South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Agency Governing Body & Employees

Included on this page is information about the agency's governing body, copies of the agency's organization charts and links to information about the agency's employees. Click on any of the links below to obtain the information needed.

  • Governing Body
  • Organization Charts
  • Employees

  • Background on Governing Bodies

    An agency's governing body is the entity to whom the head of the agency reports. A Board of Trustees or Commission is an example of a governing body.

    Below you will see the governing body this agency identified as the one to whom the head of the agency reports. You will also see details provided by the agency about the number who serve on it, how they came to serve on it, and any other requirements.

    Pursuant to S.C. Code of Laws Section 1-5-40, the Secretary of State's Office has a duty to monitor positions on state boards and commissions. The Secretary of State's Office must keep membership information for state boards and commissions as a public record available for inspection by the members of the General Assembly and members of the public. This information includes the term length, expiration date of the term, appointing authority, and any required qualifications for membership.

    To find more information about state boards and commissions, as well as a list of vacancies, visit the Secretary of State's website.

    Agency's Governing Body & Meeting Practices

    The Comptroller General is an elected Constitutional Officer. Therefore, this position does not report to a Board of Trustees or Commission. This position is overseen by, and serves at the pleasure of, the citizens of South Carolina.

    Members of Agency's Governing Body

    As explained above, under Agency's Governing Body section, this agency does not have a governing body.

    Organization Charts

    Below is a link to the agency's current organization chart. If past organization charts are available, links to those are included below as well. There may not be an organization chart for every year if the agency maintained the same organization structure for multiple years or if the Committee did not have a copy of every organization chart.

    Agency Employment Data

    During the study of this agency, the Committee collected information on how the agency allocated its employees and trends in full-time equivalent as well as temporary positions. This information is below. The Subcommittee may also ask for additional employment data from the agency.

    Who Keeps Track of Information on Agency Employees?

    The main entity that keeps track of employees is the Division of State Human Resources within the Department of Administration. Their website is

    What are the different types of state employees?

    The following information was provided to the Committee by the State Director of the Division of Human Resources for the SC Department of Administration.

    (1) Temporary - These positions are full-time or part-time positions created for a period of time not to exceed one year.

    (2) Time-Limited - These positions are positions established to perform work directly associated with a time-limited project. The main difference between a temporary employee and a time-limited employee is the time-limited employee is employed to work on a particular project, and is employed only until the goals are met or the funding ends for that project.

    (3) Temporary Grant - These positions are positions established to perform work directly associated with federal grants, public charity grants, private foundation grants, or research grants.

    (4) Full-time Equivalent (FTE) - Within the full time type of employment (FTE), there are two main groupings, classified and unclassified. Agencies are granted a specific number of classified and unclassified FTE positions as part of the budget process, which must be kept in balance throughout the fiscal year.

    (a) Classified FTE - In the classified system, each position is assigned to a class. A class is a group of positions sufficiently similar in the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or received; minimum requirements of education or experience; and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required that the Division of State Human Resources applies the same State class title and the same State salary range to each position in the group. The State class titles are grouped into the following categories: Administrative, Information Services, Education, Health Services, Human Services, Technical Services, Law Enforcement and Regulatory Services, Trade Services, and Agricultural and Natural Resources. Each State class title is assigned to one of 10 State salary ranges, or pay bands. The classified system is governed by sections 19-702 and 19-705 of the State Human Resources Regulations, Classification Plan and Classified Employee Pay Plan.

    (b) Unclassified FTE - In the unclassified system, each position is assigned to an unclassified State title. Unlike the classified system, however, unclassified titles do not have class specifications, which outline examples of the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or received; minimum requirements of education or experience; the knowledge, skills, and abilities required; and a State salary range for the position. Therefore, State agencies are afforded greater flexibility with unclassified positions than with classified positions. The unclassified system is governed by applicable portions of section 19-706 of the State Human Resources Regulations, Establishment of Unclassified Positions and Unclassified Employee Pay Plan. There are four distinct groups of unclassified positions:

    (1) Agency heads covered by the Agency Head Salary Commission, The compensation of agency heads covered by the Agency Head Salary Commission is governed by the Commission.

    (2) Executive compensation system, In the Executive Compensation System, each position is evaluated by the State Division of Human Resources based on the Hay Method of Job Evaluation. Through this evaluation process, each position is assigned a given number of points based on the three attributes of Know-How, Problem-Solving, and Accountability. The sum of these points is then used to calculate a salary range for the specific position. The position is assigned an unclassified title; however, the salary range is tied to the evaluation of the specific position, not the title assigned to the position. Therefore, different positions with the same title may have different Hay evaluations and salary ranges. The Executive Compensation System is primarily utilized for deputy directors or other high level management positions within State agencies.

    (3) Academic personnel, and

    (4) Unclassified other, which includes teachers, agency heads not covered by the Agency Head Salary Commission, and other positions exempted from the State Classification and Compensations Plan by the General Assembly. The compensation of academic personnel and unclassified other positions are governed by the agencies within the provisions the State Human Resources Regulations and other applicable state laws.

    Legislative Services Agency
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