Appropriation Bill, General (H.3362, R211)
Am. out of order - not germane to the Amendment
Am. out of order - violative of Section 11-11-440
(BRYAN)-GAB (Am. #93) Under Advsmt.
RULING BY PRES. - Sustained
Appeal of the RULING BY PRES.
(J.V.SMITH)-GAB (Am. #197) Under Advsmt.
Am. out of order - Am. was to third degree
Senator's remarks/presentation materials not germane to Am.
Mot. to reconsider not subject to a tabling mot.
Am. out of order - not germane to the Bill
Am. out of order - violative of Section 59-103-35
Am. out of order - violative of Article 10, Sect. 11 of Constitution
Mot. to table out of order - another Senator had floor
Mot. to table out of order - mot. to divide question before body
Sense of Senate mot. out of order - question before body was the adoption or rejection of Rept. of Committee of Free Conference
Appropriation Bill, Supplemental
Mot. to recommit H.3690 to SFC, retaining place on Calendar, to rank priority of those items added to the Bill by various adopted amendments out of order -- not made in Mot. Per.
Mot. to table out of order -- substantial progress in debate had not been made
Mot. to carry over was nondebatable
Motion to Adjourn
Mot. to adjourn not debatable
Mot. for a roll call vote on mot. to adj. out of order -- came too late
Under provisions of H.4239, Sine Die Resolution, inasmuch as it was 5:00 P.M., the time had come for the Senate to stand adjourned.
Motion to Carry Over
Motion to Commit
Mot. to Recommit
Mot. to Reconsider
Mot. to reconsider out of order - Reading Clerk had begun reading the subsequent amendment and the mot. came too late
Motion to Refer
Mot. to Set for Special Order
Motion to Table
Mot. to reconsider not subject to a tabling mot.
Mot. to table out of order - another Senator had floor
Mot. to table out of order - mot. to divide question before body
Mot. to table out of order -- substantial progress in debate had not been made
Senator's remarks/presentation materials not germane to Am.
Senator's remarks were tedious and superfluous
Rule 14
Rule 18
Rule 19
Rule 25
Am. out of order - not germane to the Bill/Reso.
Part II, Sect. 56, (GAB) out of order - not germane
Rule 27E
Rule 34B
Mot. to set Bill for Sp. Order came too late - roll call vote had been ordered
Mot. out of order - Rule only allows for a mot. after a Bill has been on Cal. for a minimum of six statewide legislative days
Rule 48
(CORK) Sustained and stated that a 2/3 vote would be required to waive the
provisions of Rule 48
(CORK) Sustained and stated that a 2/3 vote would be required to waive the
provisions of Rule 48
Inasmuch as Bill rec'd by Senate after May 1st deadline, would mot. to recall be subject to a 2/3 vote under provisions of Rule 48
Consideration of Bill out of order as Bill not received by Senate prior to May 1st
Statutory/Constitutional Violations
(BRYAN)-GAB (Am. #93) Under Advsmt.
RULING BY PRES. - Sustained
Appeal of the RULING BY PRES.
(J.V.SMITH)-GAB (Am. #197) Under Advsmt.
Am. out of order - violative of Section 59-103-35
Am. out of order - violative of Article 10, Sect. 11 of Constitution
Bill out of order -- violative of Article III, Sect. 15 of Constitution
Unanimous Consent
Mot. to waive nominating speeches would require unan. consent (JT. ASSEMBLY)
Mot. to limit nominating speeches to five minutes would require unan. consent (JT. ASSEMBLY)
Sense of Senate mot. out of order - question before body was the adoption or rejection of Rept. of Committee of Free Conference
Mot. for a roll call vote on mot. to adj. out of order -- division had been ordered and Clerks were in process of taking the vote. (JT. ASSEMBLY)
Mot. for a roll call vote on mot. to adj. out of order -- came too late
Inasmuch as Bill rec'd by Senate after May 1st deadline, would mot. to recall be subject to a 2/3 vote under provisions of Rule 48
Last updated on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 2:14 P.M.