2012 Session
Listed in Order by Effective Date
Listed below are the Acts from the 2012 Legislative Session. Following each Act Number are the Ratification Number (preceded by an R), the Bill Number (preceded by an H for House or an S for Senate), a brief description and the date the Act became effective. An Act will not be added to this page until it has been assigned an Act Number. The full text of an Act is included in the linked page. There is also a list of new laws listed in order by Act Number.
- Acts With Multiple Effective Dates
(These acts have multiple effective dates or other special circumstances. They are not listed below by effective date.)
- Act No. 120 (R128, H3470) Word format
- -- Cleaning agents containing phosphate. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 154 (R174, S872) Word format
- -- Retirement of members of the S.C. National Guard. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 161 (R185, H3059) Word format
- -- Plug-in hybrid vehicles. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 167 (R191, H3923) Word format
- -- Inman Mills Baptist voting precinct renamed. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 179 (R207, H3934) Word format
- -- Assessment of undeveloped acreage subdivided into lots. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 197 (R254, H4652) Word format
- -- Labor organization to file certain information with LLR. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 230 (R268, S1007) Word format
- -- DOT must maintain a detailed transaction register of all funds expended each month. See Act for Effective Act
- Act No. 236 (R295, H4042) Word format
- -- Motor vehicle glass repair business. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 242 (R269, S1031) Word format
- -- To increase the age of the vehicle that may be disposed of by a demolisher. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 251 (R279, S1354) Word format
- -- Cease and desist orders issued by Securities Commission. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 259 (R301, H4614) Word format
- -- Procedures and requirements of court-ordered child custody. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 265 (R311, H4945) Word format
- -- Voter registration. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 275 (R320, H4008) Word format
- -- Liabilities regarding hospital's actions. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 278 (R323, H4967) Word format
- -- SC Retirement System. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 287 (R328, H5418) Word format
- -- Continuing resolution. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 288 (R330, H4813) Word format
- -- Appropriation Bill. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 290 (R331, H4814) Word format
- -- Capital Reserve Fund. See Act for Effective Date
- Act No. 316 (R198, H5028) Word format
- -- Medicaid nursing home permit law. See Act for Effective Date
- Effective July 1, 2013
- Act No. 271 (R296, H4082) Word format
- -- Insurance premium tax. Effective July 1, 2013
- Effective January 1, 2013
- Act No. 143 (R161, H4639) Word format
- -- International Energy Conservation Code of 2009. Effective January 1, 2013
- Act No. 172 (R196, H4787) Word format
- -- Portable Electronics Insurance Act. Effective January 1, 2013
- Act No. 248 (R276, S1220) Word format
- -- Surface water withdrawal. Effective January 1, 2013
- Act No. 250 (R278, S1269) Word format
- -- Pharmacy Audit Rights. Effective January 1, 2013
- Act No. 317 (R202, S1268) Word format
- -- Automobile manufacturer standard license plates. Effective January 1, 2013
- Effective December 26, 2012
- Act No. 272 (R316, H3124) Word format
- -- Special license plates. Effective December 26, 2012
- Effective December 18, 2012
- Act No. 226 (R263, S263) Word format
- -- Accident causing death. Effective December 18, 2012
- Act No.258 (R292, H3757) Word format
- -- Human Trafficking. Effective December 18, 2012
- Effective October 1, 2012
- Act No. 177 (R205, H3259) Word format
- -- Golf carts. Effective October 1, 2012
- Effective September 16, 2012
- Act No. 243 (R270, S1044) Word format
- -- Health Care Financial Recovery and Protection Act. Effective September 16, 2012
- Effective September 1, 2012
- Act No. 199 (R256, H4687) Word format
- -- Death certificates. Effective September 1, 2012
- Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 113 (R120, H3864) Word format
- -- Protection of Freshwater Game Fish. Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 114 (R121, H3865) Word format
- -- Unlawful freshwater actions. Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 135 (R153, H3221) Word format
- -- Department of Revenue. Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 201 (R260, H5287) Word format
- -- County jury areas. Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 225 (R262, S168) Word format
- -- Timber. Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 229 (R267, S947) Word format
- -- Lake Paul A. Wallace Authority. Effective July 1, 2012
- Act No. 245 (R272, S1087) Word format
- -- Free Fishing Days. Effective July 1, 2012
- Effective June 29, 2012
- Act No. 282 (R324, S1340) Word format
- -- Remedies for employees alleging discrimination. Effective June 29, 2012
- Act No. 284 (R326, H3508) Word format
- -- Government owned communications service providers. Effective June 29, 2012
