IB, Page 491; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.124 - GP: IT Certifications

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 1; Nays 110

Those who voted in the affirmative are:



Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 34   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(a) - State Museum Commission, Laurens County Museum: $150,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 75; Nays 46

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Pitts
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Erickson
Felder                 Forrester              Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Henderson
Hixon                  Huggins                Loftis
Long                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Newton
Norman                 Patrick                Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rivers
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Wells


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 32 was sustained:

Veto 32   Part IB, Page 422; Section 83, Department of Employment and Workforce; Proviso 83.8 - DEW: Local Offices

Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. VICK demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows:

Yeas 67; Nays 50

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison                Anderson               Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Herbkersman            Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Mack
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Murphy                 Newton                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Pope
Putnam                 Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Ryhal                  Sabb
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Anthony                Bales
Bowers                 Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Forrester              Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Hardee                 Hayes                  Henderson
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Lowe
Lucas                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Neal                   Ott
Parks                  Pitts                  Powers Norrell
Quinn                  Robinson-Simpson       J. E. Smith
Southard               Vick                   Weeks
White                  Willis


So, the motion to reconsider was tabled.


Veto 35   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(b) - State Museum Commission, SC Railroad Museum: $200,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

Rep. MCCOY spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 53; Nays 66

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bernstein              Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Finlay                 George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Parks                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Sabb                   J. E. Smith            Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bingham
Bowen                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rivers
Ryhal                  Sandifer               Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Wells                  White
Whitmire               Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. QUINN moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 35 was sustained:

Veto 35   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(b) - State Museum Commission, SC Railroad Museum: $200,000
Rep. QUINN moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 36   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 17(c) - State Museum Commission, Greenville Children's Museum: $100,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 44; Nays 71

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            Burns
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Finlay
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Henderson              Hiott                  Hodges
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           Mitchell
Munnerlyn              Neal                   Owens
Parks                  Putnam                 Robinson-Simpson
J. E. Smith            Stavrinakis            Whipper
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Herbkersman            Hixon
Horne                  Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  W. J. McLeod
Merrill                D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Murphy                 Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  White
Whitmire               Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 36 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to my professional relationship with the Greenville Children's Museum.

Rep. Tommy Stringer


Veto 37   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(c) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Women in Unity: $100,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 82; Nays 37

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford         Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Taylor
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Harrell
Henderson              Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  D. C. Moss             Newton
Norman                 Patrick                Pope
Putnam                 Rivers                 Simrill
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 38   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 39 - Department of Social Services, Phyllis Wheatley - Donaldson Center Revitalization: $150,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

Rep. DILLARD spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 93; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardwick               Harrell                Hayes
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Pitts
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Chumley
H. A. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Erickson               Felder                 Forrester
Hardee                 Long                   McCoy
D. C. Moss             Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Pope                   Putnam
Simrill                Taylor                 Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 39   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 37 - Prosecution Coordination Commission, Centers for Fathers and Families: $400,000

Rep. ANTHONY explained the Veto.

Rep. PITTS spoke against the Veto.
Rep. EDGE spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 98; Nays 20

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Erickson               Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Chumley                Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Forrester              Long
Lucas                  D. C. Moss             Norman
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rivers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
Southard               Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 40   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 118.17B, Item 20 - Department of Mental Health, Seahaven: $200,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 83; Nays 35

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Finlay                 Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Jefferson              King
Knight                 Loftis                 Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Weeks                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Chumley
Cole                   Delleney               Felder
Forrester              Hamilton               Harrell
Henderson              Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Long                   Lucas
McCoy                  D. C. Moss             Norman
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Rivers                 Simrill                G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 41   Part IB, Page 377; Section 35, Department of Mental Health; Proviso 35.15 - DMH: Psychiatric Day Program

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 9; Nays 108

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Bales                  R. L. Brown
Gilliard               Hart                   King
Knight                 Rutherford             J. E. Smith


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Norman                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 42   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(a) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assistance Programs: $100,000

Rep. STRINGER explained the Veto.

Rep. G. M. SMITH spoke against the Veto.
Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 121; Nays 1

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:



So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 43   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(d) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, HIV Prevention - Project Faith: $350,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 117; Nays 2

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Norman


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 44   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(e) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Nurse Family Partnership: $100,000
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 109; Nays 6

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Delleney               Norman
Putnam                 Quinn                  Southard


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 44 to H. 3710, the General Appropriation Bill. If I had been present, I would have voted to override the Veto.

Rep. Eddie Tallon


Veto 45   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(f) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Best Chance Network and Colon Cancer Prevention Network - Proviso 34.44: $1,500,000

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 111; Nays 5

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pope
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Norman                 Putnam
Southard               Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 46   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.44 - DHEC: Cancer Early Detection/Screenings

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 107; Nays 5

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Newton                 Owens
Patrick                Pope                   Powers Norrell
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Toole
Vick                   Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Chumley                Norman                 Putnam
Southard               Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 47   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(h) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Donate Life SC - Organ Donor Registry: $100,000

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 115; Nays 1

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:



So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 48   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(i) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, James R. Clark Sickle Cell Foundation: $100,000

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 114; Nays 1

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:



So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 49   Part IB, Page 364; Section 33, Department of Health and Human Services; Proviso 33.33 - DHHS: Non-Disabled, Childless Adults Waiver

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 42; Nays 73

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Douglas                George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Hodges                 Hosey
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Ott                    Parks                  Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Robinson-Simpson       Sabb
Sellers                J. E. Smith            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Erickson
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Horne
Huggins                Kennedy                Limehouse
Loftis                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Murphy
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Riley
Rivers                 Ryhal                  Sandifer
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Toole                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was away from my desk temporarily, during the vote on Veto No. 49 to H. 3710, the General Appropriation Bill, and was unable to vote, as the roll call was cut short. If I had been able to vote, I would have voted to sustain the Governor's Veto No. 49.

