Adjourn, motion to
Adjourn debate, motion to
on amendment out of order as one hour had not elasped since similar motion was made; sustained
on motion to reconsider out of order under Rule 8.14; overruled
out of order as not germane;
out of order as same as amendment previously rejected by the House; sustained
out of order as it did not amend time of election; sustained
out of order in that there is no section in Bill now that deals with property tax; sustained
out of order as it was dated March 16, 1994 and was not the previous amendment that was on the desk when cloture was ordered; sustained
ruled out of order by Speaker as identical to previous amendment
ruled out of order by Speaker as identical to previous amendment
out of order as it was not the same amendment that had been previously placed on the desk when cloture was ordered and that it appeared that it had been altered or changed; overruled
out of order as it had been taken and changes made after cloture was ordered; overruled
out of order in that it was not the same amendment; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that the Bill dealt with the hearing cases and the date for which certain cases will be heard by certain judges and not the qualifications of the Administrative Law Judges; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the Bill addressed the General Assembly holding elections based on the census lines for Congressional Districts; overruled
out of order as it was the same as a previous amendment which had been tabled by the House; overruled
out of order as same as previous amendment; sustained
out of order as same as previous amendment; sustained
out of order as it was not germane as the Bill specifically dealt with utilization of local municipal prison labor for public good and this amendment was a comprehensive Bill which was accumulative overall of the criminal system and cannot be tacked on; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the amendment dealt with storage facilities and the Bill dealt with agriculture use of land; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in compliance with Rule 9.3 in that any amendment that rewrites the Bill in its entirety must remain germane to the orginal title of the Bill; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the Bill dealt with nonresidents keeping a car in the State for a certain amount of time and the amendment dealt with federal aid to highways; sustained
out of order as not germane
Amendment to Appropriations Bill
out of order in compliance with 11-11-440 of the Code in that it affected over 50 percent of the population; overruled
out of order as it did not relate to a line item appropriation;
out of order as it did not relate to revenue; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the general thrust of the amendment dealt with the screening process and had no effect on the cost of notices and it did not relate to a line item in Part I; overruled
out of order in compliance with Section 6-27-50 in that this would require separate legislation;
out of order in compliance with Act 501, Part II, Section 70, Section G, which states that beginning July 1, 1994, in addition to the requirement set forth in Section 48-47-70 (9) for an affirmative vote of both representatives from the State of South Carolina to the Southeast LowLevel Radioactive Waste Managment Compact Commission to accept the importation of waste from outside the southeast region, the General Assembly, by a concurrent resolution, must authorize the facility at Barnwell to accept the importation of waste generated outside the region before such waste may be disposed at the Barnwell facility;
out of order as it was not germane in that there was a previous amendment ruled out of order similar to this one; overruled
out of order as it was not germane in that the State would have to seek a waiver in order to impact the state funds and it would not affect Part I; sustained
out of order in that it did not have an impact on the budget under consideration; sustained
out of order as it did not relate to Part I; sustained
out of order as it was not germane in that the substantial effect of the amendment did not relate to the purpose of the Appropriations Bill and the purpose of funds;
out of order as it was not germane it that it affected other years other than this fiscal year; overruled
out of order as it was not germane under Rule 5.3 in that no amendment of the Appropriations Bill is in order unless its substantial effect is directly germane to the purposes of the Bill; overruled
out of order under Article X, Section 5 of the Constitution which states that any tax levied shall distinctly state the public purpose to which the proceeds of the tax shall be applied and the effect of the amendment was taxes which are levied for one purpose by county and municipal government will be diverted without that being made clear and this was a violation of that Constitutional provision; overruled
out of order as not germane to original intent of Bill; overruled
Amendment to Supplemental Appropriations Bill
out of order as not germane;
Appropriations Bill
section of out of order as not germane; overruled
section of out of order as it was not in compliance with Section 6-27-50 which states that no section of this chapter may be amended or repealed except in separate legislation solely for that purpose;
section of out of order as it was not germane in that it did not relate to a line item in Part I; sustained
out of order as did not have fiscal impact statement attached;
out of order in compliance with Rule 4.4 as it appropriated funds and should have been referred to the Ways and Means Committee; sustained
out of order in compliance with Rule 5.10 in that no General Appropriations Bill or Supplemental Appropriations Bill shall receive a second reading unless printed copies of such Bills have been on the desks of members for at least three legislative days; sustained
out of order in its present status as it was not in compliance with Section 6-27-50 which states that no section of the State Aid to Subdivisions Act may be amended or repealed except in separate legislation solely for that purpose; sustained
out of order as local legislation and should be statewide legislation; sustained
motion to invoke cloture out of order as you cannot invoke cloture on reapportionment legislation; overruled
Commit, motion to
Committee of the Whole
motion to resolve into Committee of the Whole over all other motions; overruled
Continue, motion to
Rule 8.1. shall not apply since motion to continue is not debatable; sustained
out of order as it meant to move to the next session; overruled
out of order as one hour had not elasped since similar motion was made; sustained
out of order since under the Rules the amendments would have first consideration; overruled
Fiscal Impact Statement
Joint Assembly
motion to adjourn debate on the balloting during Joint Assembly until end of the balloting of the other elections out of order as the elections had already been set for this date by resolution; overruled
only one candidate in the race for At-large seat on Charleston University Board of Trustees that filed by the deadline which was February 16, 1994 and he should be elected by acclamation; overruled
Joint Resolution
out of order as not in compliance with Section 51-13-860, the statute which was passed in 1990 providing for the loan to the Patriot's Point Authority; overruled
improperly before the House under the Administrative Procedures Act in that the regulation went into effect on May 11, 1994; overruled
improperly before the House in that the regulation had been withdrawn by DHEC before it was received by the Clerk of the House; overruled
to reconsider vote whereby Amendment was tabled dilatory under Rule 8.3; overruled
substitute motion out of order as House not in Motion Period and that was the only time substitute motions were accepted under the Rules; sustained
to divide the question out of order as question not divisible; sustained
to instruct conferees to include a statement that the Barnwell Low-Level Waste Site be kept open to waste outside the compact until December 31, 1995 and the funds be used for the renovation of the State House and any remaining funds to be used for school buses out of order as there had already been a ruling on whether the statement could be placed in the budget; sustained
Motion Period
House should proceed to Motion Period under Rule 8.11 in that the Motion Period is a matter in the orders of the day not regularly reached and has not been reached since Feb. 24; overruled
Recede, motion to
Recommit, motion to
Recur, motion to
Senate Amendments
out of order as printed copies must be on desks one day prior to second reading;
Last Updated: Monday, June 29, 2009 at 3:43 P.M.