Current Status Introducing Body:Senate Bill Number:1010 Ratification Number:254 Act Number:250 Primary Sponsor:McGill Type of Legislation:GB Subject:Florence County school district trustees Date Bill Passed both Bodies:Sep 23, 1991 Computer Document Number:1010 Governor's Action:S Date of Governor's Action:Oct 01, 1991 Introduced Date:May 23, 1991 Date of Last Amendment:Sep 23, 1991 Last History Body:------ Last History Date:Oct 01, 1991 Last History Type:Act No. 250 Scope of Legislation:Local All Sponsors:McGill Type of Legislation:General Bill
Bill Body Date Action Description CMN ---- ------ ------------ ------------------------------ --- 1010 ------ Oct 01, 1991 Act No. 250 1010 ------ Oct 01, 1991 Signed by Governor 1010 ------ Sep 23, 1991 Ratified R 254 1010 Senate Sep 23, 1991 Concurred in House amendment, enrolled for ratification 1010 House Sep 23, 1991 Amended, read third time, returned with amendment 1010 House Jun 06, 1991 Read second time 1010 House Jun 05, 1991 Introduced, read first time, placed on Calendar without reference 1010 Senate May 31, 1991 Amended, read third time, sent to House 1010 Senate May 30, 1991 Ordered to be amended and receive third reading on Friday, May 31 1010 Senate May 24, 1991 Read second time, notice of general amendments 1010 Senate May 23, 1991 Unanimous consent for second and third reading on the next two consecutive Legislative days 1010 Senate May 23, 1991 Placed on Local and Uncontested Calendar without reference 1010 Senate May 23, 1991 Introduced, read first timeView additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.
(A250, R254, S1010)
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
Application to Florence School District Number 5
SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any prior provisions of law, the provisions of this part apply to Florence School District Number 5 only.
Election of members of the board of trustees
SECTION 2. The members of the board of trustees of Florence School District Number 5 shall consist of seven members to be elected from four single-member districts with one member being elected from each district and three other members to be elected at large. A candidate for a seat on the board of trustees vying for a single-member district seat must be a resident of such single-member district and a qualified elector. Also, a candidate for an at-large seat must be a resident of School District Number 5.
Constitution of districts
SECTION 3. The single-member districts of School District Number 5 are constituted as follows:
District #1-Beginning at intersection of unnamed road and Old River Road, then south from Old River Road to State Highway 51 and south on State Highway 51 to Lynches River, then south on State Highway 51 to Lynches River to Johnsonville City Limits, then south from city limits to Lynwood Drive, then northeast on Lynwood to Centers Avenue, then east on Centers Avenue to Diamond Branch Road, then southwest on Diamond Branch Road to Broadway Street, then east on Broadway Street to powerline/pipeline, then south on powerline/pipeline to unpaved portions of State Road 591, then south on said portion to State Road 738, then northwest on State Road 738 to State Road 1219, then northeast on State Road 1219 to State Highway 341, then west on State Highway 341 to State Road 543, then north, then west on State Road 543 to State Road 49, then north on State Road 49 to Florence School District Number 5 boundary, then following Florence School District Number 5 boundary in a northeasterly direction to unnamed railroad, then northwest on said railroad to unnamed road, then east on unnamed road to Old River Road, point of origin.
District #2-Beginning at intersection of Florence School District Number 5 boundary and Florence County line, then southeasterly on county line to Williamsburg/Florence County line, then westerly on Williamsburg/Florence County line to State Road 120, then northwest on State Road 120 to State Road 1221, then west on State Road 1221 to Country Club Drive, then north on Country Club Drive to Johnsonville City Limits, then following city limits in westerly direction to Marion Street, then southwest on Marion Street to Butler Street, then north on Butler Street to Pine Street, then southwest on Pine Street to West Railroad Avenue, then north on West Railroad Avenue to Centers Avenue, then northwest on Centers Avenue to Lynwood Drive, then southwest on Lynwood Drive to Johnsonville City Limits, then north on Johnsonville City Limits to Lynches River, then northeast on Lynches River to State Highway 51, then north on State Highway 51 to Old River Road, then north on Old River Road across unnamed railroad tracks to first unnamed road, then northwest on said road to unnamed railroad, then northwest on said railroad to Florence School District Number 5 boundary, then northeast on boundary to point of origin.
District #3-Beginning at the intersection of Florence School District Number 5 and State Road 49, then south on State Road 49 to State Road 543, then southeast on State Road 543 to State Highway 341, then east on State Highway 341 to State Road 1219, then southwest on State Road 1219 to State Road 738, then southeast on State Road 738 to State Road 58, then southwest on State Road 58 to Horse Ford Road, then northwest on Horse Ford Road to second unnamed road, then northwest, then south on said road to State Road 58, then west on State Road 58 to State Road 635, then south on State Road 635 to State Road 634, then southwest on State Road 634 to the Florence County Line and Florence School District Number 5 boundary, then northwest on county line to State Road 58 and county line, then north on county line and State Road 58 to Florence School District Number 5 boundary, then east, north, and then east on boundary to State Road 49, the point of origin.