Rep. Bill Taylor


Veto 50   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 21 - Vocational Rehabilitation, Basic Services - Case Services: $500,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 103; Nays 18

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Tallon                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                Hamilton
Harrell                Henderson              McCoy
Norman                 Putnam                 Rivers
Southard               Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Wells                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 51   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 28 - Commission on Minority Affairs, PC Replacement: $23,286

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 36; Nays 82

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Branham                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Douglas                George
Govan                  Hart                   Hayes
Hodges                 Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Neal                   Parks                  Powers Norrell
Robinson-Simpson       J. E. Smith            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               Gilliard               Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Horne
Kennedy                Limehouse              Loftis
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Newton
Norman                 Owens                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 52   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 40 - Department of Agriculture, Certified South Carolina Grown Program: $500,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 54; Nays 62

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bernstein              Bowers                 Branham
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Chumley
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Delleney
Dillard                Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardee                 Hayes
Hiott                  Hodges                 Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Ridgeway               Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Sabb                   Sandifer
J. E. Smith            Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Bowen                  Brannon
Burns                  Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardwick
Harrell                Henderson              Herbkersman
Hixon                  Horne                  Kennedy
Limehouse              Loftis                 Long
McCoy                  Merrill                Murphy
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Quinn                  Riley                  Rivers
Ryhal                  Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Wells                  White
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 53   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 6 - Commission on Higher Education, University Center of Greenville Infrastructure Development: $200,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 87; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Edge                   Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Loftis                 Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Putnam
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Thayer                 Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Chumley
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Daning
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Hardee                 Hixon                  Huggins
Kennedy                Long                   Lucas
McCoy                  D. C. Moss             Newton
Norman                 Patrick                Pope
Quinn                  Rivers                 Southard
Tallon                 Taylor                 Toole
Wells                  Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 53 was overridden:

Veto 53   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 6 - Commission on Higher Education, University Center of Greenville Infrastructure Development: $200,000

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 54   Part IB, Page 449; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 11 - University of Charleston, Avery Center: $300,000

Rep. WHIPPER explained the Veto.

Rep. STAVRINAKIS spoke against the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 81; Nays 34

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
K. R. Crawford         Dillard                Douglas
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         Delleney               Erickson
Felder                 Forrester              Hamilton
Henderson              Huggins                Kennedy
Long                   Lucas                  D. C. Moss
Newton                 Norman                 Patrick
Pope                   Putnam                 G. M. Smith
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Wells                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 54 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Stephen Goldfinch


The SPEAKER granted Rep. LOFTIS a leave of absence for the remainder of the day.


Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 54 was overridden:

Veto 54   Part IB, Page 449; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 11 - University of Charleston, Avery Center: $300,000

Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 55   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 32 - Office of Lieutenant Governor, Caregivers: $2,999,999

Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 104; Nays 13

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Atwater                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Owens
Parks                  Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Ballentine             Bedingfield            Chumley
Henderson              Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Putnam                 G. R. Smith
Southard               Taylor                 Thayer


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. MERRILL moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 55 was overridden:

Veto 55   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 32 - Office of Lieutenant Governor, Caregivers: $2,999,999

Rep. MERRILL moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 56   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 36 - Arts Commission, Cultural Districts Designation Program: $25,000

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 76; Nays 41

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Bernstein
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Delleney               Dillard
Douglas                Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Tallon                 Vick
Wells                  Whipper                Whitmire


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bingham
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
H. A. Crawford         Daning                 Forrester
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardee
Henderson              Hixon                  Huggins
Kennedy                Long                   Lucas
D. C. Moss             Norman                 Pitts
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Riley                  Rivers                 Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  White
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 56 was sustained:

Veto 56   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 36 - Arts Commission, Cultural Districts Designation Program: $25,000

Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 57   Part IB, Page 429; Section 91, Legislative Department; Proviso 91.26 - LEG: EOC Efficiency Review

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 32; Nays 89

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anthony                Bales
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                Funderburk             Gilliard
Govan                  Hart                   Hodges
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Neal                   Ott                    Powers Norrell
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Vick
Weeks                  Whipper


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Douglas
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Horne                  Hosey                  Huggins
Kennedy                Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Murphy                 Newton
Norman                 Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 58   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(g) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Stroke System of Care Act of 2011: $50,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 72; Nays 48

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Dillard
Douglas                Edge                   Finlay
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Ott                    Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Vick                   Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               H. A. Crawford         Delleney
Erickson               Felder                 Forrester
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Long
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             Newton                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Pope
Putnam                 Quinn                  Riley
Rivers                 Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Weeks                  Wells                  White
Whitmire               Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 59   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 22(e) - Department of Commerce, Community Development Corporation Initiative: $400,000

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 74; Nays 47

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford
Dillard                Douglas                Felder
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  Chumley
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Goldfinch
Hardwick               Harrell                Henderson
Hixon                  Huggins                Long
Lucas                  McCoy                  D. C. Moss
Newton                 Norman                 Owens
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Rivers                 G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 60   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 26(a) - Department of Natural Resources, Outreach Programs: $200,000