- Act No. 285 (R327, H4494) Word format
- -- Purchase of rifles or shotguns in contiguous states. Effective June 29, 2012
- Act No. 286 (R329, S45) Word format
- -- Bond reconsideration. Effective June 29, 2012
- Effective June 28, 2012
- Act No. 295 (R319, H3790) Word format
- -- Bamberg County Water and Sewer Authority. Effective June 28, 2012
- Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 273 (R317, H3400) Word format
- -- Child support. Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 274 (R318, H3710) Word format
- -- Temporary license for a profession issued to spouses of armed forces. Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 276 (R322, H4801) Word format
- -- Oconee and Anderson Counties rural water district. Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 279 (R313, S1088) Word format
- -- Boards and commissions whose members are appointed or elected by Congressional District. Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 280 (R314, S1137) Word format
- -- Architects and Engineers Volunteer Act. Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 281 (R315, S1229) Word format
- -- Licenses for adjusters. Effective June 26, 2012
- Act No. 306 (R321, H4550) Word format
- -- Richland County Board of Assessment. Effective June 26, 2012
- Effective June 21, 2012
- Act No. 297 (R246, H5315) Word format
- -- Stall High School. Effective June 21, 2012
- Act No. 302 (R239, H4886) Word format
- -- Fountain Inn Elementary School. Effective June 21, 2012
- Effective June 20, 2012
- Act No. 267 (R275, S1167) Word format
- -- Tax increment financing law. Effective June 20, 2012
- Act No. 268 (R233, H4033) Word format
- -- Widening and dredging waterways. Effective June 20, 2012
- Act No. 269 (R258, H4821) Word format
- -- Filing of court documents by electronic means created. Effective June 20, 2012
- Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 224 (R261, S105) Word format
- -- Department of Transportation. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 226 (R264, S300) Word format
- -- Department of Juvenile Justice. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 228 (R266, S741) Word format
- -- Use of laser sights while hunting coyotes. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 231 (R283, H3028) Word format
- -- Teacher contracts. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 232 (R285, H3433) Word format
- -- Voting precincts revised. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 233 (R286, H3506) Word format
- -- Job tax credit. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 234 (R287, H3527) Word format
- -- Inmates. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 235 (R291, H3747) Word format
- -- Sales and use tax exemption. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 237 (R297, H4093) Word format
- -- Honor and Remember Flag. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 238 (R298, H4473) Word format
- -- Legal custody or placement of a child prohibited to a person on sex offender registry. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 239 (R300, H4513) Word format
- -- Adult protection coordinating council. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 240 (R302, H4665) Word format
- -- Edgefield County Water and Sewer Authority. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 241 (R303, H4699) Word format
- -- Increase in number of at-large circuit court judges. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 244 (R271, S1055) Word format
- -- Revision to the composition of Judicial Council. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 246 (R273, S1099) Word format
- -- Juvenile parole board members to receive a hearing fee. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 247 (R274, S1125) Word format
- -- Unemployment benefits. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 249 (R277, S1231) Word format
- -- Saltwater game fish. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 252 (R280, S1375) Word format
- -- Controlled access highways. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 253 (R281, S1417) Word format
- -- Special license plates. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No 254 (R282, S1555) Word format
- -- Lexington County voting precincts. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 255 (R288, H3667) Word format
- -- Criminal sexual conduct in third degree. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 256 (R289, H3676) Word format
- -- Community Land Trust Act. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 257 (R290, H3730) Word format
- -- Commercial fur license. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 260 (R304, H4738) Word format
- -- Divorce; alimony. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 261 (R305, H4763) Word format
- -- Preneed funeral contract licenses. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 262 (R307, H4786) Word format
- -- Unemployment benefits. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 263 (R308, H4798) Word format
- -- Municipal Court trials. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 264 (R310, H4888) Word format
- -- Uninsured motorist fund. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 266 (R312, H5098) Word format
