South Carolina Legislature

Senate Finance Committee

Scheduled Meetings as of 09/19/2024 09:21pm EDT   Follow on Twitter

Video Archives

Interim Report of Findings and Recommendations on the $1.8 Billion Discrepancy in Treasury Balances and Certain Other Matters - Constitutional Subcommittee - April 16. 2024

Santee Cooper Joint Resolution Hearings

Constitutional Subcommittee Report on the Comptroller General's FY2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report Restatement

Standing Subcommittees - 2021-2022 Session
Retirement Systems Standing Subcommittee
American Rescue Plan Act Subcommittee

General Information for 2024 Session
FY 24-25 Appropriation Bill Deliberations Schedule

Budget Recommendations - 2024
Budget Recommendations - 2023
Budget Recommendations - 2022
Budget Recommendations - 2021

Information prior to the 2024 Session has been moved to the Senate Finance Committee Archives page.

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