Rep. PITTS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 94; Nays 26

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Dillard                Douglas                Edge
Erickson               Finlay                 Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                Cole
H. A. Crawford         Delleney               Felder
Forrester              Hamilton               Henderson
Huggins                Long                   Lucas
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
Rivers                 J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Tallon                 Taylor
Thayer                 Wells


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 61   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 41 - Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Rural Tourism Development - Cultural Visitor's Center, Orangeburg County: $1,000,000
Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 87; Nays 30

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Douglas
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Pitts
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Forrester              Goldfinch              Hamilton
Henderson              Long                   D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Pope                   Putnam
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 61 was overridden:

Veto 61   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 41 - Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Rural Tourism Development - Cultural Visitor's Center, Orangeburg County: $1,000,000

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 62   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 16(b) - Department of Archives and History, GLEAMNS - Benjamin Mays Historical Preservation Site, Capital Equipment: $200,000

Rep. PARKS explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 62; Nays 58

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Barfield               Bernstein
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford
Dillard                Douglas                Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Pitts
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
J. E. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bannister              Bedingfield            Bingham
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Goldfinch              Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Henderson              Hiott                  Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Murphy
Newton                 Norman                 Patrick
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Ryhal                  Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Toole                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 58 was sustained:

Veto 58   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(g) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Stroke System of Care Act of 2011: $50,000

Rep. G. R. SMITH moved to table the motion to reconsider.

Rep. SELLERS demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows:

Yeas 44; Nays 74

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bingham
Burns                  Clemmons               H. A. Crawford
Daning                 Erickson               Forrester
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Henderson
Huggins                Kennedy                Long
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Newton                 Norman                 Patrick
Pope                   Putnam                 Quinn
Riley                  Rutherford             Sandifer
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bernstein
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Chumley                Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Felder                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sellers                J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Stringer               Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


So, the House refused to table the motion to reconsider.

The question then recurred to the motion to reconsider.
Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to adjourn debate on the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 63   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 43(f) - Department of Transportation, Sandy Island Boat Ramp: $150,000

Rep. ANDERSON explained the Veto.

Rep. GOLDFINCH spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 80; Nays 39

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                J. E. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Chumley                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Hamilton               Henderson              Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Long
Lucas                  McCoy                  D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Newton                 Norman
Patrick                Pope                   Putnam
Quinn                  Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Southard
Stringer               Taylor                 Thayer
Wells                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 63 was overridden:

Veto 63   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 43(f) - Department of Transportation, Sandy Island Boat Ramp: $150,000

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 64   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 45 - Budget and Control Board, Security Lighting Upgrade: $453,000

Rep. MERRILL explained the Veto.

Rep. STAVRINAKIS spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 92; Nays 26

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Tallon                 Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Chumley
Felder                 Forrester              Hamilton
Henderson              Huggins                Kennedy
Long                   D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Norman                 Pope                   Putnam
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Toole                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 64 was overridden:

Veto 64   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 45 - Budget and Control Board, Security Lighting Upgrade: $453,000

Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 65   Part IB, Page 311; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.80 - SDE: Early Warning Referral and Monitoring System

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 14; Nays 103

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anthony                Bales                  Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Gilliard               Howard                 King
McEachern              Owens                  Powers Norrell
Vick                   Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Huggins                Jefferson              Kennedy
Knight                 Limehouse              Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Norman
Ott                    Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. HIOTT moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 62 was sustained, which was agreed to:

Veto 62   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 16(b) - Department of Archives and History, GLEAMNS - Benjamin Mays Historical Preservation Site, Capital Equipment: $200,000

Rep. HODGES spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 80; Nays 35

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                G. A. Brown
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Pitts
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                G. M. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Chumley                Clemmons               Cole
H. A. Crawford         Delleney               Felder
Forrester              Goldfinch              Hamilton
Henderson              Huggins                Kennedy
Long                   Lucas                  D. C. Moss
Newton                 Norman                 Patrick
Putnam                 Quinn                  Simrill
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole
Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. HODGES moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 62 was overridden:

Veto 62   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 16(b) - Department of Archives and History, GLEAMNS - Benjamin Mays Historical Preservation Site, Capital Equipment: $200,000

Rep. HODGES moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 66   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 44 - Education Oversight Committee, Partnerships for Innovation: $100,000

Rep. BINGHAM explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 88; Nays 28

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
K. R. Crawford         Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Long                   Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                G. M. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Tallon
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                H. A. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Delleney
Forrester              Hamilton               Henderson
Huggins                Lucas                  McCoy
D. C. Moss             Norman                 Pope
Putnam                 Rivers                 Simrill
G. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 67   Part IB, Page 342-343; Section 1A, Department of Education-EIA; Proviso 1A.55 - SDE-EIA: EOC Partnerships for Innovation

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 88; Nays 28

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Lowe                   Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Tallon                 Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Burns                  Chumley                H. A. Crawford
Daning                 Delleney               Finlay
Forrester              Hamilton               Henderson
Huggins                Lucas                  McCoy
D. C. Moss             Norman                 Pope
Putnam                 Rivers                 Simrill
G. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 68   Part IB, Page 338; Section IA, Department of Education-EIA; Proviso 1A.36 - SDE-EIA: Carry Forward