- -- Temporary permits for the sale of alcohol. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 270 (R293, H3918) Word format
- -- Division of Aeronautics. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 291 (R294, H3986) Word format
- -- School districts to retain funds that are set to lapse prior to June 30, 2011. Effective June 18, 2012
- Act No. 318 (R309, H4824) Word format
- -- Reinstatement of suspended driver's license. Effective June 18, 2012
- Effective June 14, 2012
- Act No. 277 (R306, H4766) Word format
- -- Benefit Corporation Act. Effective June 14, 2012
- Effective June 11, 2012
- Act No. 205 (R214, S1014) Word format
- -- Qualifications required for candidates for coroner. Effective June 11, 2012
- Act No. 214 (R259, H4887) Word format
- -- Clarendon County Election Commission and Board of Registration. Effective June 11, 2012
- Act No. 217 (R222, S1319) Word format
- -- Closing or settlement insurance. Effective June 11, 2012
- Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 183 (R228, H3111) Word format
- -- Workers' compensation policies. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 184 (R229, H3390) Word format
- -- Notice to abandon or close street. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 185 (R230, H3478) Word format
- -- Sale of petroleum products and diesel fuel. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 186 (R231, H3657) Word format
- -- County tax collectors. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 187 (R232, H3720) Word format
- -- Jobs Tax Credits definitions. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 188 (R234, H4092) Word format
- -- Smoking. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 189 (R235, H4516) Word format
- -- Abuse on vulnerable adults. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 190 (R236, H4689) Word format
- -- Home based food production. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 191 (R237, H4705) Word format
- -- Hospitals required to provide parents of newborns educational information. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 192 (R238, H4726) Word format
- -- Powers of Special Purpose Districts Commissions. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 193 (R242, H5027) Word format
- -- Colleton County voting precincts. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 194 (R244, H5166) Word format
- -- Laurens County voting precincts. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 195 (R252, H3113) Word format
- -- Antlered deer. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 196 (R253, H4054) Word format
- -- Unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 200 (R257, H4758) Word format
- -- Jury Commissioners. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 202 (R211, S102) Word format
- -- Accident and health insurance. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 203 (R212, S149) Word format
- -- Equal Access to Interscholastic Activities Act. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 204 (R213, S429) Word format
- -- Uniform Principal and Income Act. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 206 (R215, S1029) Word format
- -- Geographic boundaries for certain bodies of water. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 207 (R216, S1033) Word format
- -- Migrant Farm Workers Commission. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 208 (R221, S1247) Word format
- -- Public service commission. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 209 (R223, S1331) Word format
- -- Research Authority. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 210 (R224, S1364) Word format
- -- Sheepshead size and catch limits. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 211 (R225, S1392) Word format
- -- Banks: Total liabilities and derivative transactions defined. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 212 (R241, H5026) Word format
- -- Administrative Law Court. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 213 (R243, H5051) Word format
- -- Higher Education mission and goals. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 215 (R217, S1059) Word format
- -- Governing Board for the Department of Natural Resources. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 216 (R220, S1143) Word format
- -- Civil War Heritage Trails. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 218 (R226, S1429) Word format
- -- Alzheimer's disease and Related disorders Resource Coordination Center Advisory Council. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 219 (R247, S512) Word format
- -- Hunting migratory waterfowl on Lake Moultrie. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 220 (R248, S788) Word format
- -- Farm Animal and Research Facilities Protection Act. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 221 (R249, S836) Word format
- -- Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 222 (R250, S1127) Word format
- -- Departments of state government and their governing authority. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 223 (R251, S1329) Word format
- -- Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 294 (R227, S1492) Word format
- -- School District 5. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 305 (R218, S1092) Word format
- -- Board of Assessment Control to be abolished. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 307 (R245, H5167) Word format
