Journal of the House of Representatives
of the Second Session of the 111th General Assembly
of the State of South Carolina
being the Regular Session Beginning Tuesday, January 9, 1996
R. 211, H. 3362 - 1995-96 General Appropriations Bill
Veto 1 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, other personal service
Veto 2 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, taxable subsistence
Veto 3 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, temporary help
Veto 4 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, interim expense
Veto 5 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, official expense of President of Senate
Veto 6 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, Medical supplies and equipment
Veto 7 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, Joint Committees
Veto 8 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, other personal service
Veto 9 - Part IA, Section 3A, Senate, Joint Committees
Veto 10 - Part IA, Section 3B, House, unclass. Leg. Miscel.
Veto 11 - Part IA, Section 3B, House, unclass. Leg. Miscel.
Veto 12 - Part IA, Section 3B, House, subsistence
Veto 13 - Part IA, Section 4A, Judicial, Admin. Fund
Veto 14 - Part IA, Section 4A, Judicial, other operating
Veto 15 - Part IA, Section 4B, Sentencing Guidelines
Veto 16 - Part IA, Section 4B, Sentencing Guidelines
Veto 17 - Part IA, Section 6C, Governor's Office, Veteran's Cemetery
Veto 18 - Part IA, Section 9, Comptroller General
Veto 19 - Part IA, Section 9, Comptroller General
Veto 20 - Part IA, Section 10, Treasurer, computer upgrades
Veto 21 - Part IA, Section 12, Prosecution Coordination
Veto 22 - Part IA, Section 12, Prosecution Coordination
Veto 23 - Part IA, Section 13, Appellate Defense
Veto 24 - Part IA, Section 14, Indigent Defense
Veto 25 - Part IA, Section 14, Indigent Defense
Veto 26 - Part IA, Section 15, Indigent Defense
Veto 27 - Part IA, Section 16, Election Commission
Veto 28 - Part IA, Section 16, Election Commission
Veto 29 - Part IA, Section 17B, Budget and Control Board, Grant Program Fund
Veto 30 - Part IA, Section 17C, Budget and Control Board, SC Leadership
Veto 31 - Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education, SREB Fees and Assessment
Veto 32 - Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Educaton, SREB Small Grants
Veto 33 - Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education
Veto 34 - Part IA, Section 18A, Commission on Higher Education
Veto 35 - Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education
Veto 36 - Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education
Veto 37 - Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education
Veto 38 - Part IA, Section 19, Department of Education
Veto 39 - Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television
Veto 40 - Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television
Veto 41 - Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television
Veto 42 - Part IA, Section 20, Educational Television
Veto 43 - Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation
Veto 44 - Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation
Veto 45 - Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation
Veto 46 - Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation
Veto 47 - Part IA, Section 22, Vocational Rehabilitation
Veto 48 - Part IA, Section 26, State Library
Veto 49 - Part IA, Section 26, State Library
Veto 50 - Part IA, Section 26, State Library
Veto 51 - Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission
Veto 52 - Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission
Veto 53 - Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission
Veto 54 - Part IA, Section 27, Arts Commission
Veto 55 - Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission
Veto 56 - Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission
Veto 57 - Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission
Veto 58 - Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission
Veto 59 - Part IA, Section 28, Museum Commission
Veto 60 - Part IA, Section 29, Health and Human Services Finance Commission, Adolescent
Pregnancy Prevention
Veto 61 - Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Veto 62 - Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Veto 63 - Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Veto 64 - Part IA, Section 30, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Veto 65 - Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health
Veto 66 - Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health
Veto 67 - Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health
Veto 68 - Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health
Veto 69 - Part IA, Section 31, Department of Mental Health
Veto 70 - Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Veto 71 - Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Veto 72 - Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Veto 73 - Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Veto 74 - Part IA, Section 32, Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Veto 75 - Part IA, Section 44, Forestry Commission
Veto 76 - Part IA, Section 46, Clemson-PSA
Veto 77 - Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources
Veto 78 - Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources
Veto 79 - Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources
Veto 80 - Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources
Veto 81 - Part IA, Section 47, Natural Resources
Veto 82 - Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission
Veto 83 - Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission
Veto 84 - Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission
Veto 85 - Part IA, Section 55, Workers' Compensation Commission
Veto 86 - Part IA, Section 59, Department of Insurance
Veto 87 - Part IA, Section 61, Consumer Affairs
Veto 88 - Part IB, Section 18A.23, Commission on Higher Education
Veto 89 - Part IB, Section 20.8, Educational Television Commission
Veto 90 - Part IB, Section 30.21, Department of Health and Environmental Control
Veto 91 - Part IB, Section 30.39, DHEC, Family Planning
Veto 92 - Part IB, Section 42.2, Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon
Veto 93 - Part IB, Section 62.2, Department of Labor, Licensing and
Veto 94 - Part IB, Section 72.24, General and Temporary: contracts with private individuals