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 92; Nays 25

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   K. R. Crawford
Crosby                 Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Finlay                 Forrester
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Kennedy
King                   Knight                 Lowe
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Chumley                H. A. Crawford         Daning
Delleney               Felder                 Hixon
Huggins                Limehouse              Long
Lucas                  McCoy                  D. C. Moss
Norman                 Pope                   Putnam
Rivers                 Simrill                Southard
Taylor                 Thayer                 Toole


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 69   Part IB, Page 345; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 14 - Commission on Higher Education, Public Four-Year Universities, Two-Year Branch Campuses, and State Technical Colleges - Academic Facility Building, Repair and Maintenance, and Training: $10,509,883

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 96; Nays 19

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Chumley                Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Cole                   H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Henderson              Herbkersman
Hiott                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Parks                  Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Bedingfield            Burns
Felder                 Hamilton               Hixon
McCoy                  Newton                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Simrill
G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Taylor                 Thayer                 Wells


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 69 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Joe Daning


I didn't vote on Veto No. 69 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to a possible conflict of interest.

Rep. Mike Forrester


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 69 to H. 3710, the General Appropriations Bill, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Rita Allison


Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 69 was overridden:

Veto 69   Part IB, Page 345; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 14 - Commission on Higher Education, Public Four-Year Universities, Two-Year Branch Campuses, and State Technical Colleges - Academic Facility Building, Repair and Maintenance, and Training: $10,509,883

Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 70   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 17 - State Library, Union County Carnegie Library Renovations: $1,250,000

Rep. ANTHONY explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 84; Nays 31

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Allison                Anderson
Anthony                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown            Chumley
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
K. R. Crawford         Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Kennedy                King
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Toole
Vick                   Weeks                  Whipper
Whitmire               Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Atwater                Ballentine             Bingham
Burns                  Clemmons               H. A. Crawford
Crosby                 Daning                 Erickson
Felder                 Goldfinch              Hamilton
Henderson              Hixon                  Huggins
Long                   McCoy                  Newton
Norman                 Patrick                Putnam
Quinn                  Rivers                 G. R. Smith
J. R. Smith            Southard               Stringer
Taylor                 Thayer                 Wells


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Concerning the Governor's vetoes on H. 3710, I abstained from voting on Vetoes No. 32, 35, and 70, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Eric Bedingfield


Rep. D. C. MOSS moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 70 was overridden:

Veto 70   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 17 - State Library, Union County Carnegie Library Renovations: $1,250,000

Rep. D. C. MOSS moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 71   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 18 - Department of Education, New Carolina Transformation in Education: $100,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 95; Nays 23

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                G. A. Brown            R. L. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Daning                 Dillard
Edge                   Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                King                   Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Thayer                 Toole                  Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Cole
Crosby                 Delleney               Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Long
Lucas                  McCoy                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             Newton                 Norman
Pope                   Putnam                 Rivers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            Southard
Tallon                 Taylor


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. BINGHAM moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 71 was overridden:

Veto 71   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 18 - Department of Education, New Carolina Transformation in Education: $100,000

Rep. BINGHAM moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. SIMRILL moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No.52 was sustained:

Veto 52   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 40 - Department of Agriculture, Certified South Carolina Grown Program: $500,000

Rep. SIMRILL moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


The motion of Rep. G. R. SMITH to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 58 was sustained, was taken up.

Veto 58   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(g) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Stroke System of Care Act of 2011: $50,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH spoke in favor of the reconsideration, which was agreed to.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 90; Nays 26

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   K. R. Crawford         Daning
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
King                   Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Mack
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Murphy                 Neal                   Newton
Ott                    Owens                  Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Delleney               Felder                 Goldfinch
Hamilton               Harrell                Henderson
Kennedy                Lucas                  D. C. Moss
Norman                 Putnam                 G. R. Smith
Taylor                 Thayer                 Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. COBB-HUNTER moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 58 was overridden:

Veto 58   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(g) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Stroke System of Care Act of 2011: $50,000

Rep. COBB-HUNTER moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. HARDWICK moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 59 was sustained, which was agreed to:

Veto 59   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 22(e) - Department of Commerce, Community Development Corporation Initiative: $400,000

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 81; Nays 32

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                R. L. Brown
Chumley                Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              King                   Knight
Limehouse              Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Quinn
Ridgeway               Riley                  Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Southard               Spires                 Stavrinakis
Tallon                 Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Burns
Clemmons               Crosby                 Erickson
Goldfinch              Harrell                Henderson
Hixon                  Huggins                Kennedy
Long                   Lucas                  Merrill
D. C. Moss             Norman                 Pitts
Putnam                 Rivers                 G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            Stringer               Taylor
Thayer                 Wells                  White
Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. COBB-HUNTER moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 59 was overridden:

Veto 59   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 22(e) - Department of Commerce, Community Development Corporation Initiative: $400,000

Rep. COBB-HUNTER moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


The SPEAKER granted Rep. KING a leave of absence for the remainder of the day.

R. 121, H. 3711--GOVERNOR'S VETOES

The Vetoes on the following Joint Resolution were taken up:



Veto 1     Section 1, Item 4, Budget and Control Board - Statehouse Dehumidification and Heating: $60,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 1; Nays 114

Those who voted in the affirmative are:



Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Ballentine             Bannister
Barfield               Bedingfield            Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                R. L. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                Knight
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Norman                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Vick                   Weeks                  Wells
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 2     Section 1, Item 40, Department of Agriculture - Pee Dee Farmers Market, Replace Refrigeration Capacity: $75,000

Rep. WHITE explained the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 23; Nays 84

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anthony                Bales                  Bernstein
Branham                R. L. Brown            Dillard
George                 Gilliard               Govan
Hayes                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               Munnerlyn
Powers Norrell         Rutherford             Sellers
J. E. Smith            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Anderson               Atwater
Ballentine             Bannister              Barfield
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Brannon                Burns
Chumley                Clyburn                Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Daning                 Delleney               Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  Merrill                D. C. Moss
Murphy                 Newton                 Norman
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Wells
White                  Whitmire               Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 2 to H. 3711, the Capital Reserve Fund. If I had been present, I would have voted to sustain the Veto.