- -- Saluda County School District. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 308 (R219, S1134) Word format
- -- Williamsburg Technical College. Effective June 7, 2012
- Act No. 315 (R240, H4904) Word format
- -- Report cards. Effective June 7, 2012
- Effective June 6, 2012
- Act No. 198 (R255, H4654) Word format
- -- Exemptions and limitations on pollutants. Effective June 6, 2012
- Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 173 (R199, S220) Word format
- -- Prohibit resale of food. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 174 (R200, S1149) Word format
- -- Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 175 (R201, S1213) Word format
- -- Medal of Valor Act. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 176 (R203, S1307) Word format
- -- Statutes creating certain educational boards and commissions. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 178 (R206, H3417) Word format
- -- Special purpose districts. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 180 (R208, H4761) Word format
- -- Farm trucks defined. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 181 (R209, H5029) Word format
- -- Off-site displays of automobiles. Effective May 25, 2012
- Act No. 182 (R210, H5181) Word format
- -- Town Creek precinct. Effective May 25, 2012
- Effective May 23, 2012
- Act No. 289 (R204, H3152) Word format
- -- Constitutional amendment proposed. Effective May 23, 2012
- Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 153 (R173, S271) Word format
- -- Retirement account. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 155 (R175, S1085) Word format
- -- York County watershed conservation districts. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 156 (R176, S1122) Word format
- -- Lancaster County voting precincts. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 157 (R177, S1223) Word format
- -- Oconee County voting precincts. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 158 (R178, S1316) Word format
- -- Pickens County voting precincts. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 159 (R179, S1351) Word format
- -- Number of lifeguards for public swimming pools. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 160 (R184, S1461) Word format
- -- Williamsburg County Precincts. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 162 (R186, H3083) Word format
- -- S.C. Conservation Bank Reauthorization Act. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 163 (R187, H3236) Word format
- -- Compulsory education. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 164 (R188, H3241) Word format
- -- Charter schools. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 165 (R189, H3558) Word format
- -- Military service, duty, training or disaster relief. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 166 (R190, H3921) Word format
- -- Unclaimed remains of a Veteran. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 168 (R192, H4205) Word format
- -- Nonprofit corporation that provides water service. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 169 (R193, H4463) Word format
- -- Transfer of criminal cases to magistrate court. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 170 (R194, H4690) Word format
- -- Jason Flatt Act. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 171 (R195, H4733) Word format
- -- Plantersville Scenic Byway. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 296 (R181, S1412) Word format
- -- Berkeley County Board of Education. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 298 (R182, S1413) Word format
- -- Cherokee County Board of Education. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 309 (R180, S1384) Word format
- -- York County School District 1. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 310 (R183, S1460) Word format
- -- Fort Mill School District No. 4. Effective May 14, 2012
- Act No. 320 (R197, H4906) Word format
- -- Veteran's Issue Study Committee. Effective May 14, 2012
- Effective May 8, 2012
- Act No. 152 (R172, S6) Word format
- -- Ratification of Constitutional Amendment. Effective May 8, 2012
- Effective April 23, 2012
- Act No. 147 (R166, S710) Word format
- -- Veteran status designation on driver's license. Effective April 23, 2012
- Act No. 148 (R167, H4595) Word format
- -- Requirements for the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Effective April 23, 2012
- Act No. 149 (R169, H4664) Word format
- -- Rural infrastructure authority. Effective April 23, 2012
- Act No. 150 (R170, H4983) Word format
- -- Bird sanctuaries in York County. Effective April 23, 2012
- Act No. 151 (R171, H5042) Word format
- -- Kershaw County voting precincts. Effective April 23, 2012
- Act No. 304 (R168, H4632) Word format
- -- Marion County School Districts. Effective April 23, 2012
- Effective April 18, 2012
- Act No. 146 (R164, S1301) Word format
- -- Public Service District. Effective April 18, 2012
- Effective April 14, 2012
- Act No. 314 (R165, H4905) Word format
- -- Teacher employment notification. Effective April 14, 2012
- Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 133 (R149, S833) Word format
- -- Tuition rates for military personnel and dependents. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 136 (R154, H3254) Word format
