Adjourn, motion to
on Bill out of order as cloture had already been invoked on the Bill; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the amendment amended the committee report which had already been tabled; overruled
out of order as not germane in that the main part called for the question of dividing the school district and the amendment pertained to the board; overruled
under Code Section 4-9-55 (b), a two-thirds vote would be required in order to adopt the terms of the Amendment No. 2 language and without a two-thirds vote, it would not be procedurally acted on in an affirmative way and a majority would not be sufficient to adopt the amendment; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that the amendment dealt with sales tax and the Bill dealt with property tax; sustained
out of order as it was the same as a previous amendment;
out of order as it was the combination of two amendments that had already been addressed by the House; overruled
out of order as it was not germane as the Bill dealt with finger printing, records, names and pictures and the amendment dealt with changing the Code in terms of time given in sentences for juveniles; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the Bill dealt with work release and the amendment dealt with changing the criteria; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that it dealt with the Appropriations Bill and not the proposed lease agreement between MUSC and Columbia HCA; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that it directly related to a Charleston County emergency room which was not in existence and would cause the people from all over the State to pay and that it did not relate to the subject matter of the Bill as put in by the Senate; overruled
out of order as not germane in that the Bill dealt specifically with dangerous animals and the amendment dealt with cruelty to animals; sustained
out of order as not germane in that the Bill was about property tax and the amendment was about sales tax; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that the Bill did not address uniform service charges; sustained
out of order as not germane in that it related to sales tax and not income tax; sustained
out of order as not germane under Rule 9.3 in that the title of the Bill dealt solely with the statute as it related to local governments; overruled
out of order as dilatory; overruled
out of order under Rule 9.3 in that it did not refer to the intent of the Bill; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that the Bill dealt with charter schools and the amendment dealt with funding full day kindergarten; sustained
Amendment to Appropriations Bill
out of order as it did not relate back to Part I;
out of order as it affected over 50 percent of the population; sustained
out of order in compliance with Rule 5.3 which requires that every amendment to the General Appropriations Bill and Supplemental Appropriations Bill include provisions appropriating funds affecting revenue, rules and regulations relative thereto; overruled
out of order as it referred back to Amendment No. 230 which had been clinched; sustained
out of order as not germane in that it did not tie to school funding and there was no line item; overruled
out of order as it would require a two-thirds vote in accordance with the Constitution; overruled
out of order as the section had already been clinched; sustained
Appropriations Bill
section to Bill out of order as not germane;
$30 million being in this year's budget or in Part I, Section 10 of the 1996-97 Appropriations Bill; overruled
section to Bill out of order as not germane in that it amended three different Code Sections; sustained
out of order in compliance with Rule 5.13 as it did not have fiscal impact statement attached;
out of order in compliance with Rule 4.4 in that it should have been referred to the Ways and Means Committee;
out of order as it had statewide impact and should not be local legislation; overruled
out of order under Article 3, Section 17, in that the Bill must relate to only one subject matter and that subject matter must be printed in the title and that the body of the Bill dealt solely with the lease or merger of MUSC and several hospitals under their control and nothing in the title related to MUSC or the hospitals that are in the Bill; overruled
out of order under Rule 4.4 and Rule 5.1 as there were appropriations involved in the MUSC lease; overruled
out of order under Rule 5.13 as MUSC Bill clearly had fiscal impact; overruled
Conference Report
Continue, motion to
Joint Resolution
motion to refer Resolution to Anderson Delegation out of order as it was a statewide issue and could not be referred to a delegation; sustained
objections removed, so bill should be on uncontested calendar; overruled
objection out of order as Joint Resolution had already received second reading and the House was no longer on the resolution; sustained
Senate Amendments
Last Updated: Monday, June 29, 2009 at 1:46 P.M.