South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Additional Requests and Documents

Below are documents and correspondence from the agency or relating to the study of the agency. Subcommittee and full Committee correspondence to the agency are both included. To view House Oversight Reports and Studies, click here.

In the Program Evaluation Report, the agency was asked to provide a list of terms, phrases or acronyms it commonly utilizes along with the meaning of the term, phrase or acronym. Below is a link to an Excel document which contains those terms, phrases and acronyms. If there are additional terms that you have questions about, please contact the agency.

Correspondence and Other Documents

Legislative Services Agency
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