- -- Department of Transportation/Summerville. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 137 (R155, H3333) Word format
- -- Insurance. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 138 (R156, H3393) Word format
- -- Cremation. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 139 (R157, H3631) Word format
- -- Requirements for conducting a prescribed fire. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 140 (R158, H3793) Word format
- -- Schedule I Drugs. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 141 (R159, H4295) Word format
- -- Hampton County voting precincts. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 142 (R160, H4475) Word format
- -- Equine Liability Immunity. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 144 (R162, H4716) Word format
- -- Dillon County transportation department. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 145 (R163, H4797) Word format
- -- City of Tega Cay. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 299 (R151, S1298) Word format
- -- Florence County School District Number 3 Board of Trustees. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 300 (R152, S1337) Word format
- -- Florence County School District No. 1 Trustees. Effective April 2, 2012
- Act No. 303 (R148, S321) Word format
- -- Greenwood County Board of Trustees. Effective April 2, 2012
- Effective March 29, 2012
- Act No. 134 (R150, S1227) Word format
- -- Camping on State House grounds. Effective March 29, 2012
- Effective March 14, 2012
- Act No. 312 (R139, S1200) Word format
- -- At-risk students (D. No. 4208). Effective March 14, 2012
- Act No. 313 (R140, S1201) Word format
- -- End-of-course tests (D. No. 4200). Effective March 14, 2012
- Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 126 (R143, H3583) Word format
- -- Internal Revenue Code. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 127 (R144, H3711) Word format
- -- Automobile club. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 128 (R145, H3750) Word format
- -- Autopsy. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 129 (R136, S929) Word format
- -- Benji's Law. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 130 (R137, S1063) Word format
- -- Cherokee County, voting precincts. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 131 (R138, S1196) Word format
- -- African American History Month. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 132 (R142, S1217) Word format
- -- Allendale County voting precincts. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 292 (R146, H4704) Word format
- -- Abbeville County revised tax values. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 293 (R147, H4722) Word format
- -- Abbeville County School District Trustees. Effective March 13, 2012
- Act No. 301 (R141, S1206) Word format
- -- Board of Trustees to Greenville County School District. Effective March 13, 2012
- Effective March 1, 2012
- Act No. 125 (R133, H4627) Word format
- -- Issues pertaining to the Savannah River. Effective March 1, 2012
- Effective February 27, 2012
- Act No. 124 (R134, H4636) Word format
- -- Blue alert program. Effective February 27, 2012
- Effective February 22, 2012
- Act No. 121 (R129, H3630) Word format
- -- Wine requirements. Effective February 22, 2012
- Act No. 122 (R130, H4108) Word format
- -- Municipalities. Effective February 22, 2012
- Act No. 123 (R132, H4434) Word format
- -- Pendleton District Agricultural Museum. Effective February 22, 2012
- Act No. 311 (R131, H4125) Word format
- -- Minimum standards for licensing of chiropractic facilities (D. No. 4180). Effective February 22, 2012
- Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 106 (R113, H3095) Word format
- -- Transfer fee covenants. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 107 (R114, H3122) Word format
- -- Department of Motor Vehicles. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 108 (R115, H3301) Word format
- -- Modular homes. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 109 (R116, H3617) Word format
- -- Sewage system. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 110 (R117, H3731) Word format
- -- Housemoving license. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 111 (R118, H3744) Word format
- -- Soil Classifiers. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 112 (R119, H3873) Word format
- -- Herring season. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 115 (R122, H3895) Word format
- -- Bond appearance. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 116 (R123, H3914) Word format
- -- Beaufort County highways. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 117 (R124, H3947) Word format
- -- Richland-Lexington Airport Commission. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 118 (R125, H4005) Word format
- -- Definitions regarding adulterated or misbranded food and cosmetics. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 119 (R126, H4192) Word format
- -- Law enforcement training council. Effective February 1, 2012
- Act No. 319 (R127, H4594) Word format
- -- Microenterprise Development Study Committee. Effective February 1, 2012
- Effective January 1, 2012
- Act No. 105 (R112, S258) Word format
- -- Office of Inspector General. Effective January 1, 2012
- Act No. 283 (R325, S1419) Word format
- -- Insurance brokers and surplus lines insurance. Effective January 1, 2012