South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Agency's Strategic Budgeting & Spending

Below are links, by year, to Excel documents that include details about how much money the agency budgeted to accomplish its strategic plan and how much it actually spent. Also included below is the agency's strategic budget for the current year. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

The Strategic Budgeting - Details Excel document includes information about the amount of money the agency budgeted toward accomplishing each objective in its strategic plan, as well as the amount budgeted toward "unrelated purposes." An "unrelated purpose" is money the agency was directed to spend that was not related to an objective in the agency's strategic plan. (i.e. pass through, etc.). This document also includes details on the amounts budgeted to each objective and unrelated purpose by source of funds.

Disclaimer: The amount the agency budgeted and spent per goal and objective are estimates from the agency. The Committee informed the agency that it understood the information would be estimates but that it was acceptable as long as the agency had a logical basis, which it could explain, as to how it reached the numbers it provided.

Click on any of the links below to go to the applicable part of this webpage:
  • Amount Available to Budget
  • Where Agency Budgeted the Funds
  • Budgeting & Spending Documents
  • Spending Details
  • Additional links related to information on spending

  • Money Budgeted for Current Goals, Objectives and Unrelated Purposes (2015-16)

    Amount Available to Budget: $3,226,806

    General v. Other v. Federal
    • State General Fund = $2,446,806 (75.83% of total)
    • State Other Fund = $780,000 (24.17% of total)
    • Federal = $0 (0% of total)

    Recurring v. Non-recurring
    • Recurring = $3,226,806 (100% of total)
    • Non-recurring (one-time) = $0 (0% of total)

    Where Agency Budgeted the Funds:
    • Goal 1 - $1,142,237 - To verify the validity and legality of vendor payment requests by state agencies and process statewide payroll accurately and timely

    • Objective 1.1.1 - $285,540 - Process disbursement requests by agencies within four (4) business days

    • Objective 1.2.1 - $114,231 - Issue 1099s by Jan. 31 annually

    • Objective 1.3.1 - $285,540 - Process payroll on the 1st and 16th of each month

    • Objective 1.3.2 - $171,347 - Process approx. 32,000 special voluntary deductions for state employees each payroll, including premiums for insurance products not offered by state government, elective credit union deposits, withholdings for voluntary defined contribution retirement plans, tax liens, and court-ordered wage garnishments

    • Objective 1.4.1 - $228,463 - Issue W-2s by Jan. 31 annually

    • Objective 1.5.1 - $57,116 - Clear SCEIS Help Desk tickets within five (5) business days

    • Goal 2 - $603,616 - To produce the State's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) on a timely basis

    • Objective 2.1.1 - $362,170 - Publicly release the CAFR by Dec. 31 each year

    • Objective 2.1.2 - $102,615 - Qualify for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association

    • Objective 2.2.1 - $138,831 - Accelerate the financial reporting and CAFR completion processes, saving additional personnel costs in the process

    • Goal 3 - $547,127 - To provide centralized accounting of the State's financial activities in accordance with the program structure mandated by the S.C. General Assembly

    • Objective 3.1.1 - $136,782 - Produce and maintain an up-to-date online manual of SCEIS accounting practices and procedures

    • Objective 3.1.2 - $109,425 - Provide online Closing Packages with instructions for use by other agencies' accounting personnel at year end

    • Objective 3.1.3 - $82,069 - Ensure agreement of transactions posted in SCEIS and in STARS

    • Objective 3.1.4 - $82,069 - Assemble multi-agency working group monthly to analyze the State's fiscal month and fiscal year-to-date revenue collections to determine accuracy and completeness

    • Objective 3.2.1 - $54,713 - Coordinate providing low-cost "Continuing Professional Education" (CPE) training among CPAs in CG's Office, State Auditor's Office, and State Treasurer's Office (Note: LLR requires every CPA to complete 40 hrs. of CPE annually as a condition of retaining professional certification. This training initiative helps state government CPAs meet that costly requirement.)