Veto 95 - Part II, Section 27, additional dealer license plates
Veto 96 - Part II, Section 48, Soft Drink Tax Phase Out
Veto 97 - Part II, Section 67, video poker
Veto 98 - Part II, Section 74, Circuit Solicitor Salary Increase
Veto 99 - Part II, Section 86, restricted delivery of tax notices
Veto 100 - Part II, Section 90, Infectious Waste Contingency Fund
Veto 101 - Part II, Section 98, special license plates for mayors
Veto 102 - Section 114, expansion of membership of Joint Bond Review Committee for purposes
related to property of the Medical University
Veto 103 - Section 117, Health and Human Services Finance Commission, Community Based
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
R. 212, H. 3363 - Capital Reserve Fund
Veto 1 - Section 1, Administrative Law Judges training
Veto 2 - Section 1, Department of Veterans Affairs
R. 218, H. 3690 - 1995 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Veto 1 - Section 2, commission on Higher Education
Veto 2 - Section 2, Probation, Parole and Pardon
Veto 3 - Section 2, Department of Natural Resources, Land Resources-Operating Expenses,
Veto 4 - Section 2, USC Columbia, African-American Studies
Veto 5 - Section 2, USC Columbia, Law School Library
Veto 6 - Section 2, Department of Natural Resources, Computer Mapping System
Veto 7 - Section 2, Department of Natural Resources, Dennis Wildlife Center Maintenance
Veto 8 - Section 2, Department of Natural Resources, Communications-Map Education Program
and Equipment replacement
Veto 9 - Section 2, Governor's Office-OEPP, Legal Services Program
Veto 10 - Section 2, State Law Enforcement Division, DNA Program: Freezer and
R. 230, H. 3161 - Act re the creation of the Glendale Area Fire District in Spartanburg County, so
as to increase the board of fire control from three to five
R. 237, H. 4473 - Act re the creation of the Croft Fire District in Spartanburg County, so as to
increase the board of fire control from three to five and decrease from six to four the length of the
term of the commissioners
R. 233, H. 4217 - Act re extending the jurisdiction of the police department of the town of
Jefferson in Chesterfield County to include certain areas outside the corporate limits of Jefferson
R. 242, S. 654 - Act to provide that the temporary minibottle permit authorized by Section
61-5-185 may be issued to nonprofit organizations and businesses located east of the intracoastal
waterway in an area of a county that is contiguous to a county that has annual accommodations
tax revenues in excess of six million dollars and which by referendum has authorized the issuance
of permits
R. 259, S. 804 - Act to devolve the authority for appointments and budgetary approvals for
certain offices, boards, and commissions from the Joint Legislative Delegation representing
Dorchester County to the governing body of Dorchester county
R. 278, H. 3589 - Act to direct the Department of Public Safety to study whether motor vehicles
that are legally elevated are a safety hazard and to report its findings and recommendations to the
House Education and Public Works Committee and Senate Transportation Committee
R. 294, H. 4721 - Act relating to the Boiling Springs Fire District in Spartanburg County, so as to
increase the number of members on the governing board from three to five
R. 295, H. 4747 - Act relating to the Cherokee Springs Fire District in Spartanburg county, and
to provide for the manner of election of the members of the board
R. 351, H. 4693 - Act to require the Department of Transportation to erect traffic signals on
South Carolina Highway 198 at exit 102 on Interstate Highway 85
R. 382, H. 4159 - Act relating to business License taxes, by adding Article 24 enacting the Bingo
Tax Act of 1996 so as to regulate the game of bingo and provide civil and criminal penalties for
R. 321, S. 1350 - Act relating to devolving the authority for appointments and budgetary
approvals for certain offices, boards, and commissions from the Joint Legislative Delegation
representing Berkeley County to the governing body of Berkeley County, so as to provide that
certain provisions of Act 159 do not apply to a special purpose district
R. 317, S. 1273 - Act to devolve the authority for appointments and budgetary approvals for
certain offices, boards, and commissions from the Joint Legislative Delegation representing
Dorchester County to the governing body of Dorchester County
R. 363, S. 972 - Act to provide for payment for the attendance of meetings by the Laurens,
McCormick, Greenwood, and Abbeville counties' transportation committees
R. 419, H. 3300 - Act relating to the Sex Offender Registry, so as to provide for public
notification when a sex offender resides or intends to reside in a community, and relating to the
confidentiality of information contained in the Sex Offender Registry
R. 432, H. 4737 - Act to require approval by the State Budget and Control Board for requests for
information technology equipment and services, to provide criteria for approval and to establish
the Information Technology Advisory Council to assist the board; to require the SCETV
Commission to develop certain revenue, investment, and marketing plans; and to provide that the
SCETV commission is reauthorized until July 1, 2003
R. 496, H. 5028 - Act to provide for a referendum for the creation of the J. C. Daniel Center
District in Darlington County, to determine if the electors favor a two mill tax levy to be used
exclusively for the renovation and operation of the center
R. 448, S. 944 - Act to devolve the authority for appointments and budgetary approvals for
certain offices, boards, and commissions from the Joint Legislative Delegation representing
Georgetown County to the governing body of Georgetown County
R. 520, H. 4600 - 1996-97 General Appropriations Bill
Veto 1 - Part IA, Section 17B, Budget and Control Board
Veto 2 - Part IB, Section 11, Attorney General's Office
Veto 3 - Part II, Section 64, Insurance Fraud
Veto 4 - Part II, Section 79
Veto 5 - Part II, Section 84
Veto 6 - Part II, Section 101
R. 524, H. 4717 - Act relating to standards used for granting permits to persons to operate a solid
waste management facility, so as to allow the Department of Health and Environmental Control to
issue permits for short-term structural fills and to define terms
Last Updated:
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 1:47 P.M.