Rep. Donna Wood


Veto 3     Section 1, Item 14, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Keystone Alcohol and Drug Abuse Capital Improvement, Rock Hill: $750,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 95; Nays 21

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bingham
Bowen                  Bowers                 Branham
Brannon                R. L. Brown            Burns
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Felder                 Finlay                 Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Goldfinch              Govan
Hamilton               Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Knight                 Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Spires                 Stavrinakis
Taylor                 Vick                   Weeks
Wells                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Chumley
Cole                   Crosby                 Daning
Forrester              Huggins                Kennedy
Limehouse              Norman                 Owens
Putnam                 Quinn                  Rivers
Southard               Stringer               Tallon
Thayer                 Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Concerning the Governor's vetoes on H. 3711, I abstained from voting on Veto No. 3, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Eric Bedingfield


Rep. SIMRILL moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 3 was overridden:

Veto 3   Section 1, Item 14, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Keystone Alcohol and Drug Abuse Capital Improvement, Rock Hill: $750,000

Rep. SIMRILL moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 4   Section 1, Item 16, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Circle Park, Florence County, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $150,000

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 93; Nays 22

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anthony                Atwater
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                R. L. Brown
Burns                  Clemmons               Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Funderburk             Gagnon                 Gambrell
George                 Gilliard               Goldfinch
Govan                  Hardee                 Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Henderson              Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Jefferson              Knight
Limehouse              Long                   Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Riley                  Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Taylor                 Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Chumley                Cole
Crosby                 Daning                 Forrester
Hamilton               Huggins                Kennedy
Norman                 Owens                  Putnam
Quinn                  Rivers                 Stringer
Tallon                 Thayer                 Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 4 was overridden:

Veto 4     Section 1, Item 16, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Circle Park, Florence County, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $150,000

Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 5     Section 1, Item 15, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - McCord Center Fire Safety, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $250,000

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 89; Nays 25

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Delleney               Dillard
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Knight                 Limehouse              Long
Lowe                   Lucas                  Mack
McCoy                  McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               D. C. Moss
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Ridgeway
Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Taylor                 Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Chumley                Cole
Crosby                 Daning                 Forrester
Hamilton               Henderson              Huggins
Kennedy                Merrill                Norman
Owens                  Putnam                 Quinn
Rivers                 Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Thayer                 Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 6     Section 1, Item 12, State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Initiative: $2,500,000

Rep. FORRESTER explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 110; Nays 2

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Ballentine
Bannister              Barfield               Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                R. L. Brown
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            Cole
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Crosby
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Felder                 Finlay
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Hardee                 Hardwick               Harrell
Hart                   Hayes                  Henderson
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Huggins                Jefferson
Kennedy                Knight                 Limehouse
Long                   Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Owens
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Pope                   Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Spires
Stavrinakis            Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Thayer                 Vick
Weeks                  Wells                  Whipper
White                  Whitmire               Williams
Willis                 Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Norman                 Southard


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 6 to H. 3711, the Capital Reserve Fund, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Joe Daning


I was temporarily out of the Chamber on constituent business during the vote on Veto No. 6 to H. 3711, the Capital Reserve Fund Bill. If I had been present, I would have voted to sustain the Veto.

Rep. Eric Bedingfield


Veto 7     Section 1, Item 39, Vocational Rehabilitation - Palmetto Center, Rebuild Facility, Fire and Life Safety Issues: $3,000,000

Rep. G. M. SMITH explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 72; Nays 44

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Burns                  Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            K. R. Crawford         Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Funderburk
Gagnon                 George                 Gilliard
Govan                  Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Jefferson
Knight                 Limehouse              Lowe
Lucas                  Mack                   McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Mitchell
V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn              Murphy
Neal                   Ott                    Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Crosby
Edge                   Erickson               Felder
Finlay                 Forrester              Gambrell
Goldfinch              Hamilton               Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Henderson
Hiott                  Hixon                  Huggins
Kennedy                Long                   McCoy
Merrill                D. C. Moss             Newton
Norman                 Putnam                 Quinn
Riley                  Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Wells                  White                  Whitmire
Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was sustained and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Veto 8     Section 1, Item 5, The Citadel - Cadet Accountability System: $1,500,000

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 81; Nays 35

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bowen                  Branham
Brannon                R. L. Brown            Clyburn
Cobb-Hunter            Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Felder
Finlay                 Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hamilton
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hiott                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Knight                 Limehouse
Lucas                  Mack                   McCoy
McEachern              M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod
Merrill                Mitchell               D. C. Moss
Munnerlyn              Murphy                 Neal
Newton                 Ott                    Parks
Patrick                Pitts                  Pope
Ridgeway               Riley                  Rivers
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Taylor
Vick                   Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Bingham                Bowers
Burns                  Chumley                Clemmons
Cole                   H. A. Crawford         Edge
Erickson               Forrester              Hardee
Hardwick               Henderson              Hixon
Huggins                Kennedy                Long
Lowe                   V. S. Moss             Norman
Owens                  Powers Norrell         Putnam
Quinn                  Southard               Stringer
Tallon                 Thayer                 Weeks
Wells                  Willis


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 8 was overridden:

Veto 8     Section 1, Item 5, The Citadel - Cadet Accountability System: $1,500,000

Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Veto 9     Section 1, Item 6, University of Charleston - Computer Science Program: $100,000

Rep. LIMEHOUSE explained the Veto.