District #4-Beginning at the intersection of Centers Avenue and Diamond Branch Road, then east on Centers Avenue to west Railroad Avenue, then south on West Railroad Avenue to Pine Street, then northeast on Pine Street to Butler Street, then south on Butler Street to Marion Street, then northeast on Marion Street to Johnsonville City Limits, then south, then east, then north, then south and then east on city limits to Country Club Drive, then south on Country Club Drive to State Road 1221, then east on State Road 1221 to State Road 120, then southeast on State Road 120 to the Florence County Line (Florence School District Number 5 boundary), then westerly on county line (Florence School District Number 5 boundary) to State Road 634, then northeast on State Road 634 to State Road 635, then north on State Road 635 to State Road 58, then east on State Road 58 to unnamed road, then north, then east on said road to Horse Ford Road, then southeast on Horse Ford Road to State Road 58, then east on State Road 58 to State Road 738, then southeast on State Road 738 to unpaved portion of State Road 591, then north on said portion to powerline/pipeline, then north on powerline/pipeline to Broadway Street, then west on Broadway Street to Diamond Branch Road, then northeast on Diamond Branch Road to Centers Avenue and the point of origin.
Conduct of elections
SECTION 4. Elections for trustees for School District Number 5 shall be held on the second Tuesday in September of each year. The election shall be conducted by the Commissioners of Election for Florence County. A notice of the election shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district at least once, thirty days prior to the close of the filing period. The advertisement shall state the purpose of the election, the method for filing statements of candidacy, dates of the opening and closing of the filing period, place of filing, and the voting places for the election.
The Commissioners of Election for Florence County shall conduct the election at the Johnsonville High School within the district. Such election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general law regulating general elections in this State. The Commissioners of Election for Florence County shall rule on any irregularity in the election. Each seat of trustee in School District Number 5 shall constitute a separate seat and shall be numbered separately beginning with the number one through the number seven, and no person shall be declared elected unless he receives a majority of the votes cast in the election for the seat for which he is a candidate. In case no such candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in the election for such seat, a second election between the two receiving the highest number of votes who do not withdraw shall be held within thirty days after the first election. Provided, that if only one candidate remains he shall be declared elected. Notice thereof shall be advertised at least one week prior thereto and shall be conducted in like manner as the first election by the county election commission.
The initial election for seat number 1 shall be filled from single-member district number 1 in 1994.
The initial election for seat number 2 shall be filled from single-member district number 2 in 1992.
The initial election for seat number 3 shall be filled from single-member district number 3 in 1993.
The initial election for seat number 4 shall be filled from single-member district number 4 in 1994.
The initial election for seat number 5 shall be filled by an at-large election in 1992.
The initial election for seat number 6 shall be filled by an at-large election in 1993.
The initial election for seat number 7 shall be filled by an at-large election in 1994.
All trustees shall serve three-year terms.
Any member serving as trustee on the effective date of this act, whose term expires before the initial elections are to be held to fill such seats, shall continue to serve until elections are held and a trustee is elected and qualified.
Filing of statement of candidacy
SECTION 5. Any person desiring to be a candidate for the Board of Trustees for School District Number 5 shall file his statement of candidacy for a specific seat with the District Office of School District Number 5 for Florence County between June fifteenth and twelve o'clock noon on July first of the election year. If the opening or closing day of the filing period falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the filing period shall begin or end respectively on the next day which is not a weekend or legal holiday at the originally designated hour.
Annual meeting of citizens
SECTION 6. On the second Tuesday of May of each year, the Board of Trustees of Florence School District Number 5 shall call a meeting of the citizens of the district, such meeting to be held within the school district. The time and place of such meeting shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation within the district at least once, ten days prior to the meeting.
The board of trustees of the district shall submit to the citizens at the meeting a proposed budget for the operation of the school or schools within the district, together with the estimated millage necessary to carry the budget into effect, which budget and millage shall only be adopted by majority vote of the qualified electors present at the meeting. Such electors attending the meeting shall have the right to change, alter, reject, or amend any budget proposed by the board of trustees. However, the tax millage levied shall maintain at least the level of per pupil financial effort established in the previous fiscal year.
Millage levied; taxes collected and disbursed
SECTION 7. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of School District Number 5 shall, within one week after the fixing of the budget and the millage as provided in Section 5, certify the same to the county auditor who shall levy such millage upon all taxable property within the school district. The Treasurer of Florence County shall collect the taxes so levied and the proceeds derived therefrom shall be kept by the treasurer and shall be disbursed to the district upon warrants issued or drawn by the school district. No tax levied under the provisions of this act shall be repealed at any subsequent meeting.
Levy by Dillon County auditor
SECTION 8. The auditor of Dillon County shall levy one hundred seven and one-half mills on all taxable property of the county for fiscal year 1991-92 for school purposes in Dillon County as follows: operation of schools, 84.5 mills; school debt retirement, 5 mills; teachers' sick leave, 3 mills; Dillon County Vocational School, 14.5 mills; and Vocational School Special Fund, .5 mills.
Repeal of inconsistent provisions
SECTION 9. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
Time effective
SECTION 10. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
Approved the 1st day of October, 1991.