South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Agency Reports & Reviews

The information on this page includes reports, reviews and other documents published by the agency or by an outside entity about the agency. It does not include official internal or external audits. Examples of information included on this page include accountability reports, restructuring reports, reports the agency is required to complete for other state and federal government entities, etc.

Clicking on one of the options below will take you directly to that part of the page.

  • Reports the Agency is Required to Complete
  • Copies of Reports and Reviews

  • Reports the Agency is Required to Complete

    Below are links, by year, to Excel documents that include details about the different reports the agency is required to complete, including the agency's understanding of the intent of the report and where someone can access the report. Also included below is the list of reports the agency is required to complete for the current year, organized by month due. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

    Current Calendar of Report Deadlines
    • January
      • Restructuring Report (due annually)
    • February
    • March
    • April
    • May
    • June
    • July
    • August
    • September
      • Accountability Report (due annually)
    • October
    • November
      • Dual Employment Report (due annually)
      • Travel Report (due annually)
      • Fiscal Year-End Closeout Report and Press Release (due annually)
    • December
      • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

    Copies of Reports, Reviews and Publications

    Below are reports, reviews and other documents published by the agency or by an outside entity about the agency, of which the Committee was able to obtain a copy. This information does not include official internal or external audits. To view internal audits click here and to view external audits, click here.

    The documents below may not be an exhaustive list of all reports and reviews related to the agency. If you know of other reports related to the agency that are not included below, please submit the information anonymously here.

    Accountability and Restructuring Reports
    Accountability Report- 1999-2000
    Accountability Report- 2000-2001
    Accountability Report- 2001-2002
    Accountability Report- 2002-2003
    Accountability Report- 2003-2004
    Accountability Report- 2004-2005
    Accountability Report- 2005-2006
    Accountability Report- 2006-2007
    Accountability Report- 2007-2008
    Accountability Report- 2008-2009
    Accountability Report- 2009-2010
    Accountability Report- 2010-2011
    Accountability Report- 2011-2012
    Accountability Report- 2012-2013
    Accountability Report (September 2014)
    Annual Restructuring Report and Seven-Year Plan Guidelines (February 27, 2015)
    Annual Restructuring Report and Seven-Year Plan Report from CG (March 31, 2015)
    Accountability Report (September 2015)
    Annual Restructuring Report Guidelines (November 25, 2015)
    Annual Restructuring Report from CG (January 12, 2016)
    Accountability Report/Annual Restructuring Report Guidelines (June 20, 2016)
    Accountability Report/Annual Restructuring Report
    Annual Request for Information Guidelines (June 20, 2016)
    Annual Request for Information (December 2016)
    Accountability Report- 2016-2017

    House Legislative Oversight Committee
    Program Evaluation Report (May 22, 2015)
    Staff Study and Agency Response (August 4, 2015)
    Subcommittee Study (December 7, 2015)
    Full Committee Study (December 15, 2015)

    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2005)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2006)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2007)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2008)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2009)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2010)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2011)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2012)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2013)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2014)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2015)
    SC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (FY ended June 30, 2016)

    Legislative Services Agency
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