Rep. STAVRINAKIS spoke against the Veto.
The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 86; Nays 30

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Bales                  Bannister              Barfield
Bernstein              Bingham                Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Finlay                 Funderburk
Gagnon                 Gambrell               George
Gilliard               Govan                  Hardwick
Harrell                Hart                   Hayes
Herbkersman            Hixon                  Hodges
Horne                  Hosey                  Howard
Jefferson              Kennedy                Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McCoy                  McEachern
M. S. McLeod           W. J. McLeod           Merrill
Mitchell               V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Parks                  Patrick                Pitts
Powers Norrell         Quinn                  Ridgeway
Riley                  Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson
Rutherford             Ryhal                  Sabb
Sandifer               Sellers                Simrill
G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith
J. R. Smith            Sottile                Southard
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Vick
Weeks                  Whipper                White
Whitmire               Williams


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Chumley
Clemmons               Cole                   H. A. Crawford
Felder                 Forrester              Goldfinch
Hamilton               Hardee                 Henderson
Hiott                  Huggins                Long
D. C. Moss             Norman                 Owens
Pope                   Putnam                 Stringer
Tallon                 Taylor                 Thayer
Wells                  Willis                 Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 9 was overridden:

Veto 9     Section 1, Item 6, University of Charleston - Computer Science Program: $100,000

Rep. STAVRINAKIS moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


I abstained from voting on Veto No. 9 to H. 3711, the Capital Reserve Fund, due to a potential conflict of interest.

Rep. Stephen Goldfinch


Veto 10   Section 1, Item 19, Clemson University PSA - Advanced Plant Technology Lab: $3,000,000

Rep. SIMRILL explained the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 95; Nays 18

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander              Anderson               Anthony
Atwater                Bales                  Bannister
Barfield               Bernstein              Bowen
Bowers                 Branham                Brannon
R. L. Brown            Chumley                Clemmons
Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter            H. A. Crawford
K. R. Crawford         Crosby                 Delleney
Dillard                Edge                   Erickson
Forrester              Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hiott
Hixon                  Hodges                 Horne
Hosey                  Howard                 Huggins
Jefferson              Kennedy                Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Merrill                Mitchell
D. C. Moss             V. S. Moss             Munnerlyn
Neal                   Newton                 Ott
Owens                  Parks                  Patrick
Pitts                  Pope                   Powers Norrell
Putnam                 Ridgeway               Riley
Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford             Ryhal
Sabb                   Sandifer               Sellers
Simrill                G. M. Smith            G. R. Smith
J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith            Sottile
Spires                 Stavrinakis            Tallon
Thayer                 Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                White                  Whitmire
Williams               Willis


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Ballentine             Bedingfield
Bingham                Burns                  Daning
Felder                 Hamilton               Henderson
Long                   McCoy                  Norman
Quinn                  Rivers                 Stringer
Taylor                 Wells                  Wood


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. FINLAY moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 7 was sustained, which was agreed to:

Veto 7   Section 1, Item 39, Vocational Rehabilitation - Palmetto Center, Rebuild Facility, Fire and Life Safety Issues: $3,000,000

Rep. LOWE spoke against the Veto.

The question was put, shall the Item become a part of the law, the veto of her Excellency, the Governor to the contrary notwithstanding, the yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 81; Nays 28

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Anderson               Anthony                Bales
Bannister              Barfield               Bernstein
Bingham                Bowen                  Bowers
Branham                Brannon                R. L. Brown
Clemmons               Clyburn                Cobb-Hunter
H. A. Crawford         K. R. Crawford         Daning
Delleney               Dillard                Edge
Erickson               Funderburk             Gagnon
Gambrell               George                 Gilliard
Goldfinch              Govan                  Hardee
Hardwick               Harrell                Hart
Hayes                  Herbkersman            Hixon
Hodges                 Horne                  Hosey
Howard                 Jefferson              Knight
Limehouse              Lowe                   Lucas
Mack                   McEachern              M. S. McLeod
W. J. McLeod           Mitchell               V. S. Moss
Munnerlyn              Neal                   Ott
Parks                  Pitts                  Pope
Powers Norrell         Ridgeway               Riley
Rivers                 Robinson-Simpson       Rutherford
Ryhal                  Sabb                   Sandifer
Sellers                Simrill                G. M. Smith
G. R. Smith            J. E. Smith            J. R. Smith
Sottile                Southard               Spires
Stavrinakis            Vick                   Weeks
Whipper                Williams               Wood


Those who voted in the negative are:

Allison                Atwater                Ballentine
Bedingfield            Burns                  Cole
Felder                 Finlay                 Forrester
Hamilton               Henderson              Hiott
Huggins                Kennedy                Merrill
D. C. Moss             Newton                 Norman
Owens                  Patrick                Putnam
Quinn                  Stringer               Tallon
Taylor                 Wells                  White


So, the Veto of the Governor was overridden and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 7 was overridden:

Veto 7   Section 1, Item 39, Vocational Rehabilitation - Palmetto Center, Rebuild Facility, Fire and Life Safety Issues: $3,000,000

Rep. K. R. CRAWFORD moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. MERRILL moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 60 on H. 3710 was overridden:

Veto 60   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 26(a) - Department of Natural Resources, Outreach Programs: $200,000

Rep. MERRILL moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 33 on H. 3710 was sustained:

Veto 33   Part IB, Page 491; Section 117, General Provisions; Proviso 117.124 - GP: IT Certifications

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. BINGHAM moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 12 on H. 3710 was overridden:

Veto 12   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education; XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Center for Educational Partnerships: $715,933 Total Funds

Rep. BINGHAM moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 18 on H. 3710 was overridden:

Veto 18   Part IA, Page 84; Section 28, Arts Commission; II. Statewide Arts Services - Other Operating Expenses: $417,750 Total Funds; $102,142 General Funds

Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 19 on H. 3710 was overridden:

Veto 19   Part IA, Page 152; Section 48, Sea Grant Consortium; I. Administration - Personal Service, Director: $89,247 Total Funds; $89,247 General Funds

Rep. LIMEHOUSE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


Rep. WHITE moved to reconsider the vote whereby Veto No. 27 on H. 3710 was overridden:

Veto 27   Part IB, Page 425; Section 87, Division of Aeronautics; Proviso 87.9 - AERO: Capital Improvement Projects

Rep. WHITE moved to table the motion to reconsider, which was agreed to.


The Veto on the following Act was taken up:


Rep. WEEKS moved to adjourn debate on the veto, which was agreed to.

Rep. OTT moved that the House do now adjourn, pending receipt of messages from the Senate, which was agreed to.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 26 to 17:

Veto 3   Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 23 to 17:

Veto 8   Part IA, Page 144; Section 47, Department of Natural Resources; II. Programs & Services, A. Conservation Education, 1. Outreach Programs - Other Operating Expenses: $608,128 Total Funds; $500,000 General Funds
Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 25 to 18:

Veto 9   Part IA, Page 86; Section 29, State Museum Commission; II. Programs, E. Public Info & Marketing - Classified Positions: $89,153 Total Funds; $89,153 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 12   Part IA, Page 8; Section 1, Department of Education; XII. Education Improvement Act, F. Partnerships, 2. Other Agencies and Entities - Center for Educational Partnerships: $715,933 Total Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 27 to 16:

Veto 14   Part IA, Page 136; Section 44, Department of Agriculture; III. Consumer Service - New Positions, "Field Specialist I": $145,000 Total Funds; $145,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 15   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Agricultural Engineer": $150,000 Total Funds; $150,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 16   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Plant Breeder": $150,000 Total Funds; $150,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 17   Part IA, Page 141; Section 45, Clemson University (Public Service Activities); III. Agricultural Research - New Positions, "Research Associate": $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 8:

Veto 18   Part IA, Page 84; Section 28, Arts Commission; II. Statewide Arts Services - Other Operating Expenses: $417,750 Total Funds; $102,142 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 10:

Veto 19   Part IA, Page 152; Section 48, Sea Grant Consortium; I. Administration - Personal Service, Director: $89,247 Total Funds; $89,247 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 29 to 14:

Veto 21   Part IB, Page 498; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 1 - Part IA - General Fund: $50,739,599

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 13:

Veto 22   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 5(a) - Department of Health and Human Services, Nursing Homes - Rate Increase: $5,000,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 17 to 24:

Veto 27   Part IB, Page 425; Section 87, Division of Aeronautics; Proviso 87.9 - AERO: Capital Improvement Projects

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 26 to 17:

Veto 29   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.41 - DHEC: Vital Records

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 35 to 7:

Veto 30   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.43 - DHEC: Laurens County

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 27 to 16:

Veto 31   Part IB, Page 310; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.71 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 21 to 19:

Veto 37   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(c) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Women in Unity: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 38   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 39 - Department of Social Services, Phyllis Wheatley - Donaldson Center Revitalization: $150,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 8:

Veto 39   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 37 - Prosecution Coordination Commission, Centers for Fathers and Families: $400,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 8 to 34:

Veto 40   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue, Proviso 118.17B, Item 20 - Department of Mental Health, Seahaven: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 32 to 11:

Veto 42   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(a) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, SC Bleeding Disorders Premium Assistance Programs: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 27 to 15:

Veto 43   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(d) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, HIV Prevention - Project Faith: $350,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 31 to 9:

Veto 44   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(e) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Nurse Family Partnership: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 34 to 8:

Veto 45   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(f) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Best Chance Network and Colon Cancer Prevention Network - Proviso 34.44: $1,500,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 34 to 8:

Veto 46   Part IB, Page 374; Section 34, Department of Health and Environmental Control; Proviso 34.44 - DHEC: Cancer Early Detection/Screenings

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 28 to 15:

Veto 47   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(h) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Donate Life SC - Organ Donor Registry: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 32 to 11:

Veto 48   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(i) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, James R. Clark Sickle Cell Foundation: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 34 to 9:

Veto 50   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 21 - Vocational Rehabilitation, Basic Services - Case Services: $500,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 27 to 15:

Veto 53   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 6 - Commission on Higher Education, University Center of Greenville Infrastructure Development: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 31 to 12:

Veto 54   Part IB, Page 449; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 11 - University of Charleston, Avery Center: $300,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 37 to 5:

