South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Sources of Funding

Below are links, by year, to Excel documents that include details about the agency's sources of funding. Also included are the agency's sources of funding for the current year. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation Report, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

In the Annual Restructuring Report, the agency was asked to provide information about the source of funds available to the agency. The agency could group the funding sources however the agency deemed best to provide the information requested (i.e. general appropriation programs, proviso 18.2, proviso 19.3, grant ABC, grant XYZ, Motor Vehicle User Fees, License Fines, etc.). The agency was told that however it chose to group its funding sources, it should be clear how much the agency had available to spend, how much it actually spent, and where it all was spent so the Committee and public can compare this information to the results the agency obtained.

Current Sources of Funding (2015-16)

Total Available to Budget in 2015-16 = $3,226,806

General v. Other v. Federal
  • State General Fund = $2,446,806 (75.83% of total)
  • State Other Fund = $780,000 (24.17% of total)
  • Federal = $0 (0% of total)

Recurring v. Non-recurring
  • Recurring = $3,226,806 (100% of total)
  • Non-recurring (one-time) = $0 (0% of total)

(click on a source below to see additional details)
Source Details

State Appropriation (General Funds)
  • Source: State
  • Recurring or one-time: Recurring
  • Amount From Last Year Available
  • Amount available at end of previous fiscal year: $202,944
  • Amount available at end of previous fiscal year that agency can actually use this fiscal year: $202,944
  • If the amounts in the two rows above are not the same, explain why: n/a
  • Amount Estimated to Receive
  • Amount budgeted/estimated to receive in this fiscal year: $2,243,862
  • Total Available to Budget
  • Total Available this Year to Budget (Amount from last year plus Amount budgeted to receive this year): $2,446,806

State Appropriation (Other Funds)
  • Source: State
  • Recurring or one-time: Recurring
  • Amount From Last Year Available
  • Amount available at end of previous fiscal year: $200,268
  • Amount available at end of previous fiscal year that agency can actually use this fiscal year: $0
  • If the amounts in the two rows above are not the same, explain why: Other funds are not automatically carryforward. They have to be requested through the Executive Budget Office to increase Other Fund Authorization.
  • Amount Estimated to Receive
  • Amount budgeted/estimated to receive in this fiscal year: $780,000
  • Total Available to Budget
  • Total Available this Year to Budget (Amount from last year plus Amount budgeted to receive this year): $780,000

Legislative Services Agency
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