South Carolina Legislature


Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H*2555 (Rat #0236, Act #0167 of 1987) General Bill, By  House Education and Public Works
Similar (H 2095)
    A Bill to amend Article 5 of Chapter 1 of Title 59, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to miscellaneous provisions concerning education generally, by adding Section 59-1-405 so as to prohibit the distribution of any contraceptive device or medication on school grounds of any public elementary or secondary school and to prohibit a school district from contracting with a contraceptive provider for the purpose of distribution.-amended title
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02/26/87House Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-762
03/04/87House Objection by Rep. Washington, K Bailey, Klapman, Blanding, Tucker, HJ-841
03/04/87House Objection by Rep. McBride & Foster HJ-841
03/04/87House Objection by Rep. T Rogers HJ-854
03/05/87House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Tucker HJ-879
04/22/87House Amended HJ-2101
04/22/87House Read second time HJ-2104
04/22/87House Unanimous consent for second reading on next legislative day HJ-2104
04/23/87House Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-2156
04/28/87Senate Introduced and read first time SJ-1528
04/28/87Senate Referred to Committee on Education SJ-1528
05/06/87Senate Committee report: Favorable Education SJ-1735
05/07/87Senate Amended SJ-1767
05/07/87Senate Read second time SJ-1767
05/12/87Senate Read third time SJ-1805
05/12/87Senate Returned SJ-1805
05/14/87House Senate amendment amended HJ-1744
05/14/87House Returned HJ-1746
05/21/87Senate Non-concurrence in House amendment SJ-2051
05/21/87House House insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Reps. Keyserling, Fair & JI Rogers HJ-3082
05/21/87House JI Rogers resigned as conferee-JC Johnson appointed HJ-3112
05/27/87Senate Conference committee appointed Sens. Nell Smith, Wilson, and Lourie SJ-2391
06/03/87House Conference report received HJ-3616
06/03/87House Conference report adopted HJ-3619
06/03/87Senate Conference report received SJ-2694
06/03/87Senate Conference report adopted SJ-2694
06/03/87Senate Ordered enrolled for ratification SJ-2694
06/04/87 Ratified R 236
06/08/87 Signed By Governor
06/08/87 Effective date 06/08/87
06/08/87 Act No. 167
06/18/87 Copies available

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