Veto 55   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 32 - Office of Lieutenant Governor, Caregivers: $2,999,999

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 34 to 9:

Veto 58   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(g) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Stroke System of Care Act of 2011: $50,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 31 to 11:

Veto 59   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 22(e) - Department of Commerce, Community Development Corporation Initiative: $400,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 27 to 15:

Veto 60   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 26(a) - Department of Natural Resources, Outreach Programs: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 17 to 25:

Veto 61   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 41 - Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Rural Tourism Development - Cultural Visitor's Center, Orangeburg County: $1,000,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 10:

Veto 62   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 16(b) - Department of Archives and History, GLEAMNS - Benjamin Mays Historical Preservation Site, Capital Equipment: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 27 to 16:

Veto 63   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 43(f) - Department of Transportation, Sandy Island Boat Ramp: $150,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has sustained the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 0 to 40:

Veto 64   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 45 - Budget and Control Board, Security Lighting Upgrade: $453,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 66   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 44 - Education Oversight Committee, Partnerships for Innovation: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 67   Part IB, Page 342-343; Section 1A, Department of Education-EIA; Proviso 1A.55 - SDE-EIA: EOC Partnerships for Innovation

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 68   Part IB, Page 338; Section IA, Department of Education-EIA; Proviso 1A.36 - SDE-EIA: Carry Forward
Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 39 to 3:

Veto 69   Part IB, Page 345; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 14 - Commission on Higher Education, Public Four-Year Universities, Two-Year Branch Campuses, and State Technical Colleges - Academic Facility Building, Repair and Maintenance, and Training: $10,509,883

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 70   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 17 - State Library, Union County Carnegie Library Renovations: $1,250,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 120, H. 3710 by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 71   Part IB, Page 346; Section 3, Lottery Expenditure Account; Proviso 3.5, Item 18 - Department of Education, New Carolina Transformation in Education: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 29 to 14:

Veto 3   Section 1, Item 14, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Keystone Alcohol and Drug Abuse Capital Improvement, Rock Hill: $750,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 29 to 14:

Veto 4   Section 1, Item 16, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - Circle Park, Florence County, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $150,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 29 to 14:

Veto 5   Section 1, Item 15, Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services - McCord Center Fire Safety, Alcohol and Drug Abuse: $250,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 38 to 5:

Veto 6   Section 1, Item 12, State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education - Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Initiative: $2,500,000
Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 7   Section 1, Item 39, Vocational Rehabilitation - Palmetto Center, Rebuild Facility, Fire and Life Safety Issues: $3,000,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 40 to 3:

Veto 8   Section 1, Item 5, The Citadel - Cadet Accountability System: $1,500,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 37 to 6:

Veto 9   Section 1, Item 6, University of Charleston - Computer Science Program: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has overridden the Veto by the Governor on R. 121, H. 3711 (Word version) by a vote of 33 to 9:

Veto 10   Section 1, Item 19, Clemson University PSA - Advanced Plant Technology Lab: $3,000,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has sustained the Veto by a vote of 27 to 15:

Veto 3   Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 29 to 13:

Veto 3   Part IA, Page 169; Section 57, Judicial Department; IX. Non-Recurring Appropriation - Barnwell County Court House Repairs: $100,000 Total Funds; $100,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 28 to 14:

Veto 9   Part IA, Page 86; Section 29, State Museum Commission; II. Programs, E. Public Info & Marketing - Classified Positions: $89,153 Total Funds; $89,153 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 32 to 11:

Veto 14   Part IA, Page 136; Section 44, Department of Agriculture; III. Consumer Service - New Positions, "Field Specialist I": $145,000 Total Funds; $145,000 General Funds

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 31 to 12:

Veto 31   Part IB, Page 310; Section 1, Department of Education; Proviso 1.71 - SDE: Lee County Bus Shop

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 43   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(d) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, HIV Prevention - Project Faith: $350,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 30 to 12:

Veto 47   Part IB, Page 500; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 19(h) - Department of Health and Environmental Control, Donate Life SC - Organ Donor Registry: $100,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 29 to 14:

Veto 53   Part IB, Page 499; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 6 - Commission on Higher Education, University Center of Greenville Infrastructure Development: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has sustained the Veto by a vote of 27 to 15:

Veto 60   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 26(a) - Department of Natural Resources, Outreach Programs: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 34 to 7:

Veto 60   Part IB, Page 501; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 26(a) - Department of Natural Resources, Outreach Programs: $200,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has sustained the Veto by a vote of 26 to 14:

Veto 61   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 41 - Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Rural Tourism Development - Cultural Visitor's Center, Orangeburg County: $1,000,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


The following was received:

Columbia, S.C., June 27, 2013
Mr. Speaker and Members of the House:
The Senate respectfully informs your Honorable Body that it has reconsidered the vote whereby the Veto by the Governor was sustained on R. 120, H. 3710, and has overridden the Veto by a vote of 30 to 13:

Veto 63   Part IB, Page 502; Section 118, Statewide Revenue; Proviso 118.17B, Item 43(f) - Department of Transportation, Sandy Island Boat Ramp: $150,000

Very respectfully,
Received as information.


At 6:57 p.m. the House, in accordance with the motion of Rep. FORRESTER, adjourned pursuant to the Sine Die Resolution, S. 744, in memory of Susan Hall Talley of Spartanburg, mother of former Representative Scott Talley, pending receipt of messages from the Senate.


This web page was last updated on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 3:23 P.M. <

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