    • Objective 3.3.1 - $82,069 - Determine appropriate annual premiums to bill and collect from state agencies, and account for claims paid by third-party administrator

    • Goal 4 - $390,161 - To serve citizens and state government by providing financial and other information that promotes openness and accountability in government and by supporting other worthwhile endeavors

    • Objective 4.1.1 - $117,048 - Respond to S.C. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests within an average of 10 or fewer business days

    • Objective 4.2.1 - $78,033 - Maintain statewide transparency website

    • Objective 4.2.2 - $39,016 - Increase use of website (increase site visits) by improving format and expanding content, and by soliciting the media to inform the public on the website's existence

    • Objective 4.3.1 - $39,016 - Issue and distribute annual Statewide Travel Report by statutory deadline (Nov. 1)

    • Objective 4.3.2 - $39,016 - Post annual Statewide Travel Report on statewide transparency website by Nov. 1

    • Objective 4.4.1 - $39,016 - Monitor annual spend volume and disburse P-Card rebate revenue to General Fund and qualifying agencies

    • Objective 4.4. 2 - $39,016 - Produce monthly report of P-Card spending by each state agency including the detailed spending by each agency's cardholders and post report on statewide transparency website

    • Goal 5 - $543,665 - To effectively manage the divisions, programs, and overall operation of the Comptroller General's Office and to participate in and support other statewide initiatives

    • Objective 5.1.1 - $81,549 - Monitor monthly cost of each program area (Statewide Payroll/Accounts Payable, Statewide Financial Reporting, Statewide Accounting, Other Services, Administration) and confront any increases if observed

    • Objective 5.2.1 - $54,367 - Present concise and accurate annual summaries of agency operations to Budget subcommittees of House and Senate

    • Objective 5.2.2 - $54,367 - Submit Annual Accountability Report by agreed-upon deadline

    • Objective 5.2.3 - $54,367 - Complete EPMS process for each employee upon his or her annual employment anniversary for 100% of staff

    • Objective 5.2.4 - $27,183 - Conduct exit interviews for all departing agency personnel and ascertain ways to reduce unwanted turnover of employees

    • Objective 5.3.1 - $81,549 - Support the SCEIS project team in converting the State Treasurer's Office (the only agency still on STARS) from STARS to SCEIS by December 31, 2015, so STARS can finally be retired

    • Objective 5.4.1 - $54,367 - Finalize implementation plans for all cybersecurity polices by Jan. 31, 2015

    • Objective 5.4.2 - $54,367 - Implement all cybersecurity policies by July 1, 2016

    • Objective 5.5.1 - $81,549 - Serve on multi-agency task forces, committees, and authorities dedicated to statewide initiatives

    Budgeting and Spending Documents

    Spending Details

    In March 2008, the Comptroller General unveiled the state's first Spending Transparency Website. According to the Comptroller General's webpage, the goal is to shine a light on spending, thus improving the quality of government and giving taxpayers click-of-a-mouse access to details about how their money is spent. This information is available at

  • Annual Summary Spending
  • Includes annual totals by state agency, broken-down by all categories of spending.
  • Monthly Detailed Spending
  • Includes travel, contractual services, and supplies for all reporting periods prior to July 2010. Beginning July 2010, spending for all categories is being made available.
  • The spending details you see are each agency's monthly disbursements, including any payments made on its monthly charge card statements. For those charge card payments, the name of the payee (the party the check is written to) will be the issuer of the card (Bank of America) rather than the individual merchants who accepted the credit card whenever the agency bought from them during the month. The various merchants or vendors the agency bought from can be viewed by clicking on the link below called "Monthly Charge Card Usage" and then selecting the matter of interest and agency.
  • Spending by Vendor
  • Allows you to perform an alphabetic search by vendor for payments made by all state agencies.

  • Additional Links to Related Information on Spending
  • Comptroller General's Fiscal Transparency
  • State Contracts
  • Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (Current and Prior Years)
  • Monthly General Fund Revenue Reports
  • State Fiscal Accountability Authority Meetings (Live-Streamed and Archived by SC ETV)

  • Legislative Services Agency
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